
Bully Free Project-in the works!

So I wanted to do something different this week in social studies! I am a bit late for October's Bully Free month, but better late than never right???

My idea came from the NEA's website for Bully Free Starts With Me! I saw this picture on the side and knew I wanted to do something similar!
So I started off my lesson with this picture. It is from Bullying Prevention Now.
I know it is a high school picture, but my 3rd graders understood what was happening. We talked about the picture and how it was displaying bullying. 

Then, I used Bullying task cards created by the oh-so-popular Unseen001 from ProTeacher. 
 She is AMAZING! She creates FREE task cards I use daily! I honestly love her! I need to do another post just on her! You can get her free bully task cards HERE.

Then we watched the Bully Free Song! They LOVED it!

Today, I wrote these two things in the board!
1. How does a bully make you feel?
2. How can I be a good friend?

They used two sheets of blank white paper and write one word or statement in the middle to express their answers for the questions. Then I took their picture!

Tomorrow we will break into groups. I will give each group a location such as the lunch room, recess, bathroom, hallway, specials. They will have to write down bullying situations that happen and friendship situations that can happen.
Then they will create a short skit for each part-bullying and friendship. I will video tape their skit. 

Once they are all done, I will use the pictures and videos together to create a Bully Free Starts with ME video! I am super excited and so far everything is going well! 

What do you think?


Multiplication Table project and a Halloween Freebie

Happy Friday Friends! I hope everyone had a great week! I am not feeling good (ears, throat, tired..blah!) Hoping to have a relaxing weekend of nothing and possibly head to the doctor tomorrow! Last school year I had strep 6 times and I don't want a repeat of that this year...no thank you!

Yesterday I told you we were going to do a multiplication table project that I saw on Pinterest!

Well, the kids LOVED it! They were so excited to draw and color during math! And to top it off, they did such a great job at this project! It took them about an hour to complete but the results are awesome! 

Here is my table before! It's not the straightest table you will see, or even, but oh well!

Then, students each got an index card and pulled a multiplication problem out of a bag! They had to show that problem in one of the 5 ways I taught them-arrays, repeated addition, fact families, grouping, or skip counting. Once they did their index card in pencil, they had to show me to make sure it was correct. If it was correct, they got to color it and then had to show me on the board where it went before gluing it on!

Here they are placing it on the board!

All complete!

Then I made a quick sign, printed out the strategy posters and added them to the top!

SO cool huh? I am really proud of it! I had a few people stop in my room at the end of the day to say how cool they thought the board was! So so proud of my kiddos! And to top it off...their test today...WOW! I have been teaching 3rd grade for 4 years and this group gets it! 

On another note, since Halloween is right around the corner and I have yet to make anything or do anything in my classroom related to Halloween-sorry Lisa from Learning is Something to Treasure. I know you BOOed me...but I have nothing to write about:( I am SO out of the loop with this holiday this year! 

But now, I have made some Halloween No Homework Passes!

I would LOVE to give some of these away! All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me about your favorite childhood Halloween memory-don't forget to leave your email otherwise I can't send it to you!
So here are a few of mine! 

I remember my mom making me a bat costume in the 4th grade! It was SO cool!  I lived on top of a hill with a massive driveway. I remember getting off the bus, running up the hill, still wearing my bat costume. My dad was blowing leaves and my Giant Schnauzer Jack was running to see me. Later that night I went trick or treating with my best friend Lori! I remember coming home and sorting through the candy and my baby sister Mallorie was trying to get into my bag! 
 I also remember one more thing I just HAVE to share! My mom was the queen of making me costumes and clothing! I usually didn't match and had some very unique costumes. This next costume, well..I mean seriously...can you tell what my mom made me this year??? 
 Take a wild guess...I am curious to see if anyone can get this! And yes, this is in 1988! 

I swear, one last thing:) Check back tomorrow for the start of my 600 follower giveaway! YEA! Have a great night!

