
Just a little something and then some:)

Whew...what a day! During the school day, kids who needed to retake the EOG's had to retake it. This means, I was left to teach kids who passed or got a 1 and their parents didn't sign the form for them to retake it. It also meant that I got kids from another class since their teacher was administering the test. I had two super fun activities that revolved around two different picture books. Well, the kids FLEW through them both and even completed the part I had set aside for tomorrow! I had to get home from the gym tonight and think quickly of something again for this group to do tomorrow. I needed something that had more substance and could really keep them busy. So, I finally opened this FREE packet from Time for Kids I got in the mail weeks ago...oops! And I found a SUPER cool debate article! AH HA! Did you see the same light bulb that I just did??? LOL!

So low and behold my debate activity for tomorrow! Kids will have multiple opportunities to learn what a debate is, how to have one, and create their own speech to give a debate! For just a second, I kinda feel like an AIG teacher...this is so advanced for my group of kiddos! 

So here is a preview of this activity! I hope you like it! If you want a copy, you can get it HERE

I also plan on having them make this rockin activity! Found it on Pinterest! I thought it was so cool! If you want to know more about this rockin end of the year activity, you can go to The Learning Tree and get all the details!

Enjoy the rest of your week:)

A little bit of this, and a little bit of a freebie:)

Just an FYI...this post is going to be ALL over the place full of ideas from my busy Monday!

First thing, Happy Memorial Day! I am so honored to be married to a veteran! I am very proud of the service he has given to this country! And to my sister, who is 21 and just enlisted in the National Guard! Way to serve our country!

OK, onto my very busy productive Monday:) First, I finished my money tree for my friend's bridal shower! I reallllllly hope she likes it! So people are going to come to the shower and give a gift of money! They will choose an activity they would like to donate money to and then sign the tree to show they gave money! This way, people don't have to feel embarrassed if they can only give 5, 10 or 15 dollars!

So what do you think? Yeah, yeah, my husband pointed out the J and O are not straight. Oh well! AND I added one more leaf above the cream bird after I took this picture!

Second, I created this end of the year writing activity on the book Oh...the Places You'll Go by our good old friend Dr. Seuss! This was my FIRST try at drawing something and scanning it as a picture. I think the balloon turned out pretty good...don't you? hehe! You can get your copy over at my TPT and TN store now!

Lastly, to honor this holiday I created a Memorial Day writing activity! I know I have to go back to work tomorrow so it will be nice to see what the kids did over the weekend! I hope you can use it too! Pick up your copy for FREE at my TPT or TN store!

Well, that is it! I hope you all have a fantastic week back to work! 8 more days for me...I think I can, I think I can:)

FREEBIE and Sunday Spotlight

So on Friday, I got an email from my assistant principal saying that we have to work with a second grade teacher to come up with some sort of lesson/activity for the 2nd graders to see how 3rd grade is. So I have been thinking and thinking about how to make a fun and engaging activity where movement is involved!

My kids this year have LOVED the scavenger hunts around the room! So what better thing to do is make a questionnaire for the 2nd graders to ask my 3rd graders in a scavenger hunt format!

I will pair each one of my of my third graders with a second grader. They will walk around the room finding each card and talking about it. They will record their answers on the recoding sheet. Once everyone is done, everyone will come to the class carpet and we will talk and hold a class discussion about each question.

Once the questions are done, we will have a snack and celebrate the rising 3rd graders and my class going to 4th grade! I think they will love this:)

Since it is SO close to the end of the year and it is memorial weekend, I am giving this away for FREE! You can grab it over at my TPT or TN store now:) I hope you like it!

Something else that I have been really thinking about is a Sunday Spotlight! I am new into this blogging world and so are a TON of other fantastic teachers! I want to take one day out of my week and showcase a new blogger!

This week I would like to start out my Sunday Spotlight to a 5th grade teacher over at Every New Beginning!
She has some fantastic ideas-especially this really cool mirror craft idea! She is also giving away a $25 dollar TARGET gift card. I mean, who doesn't LOVE Target???  Go check her out! 

Well, back to creating a money tree for my coworker/friend's bridal shower! I can't wait to show you all the pictures when I am done!

Happy Sunday:)

End of the year gift idea

I have had the wonderful privilege of working with a great intervention specialist this school year. She has come into my math class every morning and helped with with some kids who really need a lot of one on one attention, small groups, or anything I ask her to do in math! She has been wonderful and the kids LOVE her!

