
Health update and There was an Old Monster Freebie Activity!

Happy Sunday Friends! Sorry I have been a bit MIA this week. With falling off the treadmill on Monday I have been a little off all week:( Thank you for all the kind words and concerns! Here is a short update about my fall!

I went to work the whole week! Probably shouldn't have! But you know us teachers, we can never take a day off...it is just MORE work for us! So Tuesday and Wednesday I iced my knees and sat down as much as I could. I thought they were starting to feel better! 

Thursday morning I woke up to a new problem though...
Yes, can you see that! Can you see how swollen my foot and ankle got? Not sure what happened but now I was concerned. I thought maybe walking would help the swelling go down! So I went to work. My Principal and VP really wanted me to go to the doctor. I made and appointment after school and my hubby came with me. I like having an NP for a hubby:)

So we get there, and this is my first time in a doctors office since we have moved, so everything is so new and different to me.

The doctor comes in and does all the tests. Nothing is broken, sprained or injured. Good news. But he thinks it might be a blood clot. GREAT. So I had some blood work done and found out on Friday it was not a blood clot. Just some bad swelling. 

So I have been sleeping with it elevated for 3 nights now and I can say that the swelling has gone down, the bruising of my knees are better, but the abrasions are still open and sore. It hurts to walk because it feels like they just keep opening up! Lots of band-aids and cream for me! Hopefully they will get better this week so I can get back to the gym...just no running for me:)

This week at work is very busy and Halloween is just DAYS away! 

Have you read this story?
There was an Old Monster is SO cute! AND you can listen to the song for FREE here!
I am going to read it this week. As I am reading it, I would like the students to sequence the story for each animal the monster swallows.
If this is something you would like to do with your students, just click HERE to get this freebie! 

I have also lowered my price on my Halloween No Homework Passes! Check them out here!
I hope you all have a super week!

My Truth Monday and a little sale:)

It's been a LONGGGG Monday! I am so glad it is almost over! This morning I fell off the treadmill! I lost my balance and fell! What makes me mad is the guy next to me watched me do it..didn't laugh, didn't help, didn't even talk to me...nothing! I tried to get up and sit the stop button, but fell again. The treadmill was just going so fast! Did the guy hit the stop button for me...NO! Once I got up I realized I was bleeding, bruised, and very sore. I got help from the staff, ice, band aids, and cleaning pads.

As soon as I got to work, I got more ice. It was rough being on my feet all day! I came home right away and put more ice on it! 
Nice huh???
I felt so dumb! Now I am just in bed all night! 

My fall today is only fitting with a new linky party! 
Denise over at Sunny Days in Second Grade is having a new 12 part link up!

This week we are talking about fitness! Here is my truth!

Once my knees are better, it is game on! I got this:)

Make sure to link up! Head over to Denise's blog right now!!! hehe!

One more thing before I go. When I got home today I found out I made a personal goal on TpT! I am SOOOOO happy and very thankful to every single blogger, seller, and friend I have made here! To show my appreciation, I am having a 2 day sale!

Just send me an email to get your 1 item of equal or lesser value for FREE! 

Thanks again to every one of you!
I am off to ice my knees again!

TR Doodle Set 6 and some possible letter clip art

Sunday...why do you come so fast? I am not ready for the week to begin at all! I hope you all had a great weekend! I didn't do much, but that's ok with me.

I had some time to play around on my ipad last night to made some more frames!!!

You can pick them up HERE at my TpT shop! 

I also was playing around and making some clip art letters. Not sure I like them, but it may be fun to practice and make some more!

Here is to a great week!

Place Value Differentiated Centers and how I plan to use them!

I am SO happy with how these turned out! I have wanted to make some centers like this for a very long time....and I WILL make more:)

These centers are based on 2nd Grade Common Core standards NBT.1, NBT.3 and NBT.4

I have 4 centers and each center has 3 levels

I have also made a black and white unit just in case someone doesn't want to use all the color!

The 4 games include:

You can get this unit HERE! I have it 20% off 10/14 and 10/15 only!

I would love to give one away for FREE! Just leave a comment and I will pick a winner 10/15 when I get home from work!

Now...how do I plan to use it???
I have 4 centers in my classroom
  In each center basket I have 3 folders
A yellow, blue and green;)
The 1 in the corner is because these folders belong in basket 1

I also have colored dots to match the colored folders

I have student names by a number. That number represents which center they go to for that day. I will put a colored dot under their name to show them which folder from that center bucket they get to play.
Each day I just rotate the numbers so they go to a different center each day. 
I have yet to put the dots under their name because I have not graded their pretest for place value. Once I get the pretest graded I will be able to see which group they belong in!

I only have students go to one center a day because that is all my time allows me for. 

Don't we all wish we had more time!

I hope you are all having a great week so far! 


New Frames and a sneak peek!

Happy Friday! Today marks the last day of my fall break! BOO HOO! I am off to spend the afternoon with my hubby! Very excited about it! Then we are meeting up with my mother and father in-law for happy hour!

Before I get to my new frames I wanted to share something I have been wanting to make for awhile! I got a huge start on it last night!
I am making at least 4 different place value games. Each game has 3 different levels! Once I am done making this I will be back to talk about how I plan on using them during my math block! 

