Party Points~whole class incentive FREEBIE

How has your weekend been going? Mine has been super lazy! I took Friday off to, well, get a root canal! It's been a sleepy and painful weekend! I would have rather been to work on Friday then go through that! If you follow me on saw my picture right after...and boy was I numb! 

Well today is another day of rest and eating anything soft! 

I wanted to share with you something in my class that has worked wonders! 

I know you have heard of the marble jar, the brownie points, spelling out words to earn a whole class incentive! I wanted to do something simple yet fun for the kids. I call it...Party Points!

I printed this out on card stock and laminated it. Every day my class wins on the WBT scoreboard, I give them a party point by putting a smiley face in the box. . I never take party points away. If I win on the scoreboard, they just don't earn one for the day! 

Simple:) The kids have loved having an ice cream party, and extra recess afternoon!

Want to try this out yourself? Just click the picture above to get our freebie! I have them in 5 different colors:)

I'd love to hear what you think! 

Have a great start to your week!


  1. Could you explain the WBT scoreboard? What are the points based on? I love these cards! Thanks!

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  3. This is exactly what I was looking for to use with my WBT scoreboard! Thank you!!

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