
Main Idea Fun!

It's Sunday...already??? Man, why do the weekends go so fast? It's going to be a crazy busy week with Halloween but I am really looking forward to it!

Before I begin, I wanted to announce the winner of my milestone giveaway!
Congrats Mandy B
Please check your email!

Over the past week I have started teaching main idea! I just wanted to share a few things that I did which really helped my kids start to understand how to find this very difficult concept!

The first thing we did was watch a BrainPop video! We just love Tim and Moby over here in E3!
This main idea one is actually free:)

The second thing I did was use my unit What's the BIG Idea to introduce what main idea is and how to find it!

The kids really like the main idea wheels! 

Next, I used Christina Bainbridge's Main Idea and Details Race!

This was awesome! The kids were able to quickly identify the main idea. They did have a harder time with one of the sets, but once we talked it out, they got it!

Then, I used these 5 main idea passages

I split the class up into 5 groups and they each got the same animal. It was a great way for students to work together with finding the main idea. 

Next week is spider week! And I plan on adding some spider main idea passages in there! 

We have a long way to go for being main idea masters...but at least we are getting there!

What do you do to teach main idea? I am always looking for more ideas!

Have a great week!!!

Time to Celebrate with a freebie,sale, and a giveaway!

Happy Sunday everyone!

It's been a rainy few days as Hurricane Ana just missed us! We were so lucky! I am taking advantage of the rainy weather today to work on lots of things! Trying to get caught up mostly!

Today I wanted to celebrate my first ever TpT milestone!

I can't say thank you enough! 
Every single one of you has helped me make this milestone! I couldn't have done it without you!

To say thank you, I would like to do a few things for you!

First, my TpT store is 20% off today through Wednesday!

Second, you can grab my attention grabbers posters/cards for FREE this week only!

Third, I want to do a give-a-way!
I would like to give away 5 items from my shop for free and a $10 gift card of your choice! 
All you have to do is leave a comment WITH your email and I will pick a winner on Wednesday! 

Thanks again to every single one of you! I really appreciate it! TpT has been such a blessing for me personally and my family! The friendships I have made wouldn't have been possible without TpT! I am so very thankful. The money has helped my family get through different times of need, especially our big move to Hawaii! 

Enjoy your week friends! Let's make it a great one!


Class DoJo meets Super Improvers Wall~a Bright Idea

Welcome to another bright idea blog hop!!! 

I am so glad to be back! I missed you all! 

Today I am bringing you a bright idea I just started this week! 

How many of you use Class DoJo?
 My kids love earning points throughout the day! But since I don't keep my projector on all day their points are not always up on the board. So many of my kiddos have no idea how many points they have unless they ask me or their parents tell them.

Then that became a problem! I kept hearing, "How many points do I have Mrs. Roller?" over and over and over ALL DAY LONG! That had to stop!

So I made a simple little recording sheet for them to use! At the end of the day, I project the points up on the board and they put their number in the box! That's it!

In my class, students have to earn 15 DoJo points to go up on the Super Improvers Wall. So when a student reaches 15 points, they circle that number and I know they get their certificate, star on the wall, and their SIW prize. Then I reset their DoJo points back to 0 and they start all over again! 

It really has worked wonders! The kids no longer ask me how many points they have!

If you enjoyed this bright idea, please consider following me on Facebook, TpT, and Instagram!

For more bright ideas from a variety of bloggers, please browse the link up below! 
Happy Weekend:)