I can't believe it...they GOT it:)

I just have to express how awesome and amazing my kiddos are! Usually multiplication is SO hard! So all week I have been teaching and modeling the different strategies I had on this graphic organizer I made!
Each day we would do a quick review of the one from yesterday and then teach the new one that day! During guided math we would practice the strategy they learned that day too! So today we finished all the strategies on this sheet! 

During guided math today I decided to give each student a blank copy of the graphic organizer. Then I wrote 8 different multiplication problems on the board. I gave each student a different problem. They had to fill the graphic organizer out all by themselves without my help! And you know what...not one needed my help! AND they all got 100%...Are you kidding me???? They are going to ace their mini assessment tomorrow! Or so I hope! Check these out! And one of them is my buddy's paper-one that is very low! SO excited! If you are interested in this unit, you can pick it up at either one of my stores!

So to celebrate with all of you my students hard work, you can click HERE to get this graphic organizer for free:) 

Since their mini assessment tomorrow is VERY short, I wanted to go a fun activity with them to practice some more! I found this picture on Pinterest but the link was broken!
This is how I am going to do this! Since now the Common Core has 3rd graders just multiplying to 10 that is what I am going to do. And instead of arrays only, I am going to give them a choice of showing the problem from one of the options on the graphic organizer. 

I created these cards to cut out and place in a jar. 
click the picture to get the cards for free:)
Each student will pull out a problem and have to solve it with one of the strategies on an index card. Once they have it complete, they will show me and then glue it in the right spot. Then, they can do another one. I hope they like it! I will post pictures when it is complete! 

On a side note...I am ONE person away from 600 followers! I plan on doing a giveaway here this weekend...something to do with the number 6! Check back this weekend! Maybe even tomorrow;) Have a great night and just think, tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Thank you to those that leave comments-it sure makes me smile when I read them:)

Helloooooo Multiplication

Yup, you read it right! It's that time of year again in 3rd grade when we leave place value, addition and subtraction to begin multiplication! So last Thursday we had a review day filled with addition, subtraction and place value centers! Then we had our test Friday....which I still need to grade before tomorrow:(

Tomorrow is the beginning to multiplication and I was trying to think of a new approach to introducing it. So I found this on Pinterest and was so excited about it...but the link was broken:(
Well, I knew I wanted the kids to have this as a graphic organizer in their math notebook! So, well...I just whipped up this Ways to Show Multiplication Unit! Posters and all to use with the graphic organizer!

I really like how it turned out! I hope the kids find it useful this week as I teach each one of these strategies! You can pick yourself up a copy at either one of my stores! 

While I am on the topic of multiplication, I have always used songs to get the kids to remember their facts quick! I HATE counting on the fingers! By 3rd grade they need to know how to add/subtract without their fingers! So here are a few of my songs I use! 

These are a part of my Sweet Multiplication Facts Unit

I plan on uploading just the songs to TPT and TN today! So, how do you begin multiplication in your classroom? 

Would you like EVERYTHING you saw here today for FREE? Just leave me a comment describing something fun you do to teach multiplication. I will use the number generator tomorrow evening and pick the lucky winners-yes winners! I will give everything here to 5 people for FREE!

Good Luck! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Attention Grabbers-loving WBT!

I am LOVING Whole Brain Teaching and so are the kids! What they really like is the scoreboard and the fun attention grabbers I have been using! Yes, Whole Brain Teaching has you doing Class? Yes! But that got old...quick! I still use it, but not every time! I like to mix things up! Don't you?

So I have found some awesome attention grabbers on Pinterest! One was from Miss. Nelson over at Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera!
I have been using these attention grabbers since the beginning of school and they are awesome! You can snag this poster up for free at store

Then, earlier this week Stephanie from 3rd Grade Thoughts made a really super cute awesome amazing poster for one of the attention grabbers - Hocus Pocuc! Everybody Focus!! I already printed mine out;)

You can click on her blog and get yours for free too! So right then and there I decided to make some more posters for the other attention grabbers using kinda the same look at Stephanie's! I did this so they would match in my room and I didn't want to remake what she did because I love it that much:) So here you go! Here are my posters I created to use and you can use them too! 

You can grab them HERE!