
Math Rotations~made EASY:)

Do you struggle with math rotations? I have tired almost every possible way to incorporate math centers and rotations into my class...but nothing seemed to work. 

I tried something a few weeks ago that was SO easy...and it WORKED:)

I want to share this simple idea with you and just maybe, it might help you out during your math block!

So I have my math time from 12:40 to 2:00. That gives me a good chunk of time!

From 12:40-1:10 I like to do a whole group lesson. I like to use interactive notebooks from Blair Turner. My 2nd graders love them too!

From 1:10 to 1:40 is when my class gets to work in centers and I get to work with kids who need some extra help or need some enrichment!

This is how I work my centers:)
I have my class desks arranged in groups of 3. So I have 3 center baskets. In each basket I have a variety if math games. I make sure the games are ones we have played before. If it is a new game, we always play it as a group first. 

Each table sticks with the ONE basket for the 30 minutes. The next day I just rotate baskets. 

Day 1
table 1 has basket 1
table 2 has basket 2
table 3 has basket 3

Day 2
table 1 has basket 3
table 2 has basket 1
table 3 has basket 2

I am sure you get the picture:) Yes, they will get the same basket again, but I make sure I have enough games inside that often they don't play every game in the basket the first time. 

Here are some pictures!

Within the groups, my students broke out into smaller groups and played the games or worked individually! 
I have found the BEG to do math centers this way! 

I keep the games in the basket for a few weeks!

Then from 1:400-2:00ish we wrap up and do a problem solving question. Have to get them ready for 3rd grade! 

After years and years of trying different things, I think I finally found something that worked!

Maybe it will work for you too!

Pronoun Garden

Happy Easter Friends!
I hope you all had a great day!

I got to spend the morning with my family at a lovely Easter Brunch! It's 4:40 and I am STILL FULL! Not even my afternoon nap helped! 

I wanted to share with you a like craftivity that I had my student's complete on Thursday. 

I have seen this pronoun flower all over Pinterest on various blogs. I wanted my kids to do something a bit different. 

After talking about pronouns all week, making a simple pronoun garden was the best way to show me what they learned.

The ONLY rule was to use construction paper and glue...nothing else.

Here are their examples:) So creative!

I love how they turned out! 

Hope you all have a great week!

Do you Noodle???

After reading many blog posts on gonoodle.com I just had to give it a shot!
It's free
Easy to sign up
did I mention...it's free!!!

My kids absolutely, positivly, for sure LOVED this! They begged to do it again! The minute I said, "If we stay focused, get all our work done, and we do it quietly, we can do gonoodle."

They never worked so hard!

Many teachers I read use it as brain breaks. I will do that as well, but for now, I am treating it more as an end of the day incentive! 

Take a look...they did great!

I highly recommend you try this as soon as you can!


Spring Acrostic Poems!

Well hello friends! It's been awhile! I was in Maui last weekend with my uncle! It was so nice to get to see him! He flew all the way here from Michigan which he does every year. I haven't seen him in over a year. It sure was a nice relaxing weekend!
Paddle Boarding
Sea Turtles

Can I go back now???

Here are a few pics:)

Then I was playing catch up all week! It's been quite stressful! I sure have a busy day today!

I just wanted to stop in and show you a simple acrostic poem idea you could do for spring!

As a class, we talked about words that describe spring. We even looked at books to help us!

Then students made their acrostic poems in their writing notebooks. Instead of just writing 
S-sprouting flowers

and so on...

I wanted my kiddos to write complete sentences. I mean, they are almost 3rd graders. They need to be doing that!

Here is our class poem

Once their poems were complete and checked, they were able to make their rainbow craft! No templates, just scissors and glue!

Here are our final rainbows!

The kids really loved making these! 

So this week, we are going to do some more rainbow poetry thanks to my friend Corinna over at Surfin Through Second!

You can grab her AH-MAZING freebie HERE!

I hope you all have a great start to your week!