
13 for 2013:)

Happy New Year's Eve bloggy friends! What are you all doing tonight???
I am enjoying some quiet time around my house while my hubby sleeps. It stinks he has to work tonight:( So, I plan on watching some more Big Bang Theory and enjoying some fruity drinks! It's kinda nice to have a low key evening after last year's New Year's Eve. We were in Hawaii and a huge block bash down in Waikiki. It was awesome. And the fireworks...amazing! Next year I can do it again!

So I got this idea from Lisa, over at Live, Laugh, and Love to Learn! She is having a 13 for 2013 giveaway! That means 13 files from her TPT store! So so cool! You MUST go enter!

So I emailed Lisa and asked her if I could do the same thing! is my 13 for 2013!

ONE lucky person has the chance to win 13 files from my TPT store! You have until Tomorrow night to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Be safe and have fun tonight!

See you all next year!

2013 Resolution Solution Linky Party

I can't believe that 2013 is ALMOST here! I mean, seriously...where did 2012 go? I am ready to move into 2013 as I know this is going to be such an amazing year with many changes for me and my family! 

So tonight I am linking up with Amanda from Teaching Maddeness for her 2013 Resolution Solution Linky Party!

Here are my resolutions:)

1. Continue to be fit
I have done such a great job over the past two months with getting back in a routine with the gym. I have been working out 6 days a week with cardio, strength twice a week on my own, once with my personal trainer, and adding Pilates twice a week! I have even managed to lose weight over the holidays! I just got my blood work back and I have perfect cholesterol and everything came back normal! They said I am in great health! All except being overweight! Ugh:(

2. Start running again
Ever since this summer I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis I had to stop running! But now that it is under control and I feel good, I want to start running today! So...I picked up yet again another new pair of sneakers! Seriously, these are my 4th pair of the Brooks Ghost 5 shoes! They just came out with the pink ones 2 weeks ago! Aren't they super cute???

I even bought my hubby a new pair:) I mean, I couldn't come home with just a pair for me now could I? more
I am HORRIBLE with the phone. I always say I don't have time to talk to people. Well, I do have time. So my goal is to call one family member or friend each Sunday and catch up. And every Sunday it will be someone different. I also want to send a card out each week to someone just to say hi. Maybe even put something small inside, like a lotto ticket:) 

4. Stop picking 
I ma a nervous picker of my nails:( I vow to STOP

5. Move and start a family
One of my huge goals, well hubby's too,  for this year is to move and start a family! I can't believe that this is the year all this is going to happen! I have wanted to be a mom for so long! I really am excited to start this next chapter in our lives! It is really fun to look at Hawaiian names to name our children! I still can't get over the fact we are moving there! SO excited!

Since I started blogging in April I have meet some awesome people! One thing I have not done a good job of is comment and visit other blogs. I vow to comment and visit other blogs more. For awhile there I would talk about what I was doing in my classroom and also talk about new products I was making. Then I started to just talk about my products. I don't want to do that anymore. I mean, it got to be way too much and took away from the teaching I wanted to share. So, I vow to blog more about the happenings in my classroom and also my products! 

That's it! I am looking forward to a great 2013! What are your 2013 Resolution Solutions???

I'm still alive!

I know I have not posted a "normal" post in awhile. I just needed some time to not do any school work, blogging, or creating! I think the end of the year just caught up with me and I felt mentally exhausted. I needed to just stop and take a break! I have really enjoyed my time away! It's been really nice spending some time with my husband and friends! 

Right now I am watching The Big Bang Theory and doing some work all at the same time:) We don't have a working DVD player right now...haha!
I also got lovely pedicure today! And splurged and got a mani too! I'm trying to stop picking at my nails so I hope that a shallac mani would help! Dang nervous habit!

I am also starting something new in 2013. I am staring this daily journal where I write down one sentence about what I did that day. Then each year I add to it!

Here is the picture I found on Pinterest and the book I plan on using!

As I sit here tonight watching The Big Bang Theory starting from season one I have a few things I am working on. 

I am working on this cinquain unit

I also have some math task cards to create. Other things I plan to finish during the break are going through mt TPT store adding and changing a few things. I have had a few requests to make things editable and suggestions to add things.

I am off to get some things done! Have a great night!!!

Merry Christmas!

