I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!

I have not met a person who doesn't like ice cream...I mean come on! What planet are you from if you don't like ice cream???

I just LOVE ice cream! I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner:) Have you tried the new Blue bunny White Chocolate Macadamia nut cookie ice cream??? It is seriously delicious! Words can't describe out yummy this flavor is! Ben and Jerry's, TCBY, Cold Stone, Hagen Daz, Goodberries, YoPop...list goes on and on!

Ok, so where am I going with all of this??? LOL! The last week of school I am having an ice cream day with my 3rd grade kiddos of course! One thing out of the whole day I have planned is this invent your own ice cream flavor! I hope the kids really enjoy this activity...maybe just as much as eating an ice cream sundae at the end of the day;)
Here is my cover to my activity:) 

First we will listen Jack Prelutsky Ebenezer's Bleezer poem on You Tube...super cute! This can help generate ideas for their flavors
 Check out the video!

Students will get to invent their own flavor and package! Then they can create a billboard, commercial, or magazine add to advertise their new ice cream!

I can't wait to see what flavors they come up with! 

You can get it HERE at my TpT shop!

Enjoy the rest of your night! I am off to eat some ice cream;)


  1. I am a follower and love your creations...we are having ice cream day on Thursday!



  2. Ooh this is perfect for my ice cream day in a few weeks. I would love it!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Who doesn't love ice cream?! Sounds like a great writing activity!
    PS. On your cover page, you have a little typo!! your** :) :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  4. Of course I made a typo...that would be so something I would do! Geesh! Ok, I fixed it! I am sending out your freebie today:)

  5. I also do an ice cream day at the end of the year....my kiddos have to earn how many scoops they get throughout the year though...some are still stuck on the cone....uh-oh :( emelie_larson@msn.com

  6. So...I just stumbled across your blog today and your ice cream activity looks super cute. Then, I was looking at the cover and got super excited because you are the first person that I have seen to use my ice cream cone clip art. This made my day! I'm so glad that you liked it enough to make a cute little activity with it! I would love a copy of it because we are having an ice cream day next week.


  7. Hey, am I too late to get this freebie? Here's my address, just in case:
    The Caffeinated Classroom

  8. No it is not too late! I can send them out:) I think I may have forgotten a few people too! Look for the email here shortly!

  9. This sounds like a great activity that the kiddos would love and enjoy. I have never seen that video before, but the kids will get a kick out of it.

    Thanks :)
    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  10. We have a third grade ice cream social on the last full day of school. This idea sounds like so much fun!

  11. Is it too late? I would love a copy of this activity for next year. melissa.baccari@yahoo.com

  12. Cute idea. Could you please email me a copy? Kimmalaska31@gmail.com. Thank you so much.
