5 more days:(

I can't believe it...only 5 more days until my 3rd grade kiddos take their EOG's! The time is coming and I am trying everything I can to review, review, review! With that being said, I am working on this measurement activity!

Today I posted task cards around the room with a scavenger hunt recording sheet. They had to find the task cards and pick the correct measurement. When they all got back to the carpet, we went over each task card! They had SOOO much fun moving around and looking for the task cards. They begged me to let them play again tomorrow!

So, I am working on a new one! Here is a preview:)

So what do you think???
Once the unit is all done, I will post it on my TPT and TN store! 

but for now, here is the first one I made, for FREE:)

Just click HERE!

I hope you like it! Comments and new followers always make my day! So please leave one and follow me if you take this for free:)

Have a great night!

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