My hubby is too cute! Yesterday I get home from the gym and he asked me if I had anything to wear? Wear??? Wear for what? He said he made dinner reservations for us and I had to dress up! Ok, so with all this losing weight I have been doing I had nothing to wear. I ran out to Kohls and got a new outfit.

So later that night we got in the car, and he kept having to make pit stops(excuses). He said that the dinner reservations were cancelled because they were closed. So we had to drive around to find a place to eat. He got off the free way and pretended to make a wrong turn. Pulled into this 5 star restaurant and said, "let's give this a try!" We walked in and he actually did have reservations! Our table was waiting!

This place was gorgeous. He told me that I could have anything I wanted. We can calamari for an appetizer, a bottle of wine, I had a filet mignon with green beans and garlic mashed potatoes! I also had creme brulee for dessert with fresh fruit! Seriously...the best dinner I have had in a long time!

He told me he felt bad that he has to work Christmas night, new years eve and new years day and that he wanted to do something special for me.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and friends. I will be enjoying my day with DH before he goes into work making Belgian Waffles for breakfast, watching Christmas Story, opening presents under our foam sticker tree and making eggplant parm for dinner! Then, the rest of the night will be just me!
 See you all tomorrow!

Welcome Winter Sale!

Just a quick post before I head into work this morning for our Christmas Around the World craft day celebration! I can't wait!

I am joining Casey over at Second Grade Math Maniac in her Welcome Winter Sale Blog Hop!

Come check out my TPT store! It will be 20% off now until Sunday! 

Have a great Friday!

12 in 12 linky

Yes, I am a little late to this party! But, better late than never right??? Thanks Kristen and Hadar for hosting this fun linky! I go:)

12-favorite movie

My husband and I don't go see movies that much! Not sure why, but we don't! But today, I had a doctors appointment and just took the rest of the day off. We went and saw The Hobbit! It was really good! If you liked Lord of the Rings, you will love The Hobbit!

11-favorite TV series
I have a few that I watch all the time! I have been a follower of Greys, SVU, American Horror Story, The League, and The Walking Dead for a few years now. new TV show that I am sad to admit I just started watching it is...
I LOVE The Big Bang Theory so much, I bought seasons 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to get caught up! I think Sheldon is soooo cute;) Not my kind of guy, but I love how quirky and funny he is! 

10-favorite restaurant

I am a fan of local restaurants, not chains. Where I live in NC it is all chains and food that is bland! I HATE it! So, for my favorite restaurant, it is one in Hawaii that I just LOVE Shokudo Japanese! I can't wait to move there and eat it again! And just look at their famous Honey Toast Dessert. Can you say delish! It is to die for...seriously

9-Favorite new thing I tried

I just started Pilates and LOVE it! I will be going every Sunday at 2:15 for sure! I am loving how it makes me feel. I can't wait to see results after doing it more often! Thanks to my personal trainer for recommending it to me!

8-favorite gift I have received
My family and I don't do gifts really! Sad huh? We tend to buy what we want when we want it. I have to say one gift from my husband was a book I have been waiting to read. I came home and it was sitting in my nightstand! It was a very sweet thing to do:)

7-favorite thing I pinned
Now, I love to bake and try new recipes. BUT...this is! You MUST try it! So glad I pinned it!

6-favorite blog post
I would have to say my very first blog post! It was the start of a beautiful friendship with all my new bloggy friends:)

5-Biggest Accomplishment
I have to say, it was quitting Starbucks and starting back with my personal trainer! I feel so much better about myself without all those extra calories I was drinking. My personal trainer is the best thing that has happened to be in a long time-don't tell my hubby;) I need her! She gets me and all the struggles I go through. She pushes me, she listens. She gives advice, she is kind. She is a role model. She has become a dear friend of mine over the past 4 years! I am so glad I finally started working out with her one on one again! best.decision.ever!

4-Favorite Picture
Well, I have a few I want to share! This one was taken last January in Hawaii at Kailua Beach! I love that place and can't wait to go back. Is it June yet???

And as many of you know, I have been trying to work out, eat better all to lose weight!

Well, here is my school picture from October...YUCK!
And I JUST took this picture this weekend. I love it! What I love the most, is I can see a HUGE difference...can you???

