
Hawaii Freebie Blog Hop and Sale!

Aloha! Time to meet a few Hawaii Bloggers and grab some freebies! 

I hope you have already enjoyed the freebies from

Nicole at Teaching with Style

Corinna from Surfin Through Second

and Angelia from Extra Special Teaching

Now it is my turn!

A few weeks back I blogged about my Ohana poster! 

I found this fantastic idea from Prepare to Play and I knew I wanted to do it!

Each student gets to bring in a picture frame with a family picture inside. This is a great way to build a classroom community, a classroom family or OHANA as they say here in Hawaii!

For me, working at a military base school, I feel this is very important! 

So I made a space in my room. I bought a clear frame to put my Ohana poster in
You can see it in the corner. All the picture frames will go along the top of the bookshelf. 

I plan on having one of my family as well!

I also made a note to go home with students on the first day of school, or for meet the teacher this week!

I also included an editable blank one if you want to word it differently. 

You can grab this for FREE at mt TpT shop! 
While you are there, my store is on sale 20% off for today and tomorrow only!
 Thanks Corinna for the SUPER CUTE button:)

The last stop of this blog hop is Courtney over at Teaching in Paradise!

Thanks for stopping by!

Day 2 in my classroom with a freebie bloghop sneak peak!

I got to spend a few hours today working in my room! Thank you to my hubby for dropping me off! I am nooooo where near done, but I wanted to share what I have done so far!

I promise to do a whole post once my room is complete with links from where I found things and descriptions of everything.

But for now, here is day 2 in pictures!
 I moved my Cafe wall:)

 Not done with my writing board just yet! Green pocket chart will have cards for the stages of writing. Plus I don't like that blank spot above the words!  And isn't that rusty bookshelf gross??? YUCK! I have fabric to cover them since I go through ALL the bookshelves!

 back of the room looking to the front...not done yet! That pink board is behind my desk. Not sure what to put there. Any ideas???

Nonfiction is going on the other side:)

Homework spot!

Here is to a great week! Tomorrow we are supposed to have a Tropical Storm! It has already started raining:( Hopefully all will be ok! 

Then Tuesday I am back to work! Hopefully I will be ready to go by Monday! I haven't even started planning yet:( I really can't because I haven't even met half my team nor do I know the expectations and schedule for the year! All will come this week!

Thursday our POD finally arrives!!! I am SO ready for my own bed, couch, TV, desk, printer, school stuff....and so much more!!! 

 Since I am now living in Hawaii, I am teaming up with some fantastic Hawaii Bloggers! Come back tomorrow for our


Day 1 in my new classroom!

I FINALLY got some time to work in my room! I was up and ready to go super early this morning! My husband had somewhere to be at 7 so he needed the car. He dropped me off at Starbucks and I had someone special come and pick me up!

I was lucky enough to meet the super sweet Angelia from Extra Special Teaching.
She had a meeting to go to, right by my school so she dropped me off so I could work in my room!

As soon as I walked in, I got right to work! Mind you...there are a few things different about my new classroom compared to my old classroom...

1. no air condition-I have two fans and a nice cross breeze
2. no kidney table
3. cockroaches and geckos-yup...you read that right! Hawaii has a HUGE problem with these. Luckily I only found one dead one in my room! BUT tons outside my door...YUCK

First I had to take down the butcher paper and trimmers the last teacher left up...Then take down all the newspaper around my 10...yes 10 bookshelves.  I needed to figure out my arrangement, move stuff around and then I could get started with putting things up and organized. 

I did not get to all the shelves and crap that was left in my room. That is going to take a day in itself:(

Here are the before pictures

Here are the pictures of what I accomplished today! 

Ugh...the green fabric is messed up! Hopefully the posters will hide that problem! 
Also that picture frame is my OHANA poster. The kids will bring their picture frames and place them on the top of these bookshelves(that need to be cleaned out...yuck)

 stuff I need to put up still! 

I can't wait to be done. Everything you see in bins or bookshelves is NOT MINE and I need to go through it. There is seriously soooo much stuff! 
When I am all done, I will show you a class tour!!!

So when Angelia picked me up, we headed over to Chili's for an early dinner with another special person! 

Corinna from Surfin' Through Second is just as sweet in person as she is in the blogging world!
I have seriously made some lifelong friends! These ladies rock!

We stayed for almost 2 hours! I was nice to chat about school and Hawaii stuff:) 
Yes, and no picture. I was rather happy about that because I think I lost 5lbs from sweating so much:( 

I hope you all have a happy friday! I am excited to share this day with my husband. Shrimp truck, beach, shaved ice, and a food truck rodeo are in the plans!!!