The kids and I are very thankful for her and wanted to show her our appreciation. We made her a wonderful book full of thank you cards! Now this is just not an ordinary book...oh no! I found at Michaels for $1.99 a small pocket photo album that was just perfect for slipping in 4x6 index cards! Awesome!

The first thing we did was create a word cloud with all the fun thing we like about her! Then, each student got two index cards. One for the picture and one for the letter. I placed the picture on the top part and the letter below! 

They turned out sooooo awesome! We are going to throw her a surprise breakfast and give her this gift! 

I added a cute cover and a thank you from me! I hope she likes it! 


I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!

I have not met a person who doesn't like ice cream...I mean come on! What planet are you from if you don't like ice cream???

I just LOVE ice cream! I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner:) Have you tried the new Blue bunny White Chocolate Macadamia nut cookie ice cream??? It is seriously delicious! Words can't describe out yummy this flavor is! Ben and Jerry's, TCBY, Cold Stone, Hagen Daz, Goodberries, YoPop...list goes on and on!

Ok, so where am I going with all of this??? LOL! The last week of school I am having an ice cream day with my 3rd grade kiddos of course! One thing out of the whole day I have planned is this invent your own ice cream flavor! I hope the kids really enjoy this activity...maybe just as much as eating an ice cream sundae at the end of the day;)
Here is my cover to my activity:) 

First we will listen Jack Prelutsky Ebenezer's Bleezer poem on You Tube...super cute! This can help generate ideas for their flavors
 Check out the video!

Students will get to invent their own flavor and package! Then they can create a billboard, commercial, or magazine add to advertise their new ice cream!

I can't wait to see what flavors they come up with! 

You can get it HERE at my TpT shop!

Enjoy the rest of your night! I am off to eat some ice cream;)

YEAH! My first Blog award:)

WOW...I got my first blog award! I know it is my second post for the day...AGAIN, but I just had to share! I an WAY to excited!

Thank you so much Sara from Miss Elementary! What a great honor! I am still very new at this whole blogging thing, but I LOVE it:) She awarded me with this One Lovely Blog Award!

Sara also has a very cute blog....go check her out:)

Now, it is up to me to find and award some creative and talented bloggers!

Here are the 6 great new blogs to which I have given the award! (I only did 6 because this award is going around like hot cakes!) Every new blog I was looking at had this award! SOOO many great blogs out there!

Once you've received the award you must:
1- Follow the blog who passed on the award to you
2- Mention the blogger who has given it to you in a blog post
3- Pass on the award to 15 new blogs-or how ever many you can find;)

Be sure to check them out! :)

Congrats on the blog and keep up the hard work!

Tania from My Second Sense
Sheri from 1st Grade rocks

Summer is almost here:)

Summer is sooooo close I can taste it:) The days are getting longer, the weather is so nice right now! I do not want to be in my house working on school stuff at the mind is check out! haha!

So as I promised, I was working on a summer activities to do list pack. I have 3 months with some activities for each month. My plan to use this is to give it to the kiddos the last day of school. Tell them that if they complete the activities and turn them back into me at the beginning of next year they can earn a prize of some sort! There are some fun activities and educational focused activities too. I think kids would like this and parents too! 

So if you are interested, snag yours up today at my TPT and TN store! 

How many days do you have left until your summer break??? 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend:)

Oh Wednesday!

It's only Wednesday???? This week is moving SOOOO slow! Two days down of state testing, one more day to go! How many of you are testing this week? Still have to test? Or have tested already? Today was a bit tough...long test, no specials, no duty free lunch=one tired teacher:( It was nice to come home, relax for a few with the hubby, and then get to work on some blogging and creating:)

So this is what I finished! I got my overused words pack done:) 29 words, 30 page document! I am pretty excited to use this next year! I plan on having a word of the week that we lay to rest! Hoping that the kids will use the new words in their writing!

I have it for sale in my TPT and TN stores now! BUT...the first 3 people to leave a comment with a suggestion of how they would use this will get it for free:) I can't wait to see some suggestions! Have a great rest of your week!


Happy 1 year Wedding Anniversary to me and my hubby and an Overused word pack preview

Today is my 1 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe that it has been a whole year already! Just sitting here thinking about every little detail of my wedding day puts a smile on my face! I was the happiest girl alive and still am to this day! There is not a day that goes by that my husband doesn't give me goosebumps! Such a hottie;) 

We had a fabulous destination wedding in Las Vegas with 30 of our closest family and friends with us. We had a few hiccups throughout the day as any wedding does! But it all makes for great memories!