I am not one who usually post pics of myself, but I am proud! I am doing something right for me:)

3-favorite memory
2012 was a very low key year for my husband and I. Our families and friends are all doing well and so are we. Nothing exciting or new happened! I would have to say my favorite memory of 2012 was the night my husband and I decided to move to Hawaii. We talk about it daily and are ready to leave NC. 2013 is going to be a year of many changes for us and I can't wait!

2-Goal for 2013
Well, I have a few
1.keep up with my workout plan 
2. do better about eating more. I like to eat, it's just trying to find the time to eat! haha!
3. move to Hawaii successfully!
4. Start a family;)

1-one little word

What are your 12 in 12's???

DONUT you know division part 2 and Winter Poetry

I'm BACK! I wanted to get these two new units introduced to you as soon as I could! 

So, my kids really did well with my first DONUT You Know Division Notebook! They begged me to make another one. Since we have about 2 more weeks of division, I knew I just had to make it!

In Part 2, topics that are covered are...

I really like this unit! I hope the kids do too! It is 48 pages FULL of graphic organizers, posters, task cards, and problem solving questions! 

I also finished my Winter Wonderland Poetry Unit.

In this unit, students will use their 5 senses to create a winter poem!

This is what my kids will be doing this week during writing!

As always, I want to give something away! Leave a comment and I will pick 2 people using the number generator to win both of these new units on Monday!

If you can't wait, you can pick both of these up in my stores!
Well, that's it for me today! I am off for date night with the hubby! Have a great night ya'll!

little of this and a little of that with a holiday freebie!

It's that kind of day! This blog post I warn you is kinda all over the place! Just like the thoughts running through my head! I hope you don't mind! 

Yesterday my kids asked me if they could help clean the classroom! SURE you can:) I placed kids in groups around the room! They LOVED it and asked if they could do it every Friday! Look at them in action! They are such good helpers!

 I also finished my mug bag! For the past 3 years I have done a secret mug exchange! The kids bring in a mug filled with $10 worth of stuff. It can be candy, toys, a gift card, or anything else. But it has to be for a girl or a boy! It also has to be wrapped so no one can see inside!  

On the day of our winter celebration we play what I call "Winter Musical Chairs." I place winter words on the chairs around the room. I also take the same words and place them in a bag. The kids walk around the room to winter music. When I stop the music they sit down. I pull out a word and if they are sitting in the chair with that word, they get to pick a mug bag from the table. They take the chair and go back to their seat. They wait until everyone has a mug before they can open theirs! 

Then we use the mugs for our hot cocoa party! This has been a favorite every year! So I keep doing it! I also participate in the mug exchange. I create a bag too! But, I always tell the kids I make the bag special! I always add more that they do! I love to fill it with tons of goodies! Look at my bag for this year!

$10 Target gift card
Mug with Candy
Holiday Passes
Pens and Paper

I think whoever wins this bag will love it! 
I try my best to make the bag look like some of the kids bags so it blends in;)

So today, I am going to give you the Holiday Passes I created! I hope you can find them useful! Just leave a little love is all I ask:)

Also here is the list of the words I use for my winter musical chairs!
Click on both pictures to get the freebie!
I also got an early Chirstmas Present from my Mother-in-law!
I just LOVE these!!!! They are the best Kisses around! Once we move to Hawaii in June I am sure I won't be wanting them as much!
Since this post is sooo long, I will be writing a second post today with my finished DONUT you know division notebook part 2!
Tomorrow I will be participating in the day of silence for the students, teachers, and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary. 

See you later today!



My heart is very heavy:(

My heart hurts right now and has ever since I found out. I was in the middle of giving my students a free afternoon for getting a BINGO on their class behavior chart! I took a second to look at Facebook and there it was...on everyone's page! At that minute I looked around my room to see kids laughing, playing, giggling, working together, and having a great time. Not one of them had a clue what just happened! I wanted to get up and hug them all so tightly! But I didn't because I had no idea how I should react in front of them thinking their parents might not what them to know! As I look around my classroom I just get such a pit in my could someone just walk in and kill innocent children! I want to finish my division packet...I've been trying for the past 2 hours. But I keep reading, keep checking updates, wanting to sit in front of the tv! I wish there was something I could do!

That is all I have:( I hope everyone finds love and comfort with family and friends tonight! Stay safe my friends! I adore and love you all!