
1,000 Follower SALE and Giveaway!

WOW, I can't believe it! Today was a great day for my blogging world! I reached 1,000 followers on Bloglovin AND reached a personal milestone on TpT! 

To say a HUGE thank you, I put my TpT shop on sale until the end of the money for 20% off. 
AND select items are for $1.00!

ALSO...I would love to give one luck winner a shopping spree to my store and a coffee to enjoy while shopping. Any 10 items you would like and a $5.00 Starbucks gift card!

Just leave a comment and I will pick a winner on the 31st.  

Thanks again to ALL OF YOU!


Do you do a Number of the Day???

I have finally decided to change my math block to a way that works best for ALL my kids!

One of the things I added was a number of the day! 
After searching TpT and Pinterest, looking for something...I wasn't able to find what I thought would work for me.

So...I made it:)

Here are some pictures of how I use it in my room!

So that's it! 
Students do this as a part of their independent center. We take 5 minutes or so to go over it at the end of the math lesson. Not every day, but a few times a week! The other days, they have math problem solving for independent center. 

Want to win a copy??? Leave a comment and I will pick a winner tomorrow when I get home from work!

Have a great week!


Happy MLK day! I am SO thankful to have this day off! I sure need it! Hubby is working, in-laws are working...so I have the house.to.myself! YES! I will be quite busy that's for sure!

All week long, my students enjoyed learning about MLK. They loved each craft, story, activity, and video clip we watched! 

I had them come up with their own hopes and dreams like MLK did. This is what we did with them!

I am not done, but I LOVE how they turned out. We are also using each student picture in a Voicethread! I can't wait to finish them tomorrow!

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr I am throwing a sale in my TpT shop!
Thanks to Flying into First Grade for the graphic!

This would be a great time to get my two new items!

I'll be back later today to talk about my Number of the Day! 

Enjoy your Monday!

TR Doodle Header Frames~ want a copy?

How was your weekend? Are you off tomorrow? I am SO glad I have one more day...I have yet to do anything school related...OOPS! 

It's been a quiet, yet bust day around here! 

Went out for breakfast
Spent HOURS cleaning out our closet/pantry....My husband has a bit of a hording problem when it comes to food! He thinks for some reason the store is going to run out...haha!

Cleaned the bedroom

Cooked 4 new clean meals for the week

and now I am relaxing for the night!

I am trying to get back into doodling on my iPad and making fonts! 
I made some new header frames that I really like!

Want a copy? 
If you can guess how many bags of croutons my husband has in our pantry/closet...I will give you them for free:) 

See you tomorrow!

MLK update and a Rosa Parks Activity:)

My students loved learning about Marin Luther King!

To check their understanding, I posted two questions on my classroom blog

During our tech time, every student was able to answer both questions! I was so happy with their answers!
Here are a few:)

I LOVE it!

We started a voice thread too with their dreams, just like Martin had! I will share that when we are done!

Today we also did a little learning about Rosa Parks. My kids showed great interest in her when they heard about her and the bus boycott when learning about MLK. 

We watched a BrainPop video
We made a chart about what we learned

I found this free bus craft! 

Students then make a Rosa Parks book out of it. 

They turned out really cute! 
Great last minute Friday activity that was completely inquiry based! I love it when they decide what they want to learn!

Any big plans this weekend? Me...RELAX and CATCH UP! I am looking forward to this 3 day weekend! Bring it on!

In the mean time, I will be back this weekend with this:) I can't wait to show it to you all!


Our Friend Martain~an MLK Unit, FB Blog Hop, and Educents Shout Out

Happy Friday Friends!
Any big plans over the weekend? I realllllyyy have to catch up on some school stuff since I go back Monday...but at least my kids don't come back until Wednesday:)

I know one thing I will be adding to my lesson plans over the next few weeks is my Martain Luther King unit!

This unit is to go with the movie Our Friend Martin

This unit includes:

10 questions from the movie

posters for each question

response sheet with an answer key

2 time traveling writing activities

A character traits activity

Change Activity-how the main character Miles in the movie changed from the beginning to the end

BIG words Map for each of Dr. King's big words

I have a dream speech bubble activity

Don't have the movie....no problem! You can watch it on YouTube! 

My kids have always loved watching this movie!

My unit is available in both of my stores!

Want to win one for free? Just leave a comment and I will pick a winner tomorrow!

Speaking of tomorrow...some pretty spectacular second grade teachers are doing something for YOU!
You won't want to miss it...check back tomorrow bright and early!

Have you picked this Educents Bundle up yet???

If you haven't...you really should!

Cynthia from My Kind of Teaching has an awesome geometry unit!

I really love and appreciate the
-I can posters
-essential question posters
-pre and post test
-anchor charts

Those help SO much when helping students understand WHAT it is they are learning and WHY they are learning it.  

Games include
-task cards-
-drawing shapes activities-

and I just LOVE the differentiated lesson plan activities!

I just can't say enough about this unit!

Time is now to grab this awesome bundle. You can get this unit, plus 21 others for $29.99

Have a great weekend!!!