Here is a few wedding pictures I would like to share!

Hope you like them:) I can't wait to spend some time with my husband tonight! Dinner after work and then who knows! for a preview of what I have been working on! I got inspired by Classroom Displays Blog to create an overused word activity! This is what I found on Pinterest!

I am working on a set of overused words that you can use just like this! All you need is the file I am working on and library pockets! This way the kids can come up and pull out a word that they want to use instead of an overused word! So far I have 25 different words with 8 new words for each one! I plan to do one a week next year during writing! So I am trying to get at least 35 words!

Take a look at what I got so far! I hope you like it:)


Math EOG review

Yeah yeah, I can hear it though the computer! "Posting again??? On the SAME day!"

I was making this for my class tomorrow and just HAD to share! We have one more day before the EOG's at my school and tomorrow my 3rd grade kiddos are going to play this review game! I have it SUPER cheap on my TPT and TN store...but for the first TWO people to comment, I will email it to you for free. I realize this is sooooo last minute and I should have thought about this sooner...DUH! But I didn't...oops! I hope you like it! Have a super Sunday! 


Summer Bucket List Linky:)

How fun and so appropriate since summer is 17 school days away!!!! I am super excited and ready for a b.r.e.a.k!

Hadar, Teri and April are hosting a Summer Bucket List Linky and you should join in the fun too! It has been great looking at everyone's summer plans! Here is my summer bucket List:)

1. visit my YMCA daily! I really love working out and this school year it has been tough! I have been very sick this year and have had a major lack of energy! I really am looking forward in spending my time at the gym

2. RUN....I want to RUN again! With that...I want a new pair of running shoes;) Here are the ones I am looking at! Oh how I heart gym shoes!

3. BLOG and CREATE! I plan on working this summer on making things to sell and give away on my blog, TPT and TN.

4. Possibly head home to Michigan for my sister's graduation party from High school. I can't believe my baby sister is graduating! This sure makes me feel OLD!
My baby sister Allison and me in 2006
5. Bake! I LOVE to bake! My mom owns a bakery in Michigan so I guess you can say it is my blood! Here are a few things I want to bake this summer!

5. And of course, work on a few school type projects! One I really want to do is organize my math area! I want things labeled and put in specific boxes for all the fun math games and activities I have This is my inspiration:)
Hop over to Sweet Seconds to check this out!
6. Last but not least, work on a few odds and ends I have been NEEDING/WANTING to do around the house:)

~get my wedding dress cleaned! I got married last year May 14th (tomorrow is my ONE year anniversary!)

~find a glass container to put my wedding bouquet in

~create a book of all our wedding cards and things

~organize my office

~do a deep clean of my house

~finally get my master's degree diploma framed!

Well I hoped you liked my summer bucket list! I can't wait to get started!

5 more days:(

I can't believe it...only 5 more days until my 3rd grade kiddos take their EOG's! The time is coming and I am trying everything I can to review, review, review! With that being said, I am working on this measurement activity!

Today I posted task cards around the room with a scavenger hunt recording sheet. They had to find the task cards and pick the correct measurement. When they all got back to the carpet, we went over each task card! They had SOOO much fun moving around and looking for the task cards. They begged me to let them play again tomorrow!

So, I am working on a new one! Here is a preview:)

So what do you think???
Once the unit is all done, I will post it on my TPT and TN store! 

but for now, here is the first one I made, for FREE:)

Just click HERE!

I hope you like it! Comments and new followers always make my day! So please leave one and follow me if you take this for free:)

Have a great night!


May Currently

So, this is my second time doing this May currently from Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade! I really am enjoying learning about this linky parties and blog hopping! Since it is May, that only means one is ALMOST done! I am super excited that we only have 21 school days left...yes 21:) I am in need of a break! My body has taken a toll this school year with being sick a lot! I am so excited to spend my summer focusing on ME and my health! Then hopefully by the time the fall rolls around, I will be healthy has a horse and won't get as sick as I did this year! Hopefully I won't have another strep carrier in my class....haha!

Now, for the rest of my do a few things for my class, and then blog and create! You just may see another post from me in a bit! I would love to add a few great FREE things on here for teacher appreciation week! I know how hard we ALL work and being able to find great FREE resources always make me smile!