Yes it is Monday, Tuesday on the mainland, and I said I would pick a winner last week for my PURRfect response! 


thank you to the 10 people whole left comments! ALL 10 of you WON! Please send me and email so I can get you your prize:)

Just my way of saying thank you for leaving a comment! Your kind words mean a lot to me:)

I seriously need to get my behind in gear! I go back to work in ONE WEEK! And I have YET to set up my room! I am in panic mode people! I am always the first one done and usually take a week to do it! 

Breathe Tonya...just breathe!

I have a workshop tomorrow and Wednesday! I am spending some time in my room FINALLY on Thursday! 

And after that I get to spend dinner with some very lovey Hawaii Bloggers! I can't wait!


2nd grade FB Blog Hop~freebies galore!!!

I was so late to start the party!!! I feel so bad! This time difference is killing me for getting up with East Coast bloggers, friends and family! I had a long day yesterday and didn't get home until 1am. Once I got home I couldn't get my freebie to work...BUT it is working now:)

Come join the FUN

You can start at Tori's FB page and get a TON of FREEBIES!

I am so thrilled to be a part of this Blog Hop! Great way to get me started in 2nd grade! 
The item on my Facebook page YOU can get for FREE until Sunday night is...
But you must LIKE my FB page to get it!

I hope to see you there! I am off to grab my goodies, are you???

2nd Grade Facebook Freebie Hop~preview

I wanted to write a quick post, sorry I didn't get a Friday freebie for today, and tell you about this awesome Facebook Freebie starting tomorrow!!!

Make sure you check back Saturday at Midnight to see what it is all about!!!
Have a great Friday!

A little giveaway with a little freebie:)

Happy Thursday Friends! 

I hope you are all having a great week! I am sooooo eager to get into my classroom! This is SO late for me and I am dying to get in there. I know I have a ton of cleaning ahead of me! I have been warned:(

 My hubby and I finally get our car next week!!! It's been a long two weeks of us driving my mother in laws car around! 

I have been working on a few things that I would like to share with you! First, I am DONE with my "I can write the PURRRfect response"

What is included???

You can find them at mt TpT and TN shops! I would LOVE to give a set away! Leave a comment and I will pick a winner on Friday!

I have been buying a ton of things off of TpT lately! I really enjoy making my own things and buy from time to time, but since I have moved cross country and I am starting school sooner than I thought, I have had ZERO time to work on anything I wanted to! I am so thrilled with ALL of the purchases I have made!

One thing I want to do differently is how I do homework! 
Enter Christina Bainbridge!

I saw her Homework Club on Pinterest and also in my blog feed and read all about it. I bought it RIGHT AWAY! This was JUST what I was looking for and had zero time to make! 
And let's be honest...why even try and make it when she has done an AMAZING job!

Want a new way for your students to be super excited about turning in homework??? If you do, this unit is your answer! And no Christina did not tell me to write any of this!

So a part of this unit, she talks about how we all forget things from time to time. Students will forget a homework assignment. Since I don't want students to be out of the Homework Club for one missing assignment, I made these cute little cards!
I will give each student one at the beginning of the month. It's kinda like a free homework pass I guess. If a student forgets their homework they can turn in their card and still stay in the club. But that is it...a once a month deal!

At the end of the month, if they still have their card that means they turned in ALL their homework for the whole month and get to participate in the Homework Club Lunch. Christina explains all of this:)

I am thinking about doing something extra special for not using their Oops card. Any ideas? 

If you want these oops cards, you can get them for FREE here:) They also come in black and white!

Here is to a GREAT day!!!


Want to Proof?

I am done with my Purrrrfect Response! 

Anyone want to proof it? I would prefer to have someone do it asap!

first two to respond with their email I will send it to you. Once I have fixed it, I will email you back the new copy for free:)

I can write the PURRRRfect Response

Hello Friends!

So today as I was sitting in a workshop and a new idea for a reading response center popped into my head..I needed something to keep my attention today! HAHA!

For their independent reading time students will read a story and write from the weekly reading response! I do not want students to write every day. During Independent reading, students should be READING and not writing all the time. I also think to get a well written reading response students should only have one to focus on. What do you think?

I was also thinking about this instead of my task cards. I found students wasting time during independent reading trying to pick which task card to use. I mean, I could use my task cards and just pull one a week...but I really like having this out for the WHOLE class to use the same one!


I plan on making them half sheet size, but was also thinking of making a whole sheet! 

I need your input!

Whole sheet or half sheet? Both?

Add cats or not add cats to the reading response? Both?

Would you like to see a blank and white set too?

I plan on having all of these colors with the set

I hopefully will have this done tomorrow! I have a few other things I reallllyyy want to work on! 

I can't wait to read your input! 
Have a great Tuesday!