
Multiplication review

Now I know almost ALL kids need help with multiplication...RIGHT? Well, I know at least my 3rd graders do! I created this multiplication review notebook to help with remediation before our EOG's! 

Topics covered are: arrays, key words, a few word problems, the different properties, and multiplication songs I have created with a former coworker! The songs are a TON of fun and the kids love them! They follow simple tunes that most kids know. What is best about these songs, I see kids singing them when they are trying to multiply PERFECT! You can pick up the multiplication review notebook at my TpT store or TN store! Here is a preview of what you can get!  


Final Fact and Opinion Game

So I seriously had this done like...4 days ago! But since I am new to this whole blogging thing, I am learning how to manage "keeping up" with blogging, school work, my gym schedule, and spending time with my husband!

So...to all you professional bloggers out there...how to you make time to blog? I would LOVE to hear your answers! 

So back to the fact and opinion game! My 3rd grade kiddos had a blast playing this game and did very well on their final fact and opinion test! You can pick the game up at mt TpT store or TN store! Since 5 is my FAVORITE number...the first 5 people to leave me a comment with a suggestion about making time to blog will get this for FREE:) 

I can't wait to hear your suggestions!



First day back after spring break

WHAT a DAY! I am SO glad this Monday is almost over with! After a rather crazy day, I spent two hours at the gym, stopped by Starbucks and got myself my favorite drink (since I was having a caffeine headache) and then came home to enjoy a quick leftover dinner with my husband before getting right to some school work. I had to finish a few things for tomorrow real quick and then immediately started working on this fun fact and opinion board game! Here is a sneak preview! I should  have it done within a day or two! What do you think?

Have a great night!

The BFG Unit is ALL done:)

So, after a bit of time, my BFG unit is done! I am though working on a teacher copy so I can work along with them! Here is a preview! You can buy this HERE at my Teacher Notebook store or HERE at mt TpT store! I hope you enjoy it!


The BFG Unit

LAME...I know...working on a school related project on a FRIDAY night! Yup! My husband is downstairs working hard on his LAST weekend of grad school for this semester and he was tons of papers and final exams to do over the weekend. So what that really means for me, is I can finally work on things I need to for school...since I have been putting it off enjoying my spring break;)

Last year my 3rd graders did a book study project on The BFG and LOVED it! At the end of the book, they each completed a poster of their assigned chapter and created a new and improved drink for the BFG. They had to write a commercial and we recorded it. They also actually made their drink and we had a class celebration where we tried everyone's new drink! As we were enjoying some new drinks we watched all the commercials as I put them together in windows movie maker. It was awesome!

So of course I want to do it again this year...but it has to be altered a bit. For my reading class this year, I co-teach with the ESL teacher and only teaching reading to the ESL kiddos! I love it so much! This book is WAY beyond their reading level, especially my newcomers from Vietnam and Uganda! But I just have to do this project and my co-teacher loves the idea. So I am working this weekend to tailor it to their ability! I will be doing it as a read aloud instead of partner reading and reading homework.  Once I am done with this notebook I am creating for them I will have it up on here ready for everyone to preview!

Here is a look at what I have so far! I hope you like it!


Realism vs. Fantasy

Here is another freebie for you:) I am having SO much fun learning and playing around with Teachers Pay Teachers, Teacher's Notebook, different blogs, and even my own blog!

This realism and fantasy activity was a lot of fun when I did it with my literacy class this year! They got super creative when it came time to draw the fantasy version of themselves! Wish I would have taken pictures at that time:(

You can grab it for FREE at either my TpT store or my TN store:)

My first Freebie!

I just HAD to have a freebie! It's nothing much...but I wanted to share this main idea graphic organizer I created to help my 3rd graders find the main idea as they are reading! YEAH! I hope you can use it:)

Ughhh Measurement

I don't know about you....but my kids STRUGGLE with measurement! I made some measurement task cards to use during centers, small guided math groups, or a whole group activity! You can get a set at my Teacher's Notebook Store!


I am SO thrilled to have entered the world of blogging! I kind of feel a little behind with the times, but oh well...better late than never right!?! I am so excited to start in this new adventure even though it is a bit scary. I have so much to learn!

So far I have set up this blog, a Teacher's Notebook store which you can check out here, a paypal account, and now I am on my way! A HUGE thank you to Ginger from Ginger Snaps for teachers for really helping me out along the way! I could not have started without you!

So I have uploaded my FIRST thing to Teacher's Notebook! I am SO excited about it! I created these Blooms Taxonomy and Marazono cards last summer to use during guided reading and they have been a HUGE hit! The kids really have learned to push themselves and have deeper conversations about the books we are reading. They LOVE to grab the cards out of the container and discuss them with a partner. All you have to do is cut them out, glue them on Popsicle sticks and there you go! Question stems for your guided reading group!

I hope you like them as much as my kids do:) You can pick up the file at my teacher's notebook store!