
Showcase Celebrations~a space saving way to display students birthdays!

I LOVE having a display of student birthdays in my classroom! But what I don't like is the wall space it takes up! I decided this year to try something different...and that is where Showcase Celebrations was born!

I created a poster for each month that will fit inside an 8x10 frame. 

Every month I will change out the poster and use an expo marker to write on the class who has a birthday that month and the date!

I was going to use Washi tape and decorate the frame, but I really like the white!

I can't wait to display this in my class without taking up space!

You can grab this at my TpT shop HERE.

I am also having a little sale today and tomorrow in my shop! Back to work for me tomorrow:(

Have a great week!

Personal Word Wall Book~giveaway!

Over the past few days I have been looking at all sorts of word walls on Pinterest. I knew this year I wanted to bring back a word wall but I really didn't want it on a "wall." I finally decided to make my own word wall...personal style:)

I put one together for myself so I could show my students how to make it. I really LOVE how it turned out! 
And the best part is...you can always add more alphabet sections for when the kids run out of room!

Take a look!

Then I started thinking hard about how I want to use this in my classroom. I would love to have students use these for words they misspell often in their writing. I want to take these words and use them for their own word work during my Daily 5 time.

You can grab this personal word wall book HERE.
I would like to give one away for free! Leave a comment about how you would use this in your classroom. Don't forget your email:)

I'll pick a winner Sunday morning!

Do you use Tribes Agreements in your classroom?

Last year if you asked me what Tribes were I wouldn't have been able to tell you. My school here in Hawaii uses the 4 Tribes Agreements +1 they added. 

So what are Tribes?
"The clear purpose of the Tribes process is to assure the healthy development of every child so that each one has the knowledge, skills, and resiliency to be successful in a rapidly changing world."

Students learn set of collaborative skills so they can word together in a group(tribe). 

help each other work on tasks
set goals and solve problems
monitor and assess progress
celebrate achievements

I wanted to update our schools posters that we display in our classrooms!

I just put them up in my classroom the other day!

You can get yourself a copy of these posters HERE for free:)

Want to learn more about Tribes? Click the picture below!

How could you use Tribes in your classroom?


Super Improver of the Day~WBT idea!

Last year I blogged about having an EGGcellent student of the day! You can read about it here

Every day I would be looking for a student who was having an amazing day. I would pick a winner and they would get a no homework pass and a piece of candy!

It worked GREAT and my kids loved it. 

Well this year I wanted this idea to match this with the Super Improvers Wall from While Brain Teaching. 

I will put the poster in a clear sleeve and write the super improver of the days name in the circle. I will use the no homework for tonight passes to staple in my student's planner so the parents know they don't have homework for the night! I will also give them a star in their personal Super Improver's Wall book! No more candy! 

You can pick this up in my Super Improver Wall freebie on TpT HERE

Thanks for stopping by:)

My heart is SO full!~thank you so much!

Words can't express how thankful I am for every single $1 spent during my week long dollar deals. I have surpassed my goal for Meg and it couldn't have happened without your help! 

If you still want to help and donate to her recovery fund, you can go HERE

As a token of my appreciation, I have marked down my Back to School Getting to Know you activity for FREE!

Click HERE to get yourself a copy!

I will be back this week to show you how my classroom set up as been going! So sad this is my last week of summer! I am so not ready to go back.

Have a great Sunday!

Decide Now App~a Bright Ideas for your classroom

Today I am joining many other bloggers to bring you another awesome Bright Idea for your classroom!

Have you heard of the app called Decide Now?
It's a FREE app that you can use in SOOOOOO many ways! You plug in the choices you want, give it a name and presto! You have an instant spinner. 

I use this app in a few ways! 
I use it to call on students! They love seeing the wheel spin and finding out who gets to be picked!

I also use it for when a student levels up on the Super Improver wall, or when the whole class reaches a certain number on the Scoreboard!
Here is my prize wheel!

