
105 outside + me inside = finished projects:)

I feel quite accomplished so far today:) 105 degrees outside means this pale girl is staying inside! I have been plugging away at my "Memories in..." book! It is all done and I think I really like it!

So I did each grade 5 times-this way each grade would have the color choice 5 times. I also created little cards the kids can use to write down their memory and place it in the container you choose! I think I am going to use the blue one:) But maybe the Orange one??? I can't decide, I like them all! 

I have them in my TPT and TN stores! Thanks for those that left comments yesterday! If you left your email, I will send you a copy for free:)

Another thing I made today...was my Classroom Bingo Board! My kids LOVED it this past year. 
I placed one copy on the board and had a container of chips with numbers 1-100 with a few wild ones in there too! When they had a positive behavior, they pulled out a chip and colored that number square. When they had a row filled up, they had a BINGO party! If you like this idea, you can have it for free, just for the rest of this weekend! I have a few different color backgrounds to choose from:) Click the picture to get yourself a copy!

One more thing...watch your mailboxes teachers...this is on its way to you if it hasn't been delivered already...

Not good! Ugh...why can't my husband just throw these away when he gets the mail??? I guess I have some light reading to do tonight;)

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Stay hydrated and cool!AND don't forget to enter my 200 follower giveaway! It ends Sunday at Midnight!

Preview, Remember to..., and Fabulous Find Friday Linky:)

It's Friday! The one day of the week during the school year I always look forward to! But during the summer, it's just another day! I heart summer:) So today I am linking up with Elizabeth over in Fun in Room 4B for he Fabulous Find Friday! Today, I am going to feature something that is so simple, so cheap, and easy to use. I don't know about you, but I hate glue sticks! I always seem to end up with glue all over my hands. I also hate tape! Especially when you take a piece and fold it over to stick two things together...I can never do it right. But now...I found this lovely tool that I think every teacher should have!
This is the Scotch Double Sided Adhesive Roller! All you have to do is roll it on, and sit it to what you want! I love, love, love it! I found it at Target for $2.49! You can't beat that! No mess, no sticky fingers, no twisted tape...pure genius! 

Do you remember the other day when I posted my 
"Remember to" freebie? Well here is mine, all finished..except for that flower in the corner I have to fix! What do you think? You can get the file over at my TPT and TN store for free:)

Last but not least for tonight...something I started! I found this making memories in...grade on Pinterest. Where they write notes and place them in a jar all year long. I really want to do this next year! So here is the file I am working on! I should have it done tomorrow:)
I will be doing one for each grade with each background color! Tell me what you think and you just might get it for free:)

Time for bed:) Good night bloggy land!


Hi, my name is Suzie Homemaker...what's yours???

Today...you can call me Suzie, Suzie Homemaker:) I think for the first time this summer break I have not been Mrs. R...the teacher! This is what happened in the day Mrs. R became Suzie Homemaker:)

I went shopping for baskets at the Dollar Tree...these baskets were not for my classroom, but for my kitchen! I didn't feel like spending a ton of money on baskets since we will probably only be living here another year or two (we rent a town home.) Then, I went to Lowes to find the shelving I wanted and didn't find a thing:(

On to Target...again, where I went for my kitchen and not school related stuff! Checked the dollar spot and bought a new mixing bowl and funnel. Then I found the shelf but not the wheels I wanted...dang it! Onto the second Target of the day! Got to that Target and found the wheels and walked out only with the wheels!

Walmart-groceries for dinner! Nothing else! Yeah, go me:)

Got home...and this was my first project! Look that this before pic! I.could.not.take.any.more.of.this.closet!
It is a very long and narrow closet! Mind you how messy it is....thanks hubby! I organize and organize and it always ends up like this...YUCK! Not anymore:) Do you notice the Tupperware lids on the shelf??? The actual containers are somewhere else! I HATE that they are in TWO different places...I mean, seriously! I had to fix that!

So after hours of sorting, cleaning, dusting, organizing...I get this:)

Then, I used the shelf I bought, added the wheels and pushed it in:)
Now, when we want something, we can pull it out and push it in!

Next Project...another shelf we had by our kitchen table! This shelf has wine glasses, martini glasses, margarita glasses, cookbooks, protein bars, magic bullet stuff...I mean a shelf with no rime or reason to it at all! 
Well, all those glasses came off...went to goodwill. I never use them anyways. The magic bullet stuff went with all the other kitchen gadgets, and the cookbooks were organized! I put all the Tupperware here and this is what I got:)
Isn't it so pretty??? I had to keep a few glasses, especially the beer ones and the birthday wine glass:)

Project 3...Dinner:) 
I really wanted to try a new recipe today! I found a great one for Zesty BBQ Chicken on Pinterest. Click on the picture if you want the link! It was very easy to put together and actually has been cooking the whole time I was doing all the cleaning and organizing! I have to make some mashed potatoes and then dinner will be ready when hubby gets home:) This is what it looks like so far:)

So, it has been fun being Suzie Homemaker today! I did recive a package in the mail! 
I had to open it because it had 2 non-teacher related items I really wanted! But it also had one teacher item...

