I'm BACK...with some reading center stuff:)

Yes, I am back! Don't hate me for a double post! I just got back from my first ever Pilates class and....I LOVE IT! It was hard, my body hurts, I was sweating like crazy, but I feel so so good! My new motto is...
I think on Sundays, I am going to spend the hour in Pilates, bring stuff to sit in the sauna for a bit, and come home and relax! I now need my own mat! Did you hear that Santa??? Anyways...on to my I am double posting today:)

I am in the process of redoing my reading centers! My students are engaged, well...WERE engaged in what they have been doing. I think they are kinda bored with it! So, the beginning of the year we will be starting fresh with new centers! So far I have two done:) I wanted to show you them as my sale in my TPT store ends tonight so I thought maybe some of you may want to pick them up! But you know me, of course I am going to give some away! hehe:)

First up, a Reading Choice Board

Students will be given this choice board. In a course of a few weeks, they should be able to complete each square and have a finished product to turn in for each one!

I also made a few graphic organizers to go with some of the choices just in case people wanted to use them instead of a reading response notebook. Here are a few

I also made some partner reading bookmarks!

These bookmarks have before, during, and after question stems to help promote active involvement!

So that is it. I have a few more ideas I am working on! The first 3 people to leave a comment with their email will get them for free:)

You can get both of these at my TPT and TN stores now!
Have a great night!


  1. These are amazing! I was just trying to figure out how to revamp my centers and these would be perfect!

    Fabulous and Fun 4th Graders

  2. Aside from the great products and your wonderful ideas.. PILATES is wonderful! I have been going it for about 7 years and love it.

    It is a workout. Hope you get a fancy MAT.

    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

  3. Great new products! And way to go with the pilates!

  4. Darn, 1 too late:( I want that reader's response...gotta wait until after the Holidays!

  5. Just went on TPT to add your Reading Choice Board Activities to my cart. Super cute and looks so easy to use! Thanks---
    Third Grade All Stars

  6. I NEED both of these! Too bad I'm 2 too late. Will have to wait for the next sale!

  7. Pilates?! I'm trying to start working out (I neeeeed to get in shape) but I have no idea where to start. Would Pilates be a good place, or too rough yet? I've NEVER worked out in my life sooo... LOL

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  8. I need to get back into Pilates! I used to do it years ago and forgot all about it! Definitely loved it though!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  9. Interested in the division project please! Thanks so much tsedale.ryan@tdsb.on.ca