OK...my new frames! I have been playing around with the Art Studio app again and I made some new frames! 

Thanks for all the amazing comments! I have already sent out an email to those who left comments yesterday (10-11) before 3pm Hawaii time. If you would like to get these frames, they are in my TpT shop HERE.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Superhero Sight Words~giveaway!

 Yeah for Fall Break! I LOVE having some time off. It really has been relaxing! Especially getting time with my hubby:)

I am so excited to finally get a second to blog about this!

Do your kiddos need help with sight words? Mine sure do!

That's when this new unit began! I took the WISD high frequency word list from Fountas and Pinnell and created an assessment tool for me to use. 

There are two word lists for second grade. I broke them down into two different pages
Here is page one

Then I broke down each word onto it's one page

I printed out the word list for each student. I sat the computer down in front of them and had them read each word. If they did not get the word right in 2 seconds-yes 2, these words should be automatic, I highlighted the word on the printable sheet and used my clicker in the other hand to move to the next page. 

I only went through word list one with many students because they were having a tough time:(
I used a different word list first before I made mine
Then I gave the student flash cards for the words they missed. 
They wrote down their words in their Personal Word Wall and then took the flash cards home to practice.
Using this unit has really helped my kids with their sight words. 
If you are interested in getting this unit, you can grab it HERE!
Or, leave a comment and I will pick a winner at 6pm Hawaii time! 
Have a great day!

Talkative Class Part 2 and a WINNER

Thanks for all the great comments from my post yesterday about my classroom management tool for a talkative class! 

I would like to answer a few questions some of you asked!

Have I had any negative comments from parents?
I just started this Thursday! So nothing so far! I have explained to my parents it is not just their child, it is about 75% of my class! They are all SO sweet! But very talkative. I have a hard time getting through a lesson without being interrupted. Sometimes I have to repeat directions 4 or 5 times because they are not paying attention. This is why I added on the form "talking or not paying attention."

I find that it's usually the same kids that need the reminders. Do you think it will work for them? 
I think so! I reward the students who don't get any warnings to tally marks. I forgot this part yesterday! See I knew I would forget something:)

On top of picking an "EGG"cellent student, any student who doesn't get on my sheet-that is no warnings or tallies, gets a token at the end of the day! These are their tokens for the Super Improvers Wall (Whole Brain Teaching).
I blogged about my Super Improvers Wall a few weeks ago! You can see this post HERE. I am telling you...my kids eat up these tokens! They will do ANYTHING for a token!

I also have been using a weekly behavior sheet for each kid at the end of the day! My kids love it and so do my parents! it really only takes 5 minutes at the end of each day for the kids to fill it out and for me to sign! 

Thanks to Kim over at Finding the Joy in 6th Grade for making the original behavior sheet!
Here is my post on that from a few weeks ago.

I decided to change up this form to match the tally marks. I also added a teacher comments box in case I need to write something down.
I haven't started this yet, but will when we come back from fall break. If you would like this form for free, just click HERE!

I also want to give out my tally sheet! So many of you said they wanted to try it! Well, Here it is!
Just click on the picture! 
I hope you can use it!
I have a winner of my one item from my store and a $15 Target gift card!
I asked my husband to pick a number and he picked number 1
The winner is...
Liz from Teaching in the Valley
I will be sending you an email shortly! 
Hope you all are enjoying your weekend! My husband and I went to a Hawaii Home Buyers Convention today! I can't wait to get our first home!!!


Talkative class??? I think I have the simple solution!

It's fall break over here in Hawaii! No leaves to jump in or to rake, but I have plenty of beaches and I plan on taking advantage of the time with my hubby!

I wanted to talk about a new strategy I started Thursday. I have a sweet bunch of kiddos, but they are still SO talkative! I had to try something new again! And this time, I think it worked!

First, I made a tally sheet with their names on it. Each time they talked or I had to ask them to pay attention they got a tally mark. 
This was a picture of the first day

 Some kids got the hint after they knew I was giving them a tally or two. Each tally is also a minute off their recess. Then at the end of the day, I sent this little note home!

The blue highlighting from the tally sheet above are the few that turned this note back into me. I sent home a second notice for those who didn't turn theirs in. 

This was today's tally sheet.
Less talking for sure! I made the addition of adding a warning column. I gave out a ton of warnings today! Many of my kiddos had a rough time in PE:( But overall, this went GREAT. 

 After two days of using this, I broke the form up into warning, morning and afternoon.
I carry this tally sheet around on a clipboard that opens up!
 Inside I keep extra tally sheets, the behavior form, and an award certificate

At the beginning of each day, I tell my kids I am looking for an "EGG"cellent student! I made this poster to have in my room.

At the end of the day I give out this certificate.

Yesterday and today the kids LOVED this! 

I wanted to make it one step better! I found this adorable stuffed animal on ETSY.

This is from Plushoff and I ordered TWO! I ordered one for me and another for ONE OF YOU:)

I plan on letting the "EGG"cellent student of the day keep it on their desk the following day!

Overall, I think this is a very simple, easy to use management system. 

If you would like to WIN the unit I am working on and an EGG, leave a comment below! I will pick a winner Sunday! 

If you have any questions about this management tool, please ask. I feel like I left something out!

I do have a giveaway ending tomorrow evening, Hawaii time!