
July Currently!!!

Wow! July already? I feel like I have been a super bad blogger this summer! July for me means getting ready to head back to work! I start July 28th and the kids come August 1st:(  My year is going to be a bit different, but I will talk about that in another post! 

Today I am linking up with Farley for her monthly currently!

My husband and I are loving Aerial America on the Smithsonian Chanel!
I love learning the history of every state and seeing all the pictures! Right now we are watching Georgia. 

Thank you Angelia from Extra Special Teaching for suggesting the boot camp class!

 I am hooked! Together, Angelia and I have been going every day at 8:15 in the morning and getting a seriously sweaty workout! But I love it! I need it! I will miss it when I go back to work! Best Groupon purchase ever! 

I am already seeing a huge difference in my clothes and slowly seeing the scale move! Needless to say, this summer has really been dedicated to working out and getting healthy!

Yup...I go back in a few weeks! I need to really start planning and prepping because I haven't touched a thing all summer. I also really need to get out and enjoy my summer! I still have a few things I really want to go before I go back!

My hubby finally got a job! It's been a long time coming! He has been applying, studying, interview and it has all paid off! I am SO proud of him! He has worked so hard for this! He actually got the job offer in May but with all the credentialing, paperwork...and so on...it is taking forever for the hospital to get everything ready for him to start. He has a start date for August! Keep your fingers crossed for us! I can't wait for him to start as we have started thinking about finding our first house and finally start trying for a family! The last half of this year is going to be amazing...I know it!!!

GYM CLOTHES! Need I say more???
While I love all the super cute tanks...I don't have the body for them yet! What I really need is some more sports bras! I love Moving Comfort

BEST ones ever! And they last! I have had mine for 4 years and they are still in great shape!

I could really use some new shoes! I am a huge fan of Brooks!!! I think these are my next pair...or two:)

4th Plans
My family is heading over to my brother in-laws condo for the day! He manages the building so we get to grill out by the pool and go on the roof to watch the fireworks! I can't wait!

Everyone have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July!

Winner and Happy Father's Day

I am just about to sit down with my in-laws and have a nice Father's Day dinner! I wanted to wish all those dad's out there a super special Happy Father's Day! 

Thanks for all the awesome compliments on my Writing Throughout the Year unit! I can't wait to try some of your ideas!

I asked my dad on the phone today to pick a number...and he picked...7
Contrats to Ms. Walker's Class
Make sure to check your email.

If you were waiting to see who won before buying it at the $2 weekend price, you're in luck. I will keep it $2 for one more day! 

Grab it here! It goes back up to $4 tomorrow night!
Here's to a great week!

Writing Throughout the Year~update and giveaway!

I have been working for the past 2 days on a major product update! I really wanted a new look and feel to my year long writing calendar prompts! And boy, do I LOVE how they turned out!

Each month comes with 3 printing options!

Black and white with clip art
Black and white without clip art

I can't wait for my kiddos to use these next year!
When I print them, I usually print them 2 to one page and then the kids glue them in their writing notebook. 2 to one page makes them a bit smaller to fit:)

Students have choice in what they write about. They pick their prompt, cross it off and put a date in the box. 

I also like to have the kids copy the prompt in their writing notebook so I know which prompt they picked!

For this weekend only I have them in my shop for $2.00. You can grab them HERE!

Want to win a free copy? Leave a comment of how YOU would use these! I will pick a winner on Sunday!

Here's to an awesome weekend!

Amazon Winner, Workin' it Wednesday, and something new:)

Happy Wednesday! I hope you're all enjoying your summer or are REALLY close to being off! I am in week two and summer is just FLYING by...boo!
This is what I have been up to!

I am linking up today for my second week in a row for Workin' it Wednesday with Corinna over at Surfin' Through Second

I have a lot of fitness goals this summer! 
I do pretty good with my workouts, but I could do better. 
I WILL push myself more
I WILL challenge myself to new workouts at the gym. 

BUT...what I need to do better at is the food:( I have the biggest sweet tooth EVER. I was eating clean all the time back in NC. Now that I am living with my in-laws and I share a kitchen with 6 other people...it is really hard. I am not trying to use it as an excuse, but trying to find room in the fridge and space to cook is difficult. So, I am trying as much as I can. 

Here are some new recipes I am super excited to try or have tried!

What are some of your favorite healthy recipes?

Thanks for all your awesome comments on my last blog post! I have some new read alouds I would like to add to my cart!

The winner of my $10 Amazon gift card is...

And last but not least...I have been meaning to add this to my TpT shop for awhile! Here is a sneak peek! I will be back to blog about it soon!

Enjoy the rest of your day!


Mem Fox came to Hawaii~plus a little Amazon giveaway!

Before I begin, I must announce the winner of my game boards! Congrats Colleen! Check your email for the goodie:)

The other day I had a great opportunity to attend a Read On conference in Honolulu featuring Mem Fox! 

If you have never seen her in person or listened to one of her presentations, you're missing out! Not only is she funny, she is an amazing story teller!

She talked a lot about the importance of reading aloud to kids! She mentioned so many times how she hates when principals think reading aloud is not important! 

She also mentioned if she ever caught anyone using her books for "teaching" she would hurt them! LOL! She believes that reading aloud should be for pleasure~I couldn't agree more. I read aloud to my kids each day after lunch. No questions, no prompts, pure enjoyment. One year when I was teaching my principal required teachers to read aloud 30 minutes a day and have a lesson plan to go with it...full of questions and response sheets for kids. Um...SO glad I don't work there any more!

Mem explained to us what makes a story teller! I would like to share some of her ideas with you.

read with ZEST
never read anything you don't like yourself
entice, like a real salesperson, with the first line
paint pictures with your voice by visualizing each scene
fall in love with the pause
don't over-express
don't speak immediately after you have finished the book. allow for a few seconds of total silence for the "feather to fall to the floor"

What is your favorite book to read aloud?

I want to give a way a $10 amazon gift card so you can buy some new read aloud books!

Enter below!

Have a great week!


Create-A-Game~5 different board games!

I love to create board games for my kids! I use them in centers and also review games! But what I really like to do is have students create their own board games and play them with their classmates! 

So I decided to do some doodling and I came up with this 5 different board games! 

Each board game comes with 3 different options!
Black and white
and Transparent!

I'd love to give one of these away today! Just leave your name and email and I will pick a winner tomorrow!

Off to the gym I go!

Enjoy your Friday! 

Workin it Wednesday~summer linky party!

I am so excited to kick off summer with a super fun linky party hosted by non other than my ah-mazing Hawaii blogger buddy Corinna over at Surfin through 2nd

I am determined to get my act in gear and lose some weight! I don't have a problem going to the gym...I mean I'm up every morning at 3:30 to be at the gym by 4:45 every morning during the work week! So what's my problem...food! I have such a sweet tooth and love me some Starbucks! I would say I am addicted:(

So this summer I have given up Starbucks! I am 5 days sober! HAHAHA! 
Another great thing about being off is my husband is off this summer too! We go to the gym together, but not work out together. Even having him in the same room with me makes me push harder! There is something about him being in there knowing he is watching me! LOL. I can't slack off! 

So I bought a little book for this summer and my work outs! I will use it to write down what I do at the gym, foods I eat, and so on! It will be my little summer workout diary:) 

I started my morning off right with some egg whites, turkey sausage and a little cheese! 

Such an embarrassing picture of me...but you know what..I don't care! I was finished at the gym on a big sweat mess! 

I soooo got this! Off to the gym I go!