I would highly recommend this app to everyone!

If you enjoyed this bright idea, please consider following me on Facebook, Instagram, or TpT for more bright ideas!

For more bright ideas from more than 80 other amazing bloggers, please browse through the link up below! Have fun finding some new ideas!


$1 sale to help my dear teacher friend out!

Hey everyone! It's with some sad news I am asking for help. 

My very first teacher was in a serious car accident over a week ago and is still in a coma. 
Meg has a very long road ahead of her. 

I want to help her in ANY way that I can...so this is what I am came up with for now. (a bundle will be in the works soon). 
Just click on each item below to take you to the TpT link. 

OR if you prefer...you can donate any amount HERE. If you do, please let me know so I can give you ANY item from my shop for free. 

Meg is an outstanding teacher who does everything she can for her students. I am so lucky to have met her and can call her my friend!

Thanks everyone!


I'm Ready to Plan~take a look at this!

Hey fellow friends! I hope you all are enjoying your summer!
My summer is coming to an end:(

I go back the 28th of this month and just got official word I can start moving my stuff in Monday...MONDAY! Of course I want to get right in there and set up but I am dreading bringing all my stuff back to the classroom! This year I had to take it all home as my school was being remodeled! I can't wait to take a look how clean and fresh my room will be!

One thing I don't have to think any more about is my teacher planner! Last year I got an oh-so expensive planner, which I did like...but I never used all of it. I felt it wasn't worth the money. 

So I started to look around on TpT to find one that fit me. I wasn't having any luck and even thought about making my own. I kept looking and finally found this one from Haley over at My Silly Firsties.
This binder has it ALL...no joke!

It has
The binder includes all of these dividers/covers as well as editable versions in every color so you can add your own! :) 
Teacher Binder Cover
Parent Contact 
Sub Binder
Common Core
RTI Info
Testing and Data 
Lesson Plans
IEP Info
Guided Reading 
Field Trips
Guided Math
Morning Work
Sight Words
Word Work
Social Studies
Professional Development
Words their Way 
Daily 5 
Reader's Workshop
Writer's Workshop
Behavior and Management 
Each month also has it's own divider/cover and spine 

Extra EDITABLE pages include: 
Class Roster (several versions)
Student Class Numbers
Student Info sheet to send home with parents
Special Services
Student ID Numbers
Parent Contact Info (2 versions)
Master Phone Number List
Master Email List 
Parent Conference Tracker
Parent Contact Log
Students in RTI (2 versions)
Intervention Log 
Assessments at a Glance
Weekly Planning Sheet 
IEP at a Glance
Guided Reading Plans (3 versions)
Field Trip Checklist
Meeting Notes (2 versions)
Student Checklist
Professional Development Log 
Teacher Usernames/Passwords
Student Usernames/Passwords 
To Do Lists (2 versions)
Reading Lists
Student Health Concerns
Week at a Glance Planning Page 
Dolch Words
Fry Words 

For your sub binder..
Class Picture Template
Student Notes
How We Do Things 
Important Contact Info
Where Is It? 

I used some of this for my lesson plan book. I will use the other printables for other binders I plan on making. I really wanted my lesson plan binder to be just that! With a few other things of course!

Take a look how I put my lesson plan book together!
Here is the first section

The next section I have student checklists!

Next I have monthly calendars

Then I have my lesson plans! I LOVE this part!
The first page is for a peek at the week and my guided reading plans. I plan on using that as an outline as a plan for the week!

When you turn the page, this is where you see my lesson plans!

I love having it set up this way for the each week. 

At the very end of my book, I have my common core standards for the grade I am teaching.

I can't wait to use it!

I highly recommend this planner!
Head HERE to check out the one I used!

You won't be disappointed!


4th of July SALE!

Happy 4th of July! 
I hope you all are having a relaxing, safe, and fun holiday! 

Just stopping by to say my little shop is 20% off for today and tomorrow! 