
Table Leaders-possible giveaway too!!!

Just something quick for today that I just have to share:)

You know when you ask someone at a group or table to do something they ALL want to do it??? Then they fight over who does what you want them to? In the past I have used table leaders but for some odd reason I stopped! I wonder why??? 

Well today, I mean, yesterday, I mean Tuesday-well this whole week...I have had kids fight and argue over who does what at their table! Now, I LOVE my kiddos this year, but this has got to stop! 

I am bringing back the table leaders that will switch out weekly! I have plenty of those vertical name tag holders with lanyards I can use. 

I made these cute table leader badges for them to wear in the class! Thanks Ginger from Ginger Snaps for the AWESOME new fonts:)

If you are interested in winning these for free just try and guess my question. I have asked it before but no one ever got it right! So go back to some previous posts so you don't guess the same thing that has been guessed before! 

What is the ONLY dog breed I have ever owned???

I am off to go eat  my dinner...check out this delicious dish!

Don't have ONE more day to enter my mega giveaway!!! 

Have a great night!


  1. I've *always* had a table leader {that I call the "star"}... I love how it stops the arguing!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. I have table leaders too, and it works so well! And super jealous of your dinner; it looks delicious! What is it??
    Teaching in the Valley

    1. doesn't it??? Why in the world did I stop??? lol! Dinner is a cool chicken noodle salad I made. With apples and cucumbers with sesame oil! Delicious!

  3. Replies
    1. FINALLY:) YES! I love them! Right now I am missing my baby back at my parents house! Salty is a white miniature schnauzer! I had even a giant one growing up! He was awesome!

      give me your email and I will send:)

  4. Ahhh, I just missed it by one comment. Oh well, how can we get the signs, I think I really need them! I wasn't going to have table leaders this year, but I can see trouble a brewing, LOL.
