
Just a few more hours! And a possible fraction test???

Hey all, I am just dropping in...(I'm in the middle of finishing my 7 day sub plans) to remind you that you only have a few more hours to enter my 700 follower giveaway! I will be picking two winners tomorrow! I can't wait to see who wins!

I am in the middle of making a review fraction test for my kids to practice on! I am just curious if anyone else would be interested in it. I am not adding clipart, borders or nothing fancy. Again, this is a practice test!  Here are some snapshots of what it looks like!

If this is something people would be interested in, I can work on it more and add it to my shops! Let me know what you all think!

Ok...back to my plans. I HAVE to get these done since I am leaving bright and early Monday morning! Thanks Jess or saying yes to picking me up at 4:30am! hehe!  


Looky what I made:)

Today is short and right to the point! I am trying SOOOOO hard to get my sub plans done as I am leaving for Hawaii in just a few days! I have 7 days of sub plans to make...I HATE sub plans! But I am SO going to enjoy my time away!

In the mix of working on my sub plans yesterday I discovered a new app on my ipad and I just LOVE it! I created my very first doodle frame! It's not that great...but I am sure going to play around with this and start making frames too! How fun!

If you want to use it, just click on the picture. It is yours for free! This was a trial run! I hope I get better with practice! What do you think???

Well...back to sub plans! Don't forget tonight is my last night for my sale! My giveaway ends Friday!

Have a great night!

simplest form isn't so simple:( Fonts, and maybe a freebie???

Happy Tuesday! It has been a  rainy one over here in NC...I mean, rain ALL DAY. It hasn't stopped! I kinda want to crawl into bed and just watch TV! Maybe if I can accomplish a few things off my list for tonight I can do just that! 

I have been teaching fractions now for awhile. Just this past week I started teaching finding the simplest form! After yesterday, I wanted to pull my hair out! About 6 kids got it and the rest...ugh! These kids are really getting fractions too, but this part...not so much!

So today I tried more of a visual way! I used drawing out fact family trees and it really helped! Many kids, even the ones that really struggle with math finally got it! So today after work, while sitting at Starbucks (waiting for my cat to be ready at the vet-he had 7 teeth pulled today)  I made these posters to give them tomorrow!

I added some practice problems and there is my remediation group activity for tomorrow! 

Does anyone have a way they teach simplest form their kids? Leave a suggestion with your email and you might find yourself with a goodie in your mailbox;)

Another thing I have started working on is a new TV show theme set of fonts. If you can guess what this new TV show is, I will email you my font license for free! It is another favorite show of mine. It is still currently on and is in it's 9th season

And last but not least, don't forget about my sale and my mega 700 follower giveaway! The sale ends tomorrow night!

Here's to getting things accomplished tonight so I can relax!

Milk and Cookies with some fractions!

Happy Sunday Friday! I am in busy town over here! SO much to do and not enough time! I am leaving for Hawaii next Monday and I just can't find the energy to work on my week long sub plans! I also NEED to get my online portfolio done and review some interview questions! Ugh, it's been FOR-EVER since I have had to do this. 

  I need to clean this house, run some errands, finish my laundry...and more! Anyone want to come over and help???

But what I did manage to just finish was a new fractions activity! 

So the other day I posted about my instant data idea! I can't believe I have had almost 600 views on that post and over 50 repins that I have seen in Pinterest! WOW!

You can clearly see that question 9 was one many kids did not get. Well, this question was about unit fractions. I want to do an extra mini lesson this week focusing on unit fractions!  So I bring you this activity!

This unit includes
-I can statement
-what a unit fraction is
-3 posters to explain how to find a unit fraction
-10 word problems with pictures

I think I may even go buy some cookies and practice with them:) 

I am going to take a look at other parts of fractions they didn't understand and do more remediation activities on those!

Want to win this? Just leave a comment below and I'll come back tonight about 8pm eastern time and pick a winner.  

I am also adding it to my store which is 20% off and buy 1 get 1 free:) 

Don't forge to enter my 700 follower giveaway! Thanks for EVERYTHING!

Back to work I go...ugh, and it's almost 3pm already:( Just SLOW DOWN Sunday...please!   

Instant Data idea:) plus Font Friday

I tried something new today, and I have to say...I was very impressed! 

Last night I graded my students last math test and today I went over it with them. I cut this paper up I made and gave each student a strip.

As we went over each question, I had students color in the square if they had that question wrong

Once we were done with the test, I took each strip and taped them to a manilla folder.

INSTANT data!!! I did not have to plug numbers into a computer. I can clearly see that question 9 is one I really need to go over. I plan on the bottom writing the percentages. 

I showed this to my Principal and Instructional Facilitator and they both loved the idea. What do you think?

On another note, I said I would start a Font Friday! Well, it's Friday! I plan on adding these three fonts to my TpT and TN files this weekend.
Alright...I am back to the movie with my husband! I have a ton to do and get ready for my trip to Hawaii in a week and a half! I just wish he was going with me:(

Just a little thank you and a question!

WOW! THANK YOU all for wanting to help! I was going to go with a 7 theme but since I have SO many FANTASTIC bloggers, I will forgo my 7 theme and use each and every one of you! It is almost 8pm and I just got home. It's been a long day. I will be putting everything together and responding to each one of you hopefully tomorrow!

I also have another question for you all! Do you use exit slips? I have changed my math block just a bit from my last post (yes, I know it was last week, but I am ALWAYS changing something when I see it doesn't work) and I started using this exit slips idea I made last night.

All the way to 24. I made them in PowerPoint and printed them out 9 on a page. Then I cut them out and used cute blue, light purple, and dark purple paperclips to attach them to a pocket chart. 

