
Rolling through reading genres and new fonts!

Before I begin...take a look at this picture I took yesterday from the airplane!
It's the view of Lake Michigan heading to Chicago! So so pretty! 

OK, so day one of being home from my vacation in Michigan and I have...
gone to the gym 
grocery shopped
done a load of laundry
organized my office
changed the sheets on two beds

I now have a chance to sit down and do some work. I didn't realize my pile is SO big! Ugh!  I realized I have nothing planned for next week, papers need to be graded, report cards need to be done, and new quarter 4 centers/projects need to be made!  This is going to be a very LONG weekend!

First off I made 3 new fonts! I have a few more in the works.
 I am adding them to my file in both of my stores! If you have purchased these fonts don't forget to go redownload them so you can get these new fonts! 

I am working on, and will finish this weekend a new unit! I bring you...

This unit will be my students new quarter 4 reading project. They will have reading responses to a variety of genres. I can't wait to see how this unit turns out!

Enjoy your Friday night! 


  1. I love, love, love TR Miranda! Welcome home :)
    My Second Sense

  2. I can proof it for you if you want me to. =)


  3. I can proof it if you still need someone :)

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!
    angelanerby (at) hotmail (dot) com

  4. I can proof it in the morning if you are still needing some help.

    Reyesremarkablerants at gmail dot com

  5. I am good ladies! Thanks though for asking:)

  6. I am impressed with what you got done in one day. I've been on Spring Break and that sounds more than what I did all week! haha!

    Amber :)
    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
