
Stained Glass Tree Ornamet Craft~super easy

Need a last minute craft that is super easy???

All you need to make a stained glass Christmas tree is:
-tissue paper in any color you want
-glue and water mixed
(I pour Elmer's glue in a plastic cup and add a little water to make a glue paste)
-wax paper
-tree outline
-yarn to hang

This is how you make it!

Find a tree to trace on wax paper

Use pieces of tissue paper and lay it where you want it on the wax paper. Use the glue water to paint it on. Each piece of tissue should be covered. My students used pre-cut strips of tissue and ripped it how they wanted it. Layering is key to get a 3D look. Also, the more layers, the thicker it will be...which is good!

I tell the students not to worry about getting the pieces in the lines. They will be cutting them tomorrow!

Let it dry over night! The next morning it will look like this

Now they cut the tree out

Then peel back the wax paper....SLOWLY

Then poke a hole, tie a string and you have a stained glass ornament:)

The kids had a lot of fun and now have a new ornament to hang on their tree:)

Hope your last few days run smoothly!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, fun idea. Can't do it this year, but into the file for next year! Thanks for the idea!
