
More Frames and a Password Freebie

I'm addicted...to making frames that is!It is SO much fun! Using the ArtStudio app on my iPad is super easy!

Thanks to everyone who gave such thoughtful comments! I really like this set too!

The winner of my TR Doodle Frame Set 2 is

DANA! I will send them to you when I am done with this post! If you want to pick these up, just click on the picture to take you right to them! 

 I also have completed a color set! First 5 people to comment with their email will get a little surprise from me:)
EEKK...SO FUN! I want to make more! I also need to work on making more fonts! I need more time!

Wanna Freebie?
Do you have a place to write down your passwords? If not, I made something that just might work for you! This is a very simple password recording page! Make multiple copies and place in a binder!

I made two styles!

If you want to download these, just click HERE.
I went to Office Depot today looking for a new journal to really start tracking my exercise and eating habits! Look at what I found! It is perfect!

Inside, I plan on printing out a monthly calendar where I will track my workouts and set a monthly goal. I will also keep a daily food journal in this notebook. I really hope this is the piece of the puzzle I have been missing with getting my heath on track!

I will be back later this week to talk about two new units I have finished! 



Thanks for your HELPING HAND and new Doodle Frames-giveaway!!!

Happy Saturday to you all! I am feeling really relaxed and refreshed on this fantastic Saturday! Yesterday I took a mental health day and really just did what I wanted to do! I started off with Pilates and then took a cycle class! I also enjoyed a nice coffee, took a nap, and then went out with my hubby! We went out for some appetizers and drinks and did some shopping! I got a new pair of sandals! 
They sure feel awesome on my feet! Having planter fasciitis it is hard to find comfortable sandals that support my very high arch!

Today waking up felt like Sunday! But it's not:) I took my absolute favorite class in the entire world...Step! Have I told you I plan on getting certified to teach? I have a passion for it and I can't wait to look into classes and such once we move! I can't start it now! I went grocery shopping, laundry, vacuumed, dishes, and cleaned the cat box. I have been busy! 

I was able to squeeze in a nap too! Now, I am able to do a good amount of work!

First, I really wanted to give a parent in my class something for the end of the year! She has been truly my only parent to help out! She donates all the time, comes in on Fridays and makes copies for me and so much more!

So I found these colored hands at Michaels. They come in a few other colors, but these are the colors I chose to use! I had the kids write a thank you note on them!

Then I went to Bath and Body works and got matching colored hand soap! 
Then I placed the hands on the soap! 

SUPER cute and easy! I am going to throw in a towel with it, and maybe a gift card to a kitchen store? What do you think?

My mind has been SPINNING with things I want to make, need to make, things to blog about...I just can't keep up! I feel like I am starting something, working on it and then starting something else! 

I have an Erin Condren Life Planner...but I don't use it. I really don't like it:( I wish I did! It just doesn't work for me! 

So today while I was at Walmart, I picked up some new pens and a cute new lined notebook! This will be for my blogging and creating ideas!

So speaking of starting something else...I have made 15 new doodle frames! I think I am getting better at them the more I practice! 

Here they are:)

I really want to make some more! I have a color set started! HAHA! I am working on adding them to my store tonight!

Would you like to win these for free? Just leave a comment and I will pick a winner by 5pm tomorrow!  

Enjoy your Saturday! 

Verbalicious and author's message idea in the works!

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone has had a great day! I was up at 4:30 and out the door by 4:45 to head to the gym! GO ME:) I had my bag packed to go again after work today...needless to say, that did not happen! 

Instead I picked up dinner and stopped at Target to get a few things, came home to my hubby watching Interview with a Vampire. You know I have NEVER seen that movie! I got sucked in...haha, get it...sucked in! Ok...that was dumb! I didn't get to finish it since hubby had to get to sleep...3rd shift...blah! We will finish it later this week!

So tomorrow I will try it again, going twice to the gym that is! It' s my favorite class...step...so I can't miss that!

Since we are studying verb tenses this week, I wanted them to do a fun sort for an assessment on Friday!

The first 3 people to leave a comment will get this for free! It will also be available in my stores for just $1.00!

As I was sitting down today to do some planning I was taking a look at the ELA common core standards and trying to pick out which ones I need to go over again and again before the big end of grade test in THREE WEEKS! YIKES!

One standard my students are having a hard time with is finding the author's message in a story! This is a hard concept to get. I started thinking about how I wanted to teach this. I thought about an author study and using one author and a set of their books. This way, I am also looking at themes across text from the same author (another 3rd grade common core objective!)

I started to think about what author I wanted to use, and I came up with this idea!

I LOVE this cover! I can't wait to spend more time this week and weekend working on it. I need it ready by Monday:)

So what do you think? Do you have any ideas of what I should add? Help me out and when this is done, you might get it for free:)

I am going to leave you with some pictures I promised I would take! Here are some of my kids finished posters of their metric word problems! They did a great job!


Observation day, a metric capacity notebook, and what's to come!

Picture this...

Monday morning and you have a bad headache! It's 8:35 and students start coming in. You gather notes, manage parent conversations, staff members keep coming in to talk, and you find a jar of nuts with the lid chewed in your office. You have a new furry friend hiding somewhere...great! 

9:00 rolls around, rather quickly, and time to start teaching. You gather all your students on the carpet to what you hope to be a very short mini lesson because you have to get reading assessments started and done this week. You start your lesson and no later that 9:05 comes around and in walks the AP for an observation...double great. 

