
Classroom "BE" Board part 2

Happy Saturday friends!

I posted a few days ago all about my new BE board unit! You can read about it here!

Since that post, I was able to get started in my room...us Hawaii teachers go back this week:(

The first thing I did was put up all my new fabric and boarders. 

I am going with a grown up, earthy, sleek, clean feel! It's been years since I have changed my colors and I love the new look!

Next, I decided to get started on my BE board. I found some wooden letters from the craft store. 

I painted them the color I wanted and then got busy hot gluing the push pins on the back! Thanks to the worker at the craft store for this awesome idea! 

Finally I was able to put it all together I LOVE it!

Here's a better look at the full board!

I really hope the kids like it as much as I do! 
For the rest of the weekend, you can snag my new Character Education BE Board unit (wooden letters not included) for just $1!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


I'm a V.I.P {classroom management strategy}

Hello friends! I hope you have had a great weekend! It's been a pretty relaxing one over here! It is super hot, sticky, humid, and just plain nasty outside...so I am keeping myself inside and busy! I might take a trip to the beach and relax later today though! 

Back to school time is approaching...blah! One thing I really wanted to try last year was a V.I.P table but I was unable to. Well, this year I am trying it and I couldn't be more excited!

What is a V.I.P table you may ask? Well, after seeing some blog post from other bloggers I knew I had to do this! I wish I had my area to show you and blog about, but I don't.

A V.I.P table is a special place you can have students sit. Some teachers pick two or three students per day to sit at the table. At the table there are special goodies for them to use throughout the day. Some teachers move students during the day!

I am going to show you three blogs where you can find some awesome V.I.P ideas! Please check out these fabulous teachers by clicking on their button!

I am so excited to get into my room and set this up! I really hope the big kids {5th graders} like this! 

I created a freebie unit with some button printables, table signs, brainstorm notes and a rules poster.

24 different button combinations
10 V.I.P table poster colors to choose from

You can grab this for FREE in my TpT shop!

Enjoy your Sunday!


Classroom "BE" Board {Character Education}

Happy Wednesday!

I am sitting here waiting for the cable/internet guys to show up! We are switching companies because our internet is SOOOO SLOW! I can't wait to actually be able to use Nextflix and OnDemand without any download issue!

I have less than 20 days until it is time for me to go back...sad, very sad:( So it's time for me to semi start thinking about back to school! hehe!

Last year I focused on one saying and had a beautiful painting hanging in my classroom! "Be Brave" was my class motto and I loved it!

This year I want more:) I want my students to "BE" a lot of things, not just brave! I wanted to create a beautiful wall display where my kiddos can see all sorts of character traits that they can be! 

I bring you by newest, and probably my most favorite product...

I can't show you pictures yet of just what my board looks like because I can't get into my room. But as soon as I can, I will be posting pictures!

Inside you will find
~the word BE in large font to print out
~36 character traits

3 different word options
-without frame
-with frames
-with frames and color

I am super excited to print this and put it up! 

For today only, you can grab this BE Board decor in my TpT shop for only $1! 

Have an awesome day!