Next year I will be teaching...

OMG is right! 5th will be a new adventure for me! I am scared, nervous, excited, hopeful, and a million other feelings all at the same time! I have never taught higher than 3rd believe me, my feelings are quite real:) But I am confident that I got this...and I will do well. Sure I will make some mistakes, and sure I might be a bit stressed out next year...but I know I will learn, grow, and develop as an educator! 

Here's to 5th grade!


  1. Yay! That's so exciting, congratulations! Reading this made me really excited to find out about my own placement (as a student teacher) in the fall. Again, congratulations and good luck! Can't wait to read about life in grade five!

  2. I moved up to fifth this year!!! I had 19 years in third and three in fourth. I did have to review some of math skills to make sure that I was smarted than a fifth grader!!! Good Luck!!!

  3. I LOVE 5th grade! I had taught Kindergarten and 3rd previously, 5th grade is probably my favorite...they are so independent and still willing to learn, which leads to some fantastic projects and higher thinking levels. Best of luck in your adventure next year, I am sure I will enjoy following along on your blog!

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