The kids are quiet. They are tired. They are not engaged because it is Monday morning. You do everything you can to get them engaged and make the best out of the lesson. 9:30 comes around and AP leaves...finally!

That was MY morning! The observation...not what I wanted at all. It was my introduction to verb tenses! It was really not all engaging, kinda boring.  But oh well! I know I am a good teacher and they know I am too. It was just odd to have a first thing, Monday morning observation. I can't wait to talk to the AP about how it went! I will keep you posted.

Speaking of verb tenses...I plan on having this sorting activity done in the next few days!

We just finished measurement with metric this week. I used this metric capacity notebook I made!

It is available in both of my stores! I will give the first 3 people to comment this for free:)

I have also started to put together all of my math block units! Many people have been asking about bundling it together. I am in the process of doing so, making some edits to it, and reposting!

This is what I got so far!

I am excited to get it done! Maybe this weekend! 

That's it for tonight! I hope you all have a great evening!

Telling Time Scavenger Hunt Part 2

Before I begin...can I ask a favor and say a few good thoughts for my friends and family back in Grand Rapids Michigan? The Governor declared Grand Rapids in a state of emergency! The rain and flooding is sooooo bad! Just look at some of these pictures!

this is a window to outside...not a fish tank!

OK..Sunday...why are you hear already? Actually, why are you almost gone? I have had such a nice weekend! Yesterday I was able to do a bit of shopping! I went to Kohls and got a few new things, stopped at Belk and picked up some new sandals...my feet have been killing me and I needed new orthotic sandals! I am not usually a shinny type of girl, but this are super comfortable!

Since I got new sandals...I HAD to get a pedicure:)
I just LOVE the place I go and the girl I always go to! She knew my feet were bothering me so she gave me a massage for 30 minutes! This was on top of the mango hot rub, hot towels, and a hot stone massage! Truly awesome! 

I stopped by Gigi's Cupcakes to pick up a cupcake for a friend since we were doing a double date later that night! This was my candy cake! 
I really was not a fan:( I mean, it was alright...but I grew up with a baker...and nothing beats my mom's cakes! She owns a bakery in Michigan and she is always busy!

I came home to George taking a nap! I decided to join him for a little while!

Then my husband and I went out for dinner and drinks with friends for one of their birthdays! It was nice to get out for a bit!
Not the most flattering picture...oh well:(

Today has been busy! Slept in, worked a bit, got lunch with the hubs, and then back to work!

Many of you really wanted that time scavenger hunt I said I did quick and did not post to my store....well....

I bring you
I added some how to's, recording sheet, and an answer sheet. There are 14 questions in this unit. It is the perfect number for a scavenger hunt. My class took over an hour to do this! Some weren't even done when I had to stop! 

I will be posting this to my store in the next few minutes!

The first 3 people to comment I will give this to you for free:) 

I hope you all have a fantastic week! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! 

Whitewater rafting, savenger hunt with a twist, and measurement problem solving

Happy Friday!!! This week has been SUPER long and I am thankful it is Friday! It has been a CRAZY Friday though! tornado warnings during bus dismissal and then I stopped to pick up dinner at Lime and the rain just came down with super strong winds. We all had to move into the kitchen! It was so scary! Luckily, I am home now...relaxed and ready to get some stuff done!

Yesterday was a LONGGGG day! I was at school by 5:45am and left about 6:30pm! The 3rd graders went on our big field trip! I want to share a few pictures with you! They are so far away, I didn't blur out any faces!

The kids LOVED it and that was all they talked about today! I hope the team gets to take them back next year!

I have yet another twist on how to do a scavenger hunt! So I bought these awesome task cards from Teachesthirdingeorgia from TpT! 

They were just perfect for my mass and volume objectives review! We have a test on Monday...that I need to make!

Instead of a traditional scoot or cards around the room for a scavenger hunt I did it this way! 

I made 12 copies of each card, cut them out and laid them on my desk. The kids worked in pairs. I apologize in advance for the horrible pictures. I forgot my ipad today! Had to use my phone:(

Each pair had to solve one question at a time. When they got the answer they came up to me to check it. If they got it right, I gave them a small card with a letter on it. They needed to glue the letter on a white piece of paper. 

Once they got their letter they got to get the second card. When they answered the second card, showed me, got it right, they got a second smaller card with a letter!

I was doing a secret code! 

The kids seriously ATE THIS UP! They were flying through this, laughing, working, moving, and having fun! 

Here are some other pictures of the process

Once they finished their code, they got a sweet treat:) 
I would highly recommend doing this. You can do it for any task card set! I had 20 task cards and this saying has 20 letters! I also had HERE IS YOUR SWEET TREAT

I am attaching my file for

Just click HERE!

Another thing I did this week to help student's practice mass and volume was a bit of problem solving!
I made 14 word problems with this graphic organizer. I broke my class into pairs and they had to solve their word problem. Once they solved it, they check their work with me! Once I gave the go-ahead, they used chart paper to make it bigger. 
I gave each student a blank copy of the word problems. Each pair had to come up and teach the rest of the class how to solve their problem while they had the blank copy in front of them!
And of course...forgot to take pictures that day! So sorry, no pictures:( 
But, this is something I am putting up in my store! If you are interested in winning this for free, just leave a comment below and I will pick someone on tomorrow afternoon! 

Life has been pretty busy this week so I apologize for not uploading a few new products to my store. I am adding my Nonfiction unit
I am also adding that time scavenger hunt a few people asked for!
and a few other math things! Be on the look out for those new items this weekend!

I hope you all have a great weekend! Be safe everyone!