I can't wait to look through it...probably just not today!

I hope you enjoyed reading my NONteacher related post! OH but wait...I do have ONE more thing...

My TN 50% off and TPT 20% off sale ends Tonight! Don't delay on grabbing some items from my stores! And if you have not entered yet...my giveaway ends Sunday night! Enter HERE today!

I am off to make potatoes! Have a great night:)


I feel so honored I just had to share

Today I was awarded not once, but twice with TWO different awards! I feel so honored! I am going to talk about one of them now! I seriously have only been blogging since April 10th and never thought in just over two months I would be here! I LOVE it! 

First award came from Lisa over at Learning is something to Treasure! She awarded me with the...
The Versatile Blogger award! Yeah! How cool! There are some rules that come with this award! 

The rules for this award are as follows:
1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you.
Thanks Lisa so much! You sure have made my day:)

2.  Include a link to their site.
if you have not been to Lisa's blog...you must go there. It's pretty awesome:)

3.  Include the award image in your post.
4.  Give 7 random facts about yourself
Oh boy...here we go:)

1. I have had the same best friend since Kindergarten! Lori and I are going on 27 years of being friends! I LOVE her tons and have no idea what I would do without that girl!

2. I can sit down and watch rerun after rerun of Law and Order SVU. I am seriously addicted to the show!

3. My husband is a Hawaiian Native! We plan on moving back to his homeland but not sure when! I hope it is sooner rather than later!

4. My hubby and I plan on trying to start a family hopefully soon:) EEK!  I am so wanting to be a mommy! Baby fever has hit and we are very close to being ready to try!

5. I have had freckles since I was about 6 years old. Each year I get more and more! I used to HATE them! I remember when I was younger I would take my mom's liquid foundation and  cover my face with it to hide my freckles.  Not anymore! I love them and that is one of the things that attracted me to my husband! My left side has more than my right side! My face...well, is pretty covered:)

6. Also to go with this picture...look at my smile...I have NEVER had braces:) I get the strange eye every time I say that because people don't believe me...oh, I never had wisdom teeth either!

7. I really hate reading:( I LOVE teaching reading and I have my Master's in Curriculum and Instruction with my k-12 reading licenses...but I hate reading. I secretly love to buy books, make my shelf look pretty, but to get me to read them is a stretch! I want to! I am half way though Hunger Games and have 50 Shades to read next! I hope to get through them this summer!

5.  Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
Now it is my turn to nominate 15 fabulous bloggers! I am sorry if you have already received this award, but I feel you deserve it again:) You have all helped me here in this bloggy world!

1. Tara at 4th Grade Froclis
2. Ginger at Ginger Snaps 
3. Courtney at Swimming into Second
4. Kristen at Ladybugs Teaching Files  
5. April at Wolfelicious
8. Tania at My Second Sense
10. Dawn at Love Teach Learn 
11. Jessica at My Different Worlds
13. Corinna at Surffin' Through Second
14. April at The Idea Backpack
15 Natalie from Teachery Tidbits

6.  When nominating, include a link to their site.
7.  Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.
Working on it;)
I hope you enjoy reading all about me:) And Congrats to those who won the award from me!  

Wednesday FREEBIE with a little bit of shopping:)

Happy Wednesday to you all:) I honestly woke up and had NO IDEA what day it was! I L.O.V.E it:) Isn't summer great!?!? ALL except for this weather forecast...YUCK!
 I am staying inside the next few days!

So today, after the gym, I had to go to Michael's and return something and of course walked out of there with something else...how does this happen??? Well, what I am working on now will be for my Monday Made it to go along with my 200 follower giveaway reveal!

So what did I do after Michales...of course I went to my nail salon during happy hour and got a discounted rate on my pedicure! My foot has been hurting so bad, even though I am on some heavy meds, the pedi sure helped! My favorite girl was in and I was lucky to have her do my pedi! I was in there for over an hour! She used 3 hot stones, lavender scrub, lavender oil with a hot towel, and massaged for like 30 minutes...pure heaven! To go along with my lavender theme I guess I was having, I went with a hot purple nail polish! Don't mind my fat toes but I just had to show you how pretty the color is:)

Next stopped by Target, hit up the dollar section for a pink whiteboard fabric bins! I heart these bins and the colors:) They match my room perfectly! 

I needed a few more of these because I bought this shelf from a coworker the last day of school. She was packing up to move to her new school and didn't want to bring it! Score for me!
AND I had this frog bin last year that I plan on using again! I will be placing him in the middle and the other 4 in the corners! Not sure what I will do with the other cubbies...do you have a suggestion???

