
Friday Freebie Time-featuring This Little Piggy Reads

It's Friday, and that means it is Friday Freebie time!

Knock, Knock – Friday?

Knock, Knock – 3:30?

Knock, Knock – Weekend?

If you keep up with Tonya’s Blog, you know she loves Big Bang Theory and so do I!  I thought this was the perfect way to start off my guest blog for her Friday Freebie!  
I’m Deniece from This LittlePiggy Reads.  

I love Tonya’s blog (and her classy new design).  Tonya and I have a lot in common…we both teach 3rd Grade, we both watch The Walking Dead, we both make fonts and we both are moving to the beach.  Just kidding, I’m totally jealous that Tonya is moving to a beach!  

As summer approaches, Teachers across the country (and world) have more time on their hands.  Many of my friends want me to “teach them” how to make products to sell on Teachers Pay Teachers.  We just couldn’t nail down a date to get together so instead I decided to make quick videos that will show them how to begin selling on TpT.  The following video explains how to create a cute cover page and credits page.  

To Celebrate Tonya’s very first, Friday Freebie and to get you started working on new products over the summer…I made some digital backgrounds. 

Thanks Deniece for the AWESOME post! I am heading over NOW to your shop to get this paper!!! 

Make sure you head over to Deniece's blog, follower her and leave a comment! She is super sweet!

Don't forget YOU can be a part of my Friday Freebie! 

All you have to do is sign up HERE 

SignUp Genius is very easy to use. Follow the directions on the top of the page! It is that easy! 

I hope you all have a great weekend!!! It's my last weekend before summer officially starts!!!


Minute to Win it:)

I will admit, I have never seen the TV show! I had no idea what this was all about. I saw Reagan from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits post some games she did with her class and it looked like something I wanted...needed...had to do!
Reagan has a free download which is just AWESOME (I mean, come on...everything that girl does is awesome...right?) 

So I started doing some Pinterest searching and found a TON of Minute to Win it games! I was having a blast looking through all of them.

So I decided to make next Thursday a Minute to Win it game day! The WHOLE day will be nothing but games! I can't wait. I will make sure to take tons of pictures that day!

I made a file of 15 games I want to play with the kids. I did this so I can show it on my Brightlink so all the kids can see the directions. 

Some of the games are

You can get this for at my TpT shop...for FREE:) I hope you come by and snag it up! If you download, I would love some feedback. It really means a lot to me!

Make sure you stop by tomorrow for Freebie Friday!!!

The______ I Followed_______

As we are winding down the school year I am getting to do some activities I never got to all year! One of my favorite and simple writing activities goes with the story The Night I Followed the Dog by Nina Laden

In my lesson, we do some prethinking activities before reading the book. Students think about what a dog might do when they are not home. We also think about what might a dog do in a story to make it funny! Then we watch the story online! It is free to listen to on Storyonline.

Once they listen to the story we talk about it and what made it so funny! Then we begin brainstorming their own ideas for a story! 

I write this on the board
The______ I Followed_______

I tell they they can pick anything to write about!
An animal
a pet
a friend
a person
a family member

And they had to pick a time of day! It didn't have to be night! It could have been:
the afternoon

My kids came up with some great things! I had

The night I followed my Parrot
The morning I followed my horse
The night I followed the Alien
The afternoon I followed my teacher
The list goes on and on! 

These stories were so good! The whole class was laughing! This is by far my favorite one. You just HAVE to read it!

Isn't that awesome! 

So I made up a unit last year and it is availabe in both my stores!

I will give away 3 copies of this writing activity to the first 3 comments! 

Don't forget about signing up for a spot on my Friday Freebie! You can click HERE to read all about it and sign up! Thanks to the people who have already signed up!

Have a great night everyone!


Let's have a Debate(freebie) and some Friday Freebie News!

So the school year is coming to and end and I am getting pretty emotional about everything! 7 days left with such a sweet bunch of kids and a great school to be at! My classroom is seriously EMPTY! I have 28 days to the T of when my hubby and I leave, so my mind has been at home with everything I need to do. I only get to take my step class ONE more time with my most favorite person ever. I am spending time with friends I might never see again.
Deep Breath Tonya.....

OK, I feel a bit better! I don't like change, I never have. It is very hard on me. But this change is huge and will be for the better! I am excited for this next chapter in my life and all the great things that are to come my way!

Just about a year ago to the day I blogged about this great debate activity I did with my class!
Well today, I did it with my class and they loved it!

I started off by breaking them into two groups. They had to think about what season they liked better, summer or winter. Once they were in their groups they had to list everything they liked about that season. I gave them chart paper, markers, and 10 minutes!

Then we sat in our two groups facing each other. Each team had 5 minutes to explain their reason for liking that season. After Summer and Winter sides went, they had time to ask questions, and debate their reasoning! They loved it!

One of my favorite parts was all about the popsicles. Summer people said you can have popsicles to cool off, but winter people said they melt in the heat so it is better to have them in the winter! 

Then I gave them an article from Time for Kids and we talked about the debate
I was surprised to hear that many of my kids didn't think they should be able to get on social networking sites!

Finally, we read one more article. It was about vending machines in schools. I then asked my students to pick a side...

I was VERY impressed with a few of their responses and mad at myself for not taking them home today! One girl said "only healthy snacks should be in vending machines for a few reasons. First, if a school is trying to be a healthy school they need to put healthy snacks in the machine. Second, kids will 90% of the time pick the unhealthy snacks. They are tempted too much by them being in the vending machine."

This is a very easy and simple way to introduce debate to your class. My kids loved it and wanted to do more! If you click on my original post above, it will take you to this activity for FREE:)

I want to say a HUGE thank you to the 6 people who have already signed up for my Friday Freebie! I can't believe it! 

Do you want to participate in my Friday Freebie? I made it easier than ever to sign up! So instead of emailing me to see what Friday's are available, you can sign up through SignUp Genius! 

Have you heard of this before? My school uses it all the time to sign up for things! It is awesome!

All you have to do is click HERE and it will take you to my SignUp Genius page!  

You pick a Friday you want to be featured and sign up! Then follow the directions at the top of the page and there you have it! Simple and Easy!
I started it July 12th because that is the next date I need someone to sign up! You can sign up more than once if you want. I just recommend having the Fridays spaced apart! 

I can't wait to see who signs up! Have a great rest of your Tuesday night!