
Next year I will be teaching...

OMG is right! 5th will be a new adventure for me! I am scared, nervous, excited, hopeful, and a million other feelings all at the same time! I have never taught higher than 3rd believe me, my feelings are quite real:) But I am confident that I got this...and I will do well. Sure I will make some mistakes, and sure I might be a bit stressed out next year...but I know I will learn, grow, and develop as an educator! 

Here's to 5th grade!


My Dad's a Super Hero

Happy Sunday Friends!
I can't believe I have 12 more days with my students. I am really ready for this year to be over. It's been a long one for sure. 

Last year I looped so I have had most of my kids for 2 years. I thought I would like it...some days I do, but by this time of the year, I am exhausted and they are ready to move on!

Since we end the year before Father's Day, I wanted the kids to make something special their dads. I saw this super cute picture on Pinterest!

I thought it was SOOOO cute! So, I made a little writing activity to go with it:)

I plan on having the kids take their photo this week and getting them developed. The kids will write why their dad is a super hero in their eyes!

Would you like a copy? Just check out my TpT shop and get yourself a copy for free!

Have a great week!