So what did I do with the whiteboard? Well, my plan was to have it hang by the door as an exit reminder for the kids! So it will say..."remember to..." and then I can write "wear PE shoes tomorrow" or "bring field trip money". Anything that the kids need to remember for the next day!

So I have made it into a FREEBIE for you! But I need your help! I can't decide which one I want to use! I have a frog theme...but should I go with...

The frog theme

 no frog theme

Let me know what you think I should do? I plan on using mod podge to stick it on! I have it up for free in my TPT and TN stores:) 

Last but not least, I got TWO awards today...but I will write about that tomorrow...this post is already WAYYYY TOOOO LONGGG! Thanks for sticking around to read this:)

I heart Shopping...June Linky addition:)

Did someone say shopping??? Kristen, over at Ladybug's Teacher Files is having a super cool Summer Shopping Linky Party and I just knew I had to participate! I mean, I got to go shopping! Hello!!!!

So I have three really cool finds that I just bought! One showed up on TV last night! A Pier 1 commercial came on and I saw out of the corner of my eye a really cute "Welcome to my pad" flag! I knew I had to have it. I went online and saw it was on CLEARANCE for $8.49! SCORE! I left this morning and went out and grabbed me one! Isn't it cute???
Then...I saw it..another frog thing on sale! This time, I knew right away what I could use it for! You know those scratch off tickets I have been making (more new ones posted below)??? Well, I need something to hold my frog ones in don't I??? Well looky what I found???
I am SO excited about this! It was $12 on sale:) I can't wait to use it! If you have an OWL theme...you will want to head over to Pier 1! They have some really cute Owl theme things!

Over at Amazon, I have had my eye on this book for quite some time! I have read the review and it looks like it will help me with understanding the Common Core a bit more this school year! I even splurged to get the 2 day shipping:) Click on the picture to take you to the link if you are interested in buying this book!

Yeah for more scratch off tickets! I am loving making them and people are asking me for all sorts of themes! I will keep working on them over the summer. I think I may stop for a bit and work on some other things I have in mind! But for now, I have the new Hawaiian and Hollywood tickets complete and up for sale in my TPT and TN stores!

Don't forget...I am having a HUGE giveaway to celebrate my 200 followers! I even went out today and bought all the gift cards:) So it's no joke! Click HERE if you have not done so yet! Become a follower, leave a comment and enter today! Giveaway ends next Monday!  AND I am having a 50% off sale in my TN store and a 20% off sale in my TPT store! Sale ends Friday!

Enjoy your Tuesday:)


Post 2: Looky Looky...I'm at 200 followers:)

Yeah, I said a few hours...that didn't happen! I just couldn't wait! YEAH for 200 followers! Thank you to each and every one of you that has followed me, became my blogging friends, and helped me learn SO much over the past two months! I can already see a difference in how blogging has changed me! Even though I was always a creative teacher, I feel that blogging as opened my eyes to being more creative and willing to try new things! So I ask you...how has blogging made you a better teacher? 

So...about this giveaway! My two favorite places in the whole world is Target and Starbucks! Well, maybe not the whole world, but two of my favorite stores;) And who doesn't love TPT? Well, two lucky people will have a chance to win ALL of that PLUS 5 items from my TPT store! How cool is that? I kinda want to win...can I???

Also, in honor of having 200 followers I will be having a HUGE sale NOW until this FRIDAY!

AND...my TPT store is 20% off! I tried to get it to let me have a 50% off sale but I guess it doesn't go that high! This is my first time throwing a sale:)

Enter and Shop today! Thanks again and good luck to everyone:)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Post 1: Monday Made it:)

It's Monday friends! And what better way to start the week than with Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics and having 200 followers!!! I will get to that in my second post of the day:)

So I actually have 2 Monday Made it projects! One you all have been seeing in my recent posts, the "ask me what I got on my test" buttons and lanyards. I got the idea from Miss Kranz and knew I just had to do it. I finally got them all printed out, cut out, and placed in the container I bought but wrote on!
I probably should have wrote more on the top and with a different color...but oh well! I have a feeling sometime soon I will be looking for a different container to put them in:( You can get the button and lanyard printables for FREE in my TPT and TN stores:) 

Project two came from Kathleen at Growing Kinders. She has this container of "Happy Rocks" for her classroom behavior system. (I also plan on making her mystery person jar too)
It is very simple to make! A jar, some kind of stones, and a sharpie paint pen...which I am in LOVE with! What a coooool pen! 

So I went to Michaels with my 50% off coupon and teacher badge in hand. I found a mason jar, hot pink rocks on clearance, ribbon 50% off, stickers on clearance, and used the same sharpie paint pen as above and I get...Tadpole Tokens:)

I plan on using my tadpole tokens as a classroom reward system! I have been doing the Bingo Board for a few years and wanted something different! How you do you whole group classroom rewards for positive behavior? 

Well, that is LONG enough for this post! I need to get working on my second post...my 200 follower giveaway! Be on the look out for it within the next few hours:)