
Superhero Sight Words~giveaway!

 Yeah for Fall Break! I LOVE having some time off. It really has been relaxing! Especially getting time with my hubby:)

I am so excited to finally get a second to blog about this!

Do your kiddos need help with sight words? Mine sure do!

That's when this new unit began! I took the WISD high frequency word list from Fountas and Pinnell and created an assessment tool for me to use. 

There are two word lists for second grade. I broke them down into two different pages
Here is page one

Then I broke down each word onto it's one page

I printed out the word list for each student. I sat the computer down in front of them and had them read each word. If they did not get the word right in 2 seconds-yes 2, these words should be automatic, I highlighted the word on the printable sheet and used my clicker in the other hand to move to the next page. 

I only went through word list one with many students because they were having a tough time:(
I used a different word list first before I made mine
Then I gave the student flash cards for the words they missed. 
They wrote down their words in their Personal Word Wall and then took the flash cards home to practice.
Using this unit has really helped my kids with their sight words. 
If you are interested in getting this unit, you can grab it HERE!
Or, leave a comment and I will pick a winner at 6pm Hawaii time! 
Have a great day!


  1. I would love to win this!


  2. Thanks for this opportunity Tonya. What you have done looks and sounds wonderful!
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  3. I've been looking to do something just like this. I actually downloaded the entire list of Dolch sight words and was going to have the kids read through those. Your product seems much more organized and has follow-up for those kids who need it.

  4. This is awesome and would go great with my Superhero theme!!!!
    I would love to win a copy!!
    Thanks and take care

  5. Since only 4 of you commented, I feel like giving all 4 of you my new product! Thanks for leaving a comment! I really appreciate it! Please email me at tonyastreatsforteachers@gmail.com

  6. I know that this post was from 2013 but I went to your store to purchase this product and I couldn't find it. (sad face) I would love to purchase it if you still have it available, our district has just recently made the big push to use the F&P high-frequency word list and this would save me a ton of time. Thank you!

  7. I too looked to purchase the unit. I also was wondering what words are on the list 2 since you posted list one and referred to list 2 but it is not any where. Could you please advise?

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