
Scratch off ticket FREEBIE, Sunday Spotlight, Pinterest Recipes

Just by my title, I have had a SUPER busy day! I have...gone grocery shopping, vacuumed the whole house, 3 loads of laundry, deep cleaned one bathroom, and made two...yes TWO Pinterest recipes that I highly recommend you try:)

1. Homemade frappuccino! Now, I am a HUGE Starbucks fan! But...I am trying, really trying not spend money there. My husband and I have a nice/fancy/expensive espresso machine at home (we bought from Starbucks) and I really should use it more. So I did some Pinterest searching and found this recipe!

Who knew to add instant vanilla pudding mix to your drink...delicious! 
2. I had 4 huge bananas that were screaming "Cook me"...so I listened! Again, I went to Pinterest and wanted to try something new. I found, what I thought, looked like a yummy banana cake recipe! The recipe was, well..a bit odd since it was a lower temp for a longer time, but I followed the directions to a T. The 976 reviews this recipe has is right...it is W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L!
Here is my picture of the cake! YUMMY!

OK...onto my Sunday Spotlight! Heather over at Kickin' it in Kinder has an amazing blog! She has some FANTASTIC ideas!
Heather and I both at the same time had the button/lanyard idea! They say that great minds think alike:) She has some other buttons right now that I would have never thought to come up with! They are SUPER CUTE:) And if you leave a comment, you can get them for free:)

She also has a great tutorial right now about how to create a blog button! I think I may just have to try it out sometime:) Go check Heather out! You will LOVE her blog

OK...now onto my scratch off ticket freebie! I am SOOOOOOO close to 200 followers! 19 to be exact! I have a really awesome 200 follower give-a-way that I want to do but I can't yet! So I need your help getting me to the 200 mark!

If you post this picture and write about me being SO close to 200 followers on your blog I will give you a set of scratch off tickets for free...of your choice! Just make sure to comment with the link so I can see where you posted it at!

My sport theme ones are done too! 

Thanks everyone! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and see you tomorrow for Monday Made it:)

OHHH...one more thing! My buttons and lanyards "ask me what I got on my test" are for FREE in my TPT and TN shop! I decided I am not going to sell them! YEAH!


  1. I blogged about your soon-to-be giveaway w/your pic! Here's the link!
    I would love the pirate scratch off tickets!!
    Thanks Tonya!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I started a blog way back, but didn't blog much. I'm trying to do some more blogging now! I don't have many followers, but I did blog about your soon to be giveaway and blog!
    I'd love the owl scratch off tickets! I just love your blog!! Thanks!!

    Mrs. Brown

  3. Congrats on being close to 200 followers! I blogged about your giveaway as well:
    I'd love the sport themed tickets! Thanks!

    Success in Second Grade

  4. Thank you so much for featuring me, that is super sweet!!! Well, I am trying to finish the buttons and I promise I will post those along with your 200 follower sign tomorrow!!! I know you will be there before too long! Take care,
    Kickin' it in Kinder

  5. Hey there Tonya :) I am loving all of your scratch off tickets. You are doing a great job. I blogged about your upcoming giveaway. Hopefully you will make it there soon :) http://mynotsoelementarylife.blogspot.com/2012/06/quick-shout-out.html

    I, like Lisa, would love your pirate themed scratch-offs. Thanks so much and good luck with reaching 200. I am sure you will hit it in no time.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  6. Hi, I'm your newest follower! I found out about your upcoming giveway from another blog and decided to come check out your blog.
    Plus, I'm excited that I found another NC teacher's blog.

    Swimming Into Learning

    1. YEAH! I LOVE your blog! Nice to have you as a follower:) AND an NC one at that! Where in NC are you?


  7. Now you're only 14 away cause I'm a new follower! I found the link to your give away on My Not So Elementary Life. I'm a third grade teacher, too.

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  8. Hi Tonya! I am your newest follower! You only need 9 more. I will blog about your quest tomorrow. Happy blogging!
    Eileen Griffin

  9. Hi Tonya! I blogged about your giveway here: http://wells4thgrade.blogspot.com/2012/06/great-blog.html. I would love the sports themed tickets! Congrats


  10. Hey Tonya, I just found your blog and it's great! I posted about your giveaway here:

    Teachin' First


  11. I posted your link on my blog! Stop by and visit.

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  12. Oops! Forgot to mention I would love the owl themed scratch offs!


  13. Thanks everyone who helped spread the word! OH MY...one more to go:) YEAH!!!

  14. I love these! Thank you so much for giving them away free!


  15. this is so much more than i needed!!! but will all come in use thanks!!
    buy pinterest followers

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