
August currently

Happy August! I can't believe it's already here! I haven't linked up for a currently in a long time so I thought since I had some time today I would:)

It is so quiet in my house...I love it! The air is going upstairs and it's just me and my kitties! No music, no tv, no hubby! 

I am in LOVE with my new move to 5th grade! I have had the best week ever! My kids are wonderful and I think I have built a positive bond between us over the past 3 days! I hope this keeps going. I will be back soon to show you my room and discuss some more about my new adventure in 5th grade land! 

I really think I want to take a nap! I have so much work to do {needing} but it's kinda hard when I can't keep my eyes open! That's the reason why I think we should have an extra day in our weekends{wanting}! We all need that day to catch up and recoup! Right?!?!?!

Like Farley, I too want to do Mailbox surprises. I did them a few years ago during Christmas time. I would like to do something all year long! It's just a simple and easy way to say thank you and hello to your coworkers! I am thinking small card and maybe a piece of candy, hand sanitizer, gum, or a new pen. 

Do you have any ideas?

I hope you're all having a great weekend! I am off to check out more currentlys over at Farley's blog!


  1. I think I'm going to give each of my coworkers a flair pen with something else. You can get packs of 10? 12? and then split it up! Maybe with a dollar spot to-do list?! I'm still brainstorming too!!
    I'm also needing to work on my to-do list! Hopefully we can be productive!!

    The Gypsy Teacher

    1. Great idea with the flair pens!

      I'm trying to leave a comment on your post,but call me stupid, I can't figure it out! So sorry! Maybe I do need that nap!

  2. I love getting little encouraging notes in my box at school. I think a little note pad also might be nice to leave in their box. They have some super cute ones in the Target Dollar Spot.

    The Learning Chambers

    1. Dollar spots rock...when we have stuff:( It's always so picked over here! I hate it! I LOVE the idea of using note pads instead of a card!

  3. Soooo I LOVE your blog! Makes me want sweets right now! LOL! And.... I wish so bad I took advantage of naptime here! Booo! Maybe tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend! Blessings!

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