
Weekly Planner Freebie!

I don't know about you, but I love to have a quick glance at the happenings for my week in one place! 

Last year I used this Peek at the Week form I created

This one is really geared towards planning for the week. I wanted a general weekly planner this year so I could see everything going on!

You can grab yourself a copy by clicking HERE! Happy Friday!!!


Makeover Madness {#tptsellerchallenge}

Happy first day of summer friends! It's been far too long since I have blogged! I really just took the first two weeks or so and decompressed. I didn't do anything school or TpT related. I needed to! 

I can't believe I go back to work in just about a month, so it is really time to kick it in gear and get my to-do list complete!

One HUGE thing I had on my list for a long time was to make over my BFG novel unit. Last week the #tptsellerchallenge was announced on IG and I new I just had to take part! The first week was makeover madness! So perfect! I got started right away, but little did I know this unit was going to take forever!

5 days later and it is DONE:)

I am very happy with how it turned out! I added new questions, new projects, and even a mini notebook for those that want to save paper:)

You can grab yourself a copy over at my TpT shop 50% off for today and tomorrow!
Click HERE

I would also like to give one away! Leave a comment telling me one thing you've done so far this summer that was fun and I will pick a winner tomorrow night! Don't forget your email!

Have a great week!