This is what I got...

This way, at the end of my lesson, I am giving the kids 10 minutes to answer one question on a index card or some kind of paper. They place it behind their class number. I was going to stick the numbers on the pocket chart but I didn't want to ruin it if I wasn't going to like this or do this next year.

So, my question is this...would this be something anyone would be interested in? I can make it into an editable PowerPoint so you can print them out 9 to a page or even less than that.

I am using these exit slips for a review lesson the next day for the ones who didn't get it. It was been working awesome! 

Let me know what you think!
Have a great night!

Almost 700, FONTS, and Freebies

I can't believe I am almost to 700 followers! WOW! So, I have something planned to celebrate in just a few days, I am sure! Make sure to check it out soon! It will be a GREAT time to get some items from my store! Trust me:)

One of those items you can pick up will be my Font License! I have been making them like crazy (in the process of 3 more new ones) and I want to make them as reasonable as I can for you to use! If you use any of my fonts for personal or commercial items, make sure to go grab the license HERE. It is only $5 and this will cover ANY past, present, and future fonts I make. Just when you download, check back often here on my blog for any updates! And you can use the fonts on ANYTHING!

I am back to teaching cause and effect this week! They did such a great job with the Camilla Cream activity! I created this very simple, easy to use unit that you can project on the board to use to introduce cause and effect! 
You can get this HERE for free:) 

Something else my kiddos are working on this week is sequencing! So I also put together this unit last night! It has 18 pages of transition words, a single page with all 18 transition words-great for a notebook, a blank chart to write your own transition words, and a peanut butter and jelly sequencing writing activity

I am adding this unit to my TpT and TN stores tonight! But for the first 3 people to comment with their email I will give it to you for free:)

Hope you all have a great night! You have just a few more hours to enter the All You Need is Love Giveaway! 

Valentine's Day Project-they LOVED it:)

Over the past 3 years I have done the same poster project for Valentine's Day. It is SO much fun and could easily be a great end of the year project too! After the first year I did this the parents and the students told me how much it meant to them. Also, some students I had 3 years ago still have their posters! Let me show you what I am talking about:)

As soon as we got back from Winter Break (January 3rd), I told the students about this Valentine's Day project and that they are not to go out and buy Valentine Cards. They always get so sad at this point! They don't realize what I have them do is a lot more fun!

I give each student a bag of index cards and a class list. They were to write a compliment about each student in the class. When they were all done, they needed to turn the cards back in to me. Then I separated the cards into a new bag. One bag for each student. So every student had 24 compliments.

Then today was the fun part! I put all the bags into a a bucket. Each student pulled one bag out, and it couldn't be their own bag.  So Ben pulled out Izzy's name and created a poster for Izzy. They had 2 hours to decorate a poster for that person using all the compliments and...this fun stuff 

Stickers, foam shapes, paper, stamps...you name it, it was there. I always ask for donations and have had a TON left over from year to year!
Their first set of instructions was to write the person's name somewhere on the poster and the glue the compliment cards on. 

Once all the cards and name was on the poster, they could start decorating. It was SO awesome to see how each poster was different. How creative these kids got! 
Here are some pictures of them starting to decorate

 Here are some final posters

I also made a poster for one student and a student made one for me!
Students were very secretive about who they did because it wasn't until the afternoon when we were going to present them.  

During the afternoon, we played bingo, enjoyed from friendship fruit salad, veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, and cookies. Once the parents got there every student presented the person their poster they made for them! 

Here is my poster that was presented to me:)
At the end I had a parent take our pictures holding the posters! Don't mind the 3 year old twins in the front. Those are siblings of a student:)
I am one tired teacher today! SO glad tomorrow is a teacher workday! Best Idea ever! haha!

Enjoy your Valentine's Day!  

All You Need is LOVE Giveaway!

Today I am linking up with Jessica from Mrs. Standford's Class for a LOVEly giveaway:)
Many bloggers are linking up to give YOU something for FREE! Check out Jessica's blog to see what other bloggers are giving away! 

But what about me??? What am I giving away???

I am going to give ONE lucky winner...
$10 worth of items from my store AND a $5 Starbucks gift card! 

All you have to do is...
1. follow my blog
2.leave a comment telling me what items you would like to have and anything else if you would like to:)

I will pick a winner February 19th! 

Have fun blog hopping and Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow! I can't wait for tomorrow for our all day poster making craft event!


Winner, More Fraction Task Cards, Fonts:)

I feel so much better today! Thank you all for your kind words. I took today off as my husband and I had to take our 3 cats to the vet. The process of getting them to Hawaii is a lot. They all had their blood work done today which has to be overtightened from NC to Hawaii! Let's just say, a trip today with all 3 of them in the car was NOTHING what it will be like from Raleigh to Seattle! That's going to be one longgggggggggggggggggg car ride!

The winner of my Editable Math Journals is....
Please email me so I can send you your unit!

Thank you ALL so much for the thoughtful comments about my math block! After much thought, I will work on compiling everything I can that I use for my math block into one unit pack and update my daily math notebook!

Continuing with the math theme. I just made this new Fraction and Lengths task cards unit! I am teaching this tomorrow and wanted some task cards to use!

There are a few posters to help teach the concept

Then I have 20 task cards to practice, plus a recording sheet

I am posting this to both of my stores tonight! But, I would like to give this unit away for the first 3 comments WITH your email!

And last, but not least...I have a few new fonts for you all! I really think I am getting good at this!

I used the TR Kripke in my new fraction unit above! I really like it!
You know the drill with the fonts:) 
Have a great night!