
Post 2: Looky Looky...I'm at 200 followers:)

Yeah, I said a few hours...that didn't happen! I just couldn't wait! YEAH for 200 followers! Thank you to each and every one of you that has followed me, became my blogging friends, and helped me learn SO much over the past two months! I can already see a difference in how blogging has changed me! Even though I was always a creative teacher, I feel that blogging as opened my eyes to being more creative and willing to try new things! So I ask you...how has blogging made you a better teacher? 

So...about this giveaway! My two favorite places in the whole world is Target and Starbucks! Well, maybe not the whole world, but two of my favorite stores;) And who doesn't love TPT? Well, two lucky people will have a chance to win ALL of that PLUS 5 items from my TPT store! How cool is that? I kinda want to win...can I???

Also, in honor of having 200 followers I will be having a HUGE sale NOW until this FRIDAY!

AND...my TPT store is 20% off! I tried to get it to let me have a 50% off sale but I guess it doesn't go that high! This is my first time throwing a sale:)

Enter and Shop today! Thanks again and good luck to everyone:)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations on 200!!! Blogging has made me a better teacher because it has given me so many fresh new ideas. Seeing so many wonderful teachers in one place motivates me to be the best teacher that I can be!!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Congrats on reaching 200. That didn't take long at all :) Blogging has helped me to be more creative. I have learned SOOOO much in the last couple months and it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for blogging (which I found via Pinterest). I feel I am becoming more and more equipped to help children love learning by reading all of the other inspirational blogs :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  3. Wow! What awesome prizes! I definitely want to win!!! :)
    Blogging has helped me reflect upon my teaching a lot more! I also love how it has made my cutesy stuff full of rigor and learning! I love blogging and reading other awesome ideas that I have never or would have never thought of!! :)

    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  4. Congrats on 200 followers! Following blogs has allowed me to try so many new teaching strategies in my classroom. I also love all the cute crafts/activities that I have discovered!

  5. Congrats on 200 followers!! Blogging keeps me excited about teaching and new ideas.


  6. Congrats on 200! Blogging has given me so many new ideas, and a place to share mine - which inspires me to keep doing creative things in my own classroom :)
    The Resource(ful) Room

  7. Wow this is a very generous giveaway! Thanks!! I love the blogging world!! I'm addicted! :) I have met some amazing people and like you it has pushed me to create even better things!!
    Tori's Teacher Tips

  8. Congratulations on the 200 followers :) Blogging has given me so many fun ideas to bring to my students. It has given me back my love of fun and creativity in the classroom!!

    The Learning Tree

  9. Blogging has definitely given me the push I needed to spice up my lessons instead of teaching straight from the book! :)
    First Grade FUNdamentals

  10. Blogging has added so much more to my classroom and my lessons! I get so many AWESOME ideas and hands on games to use! I don't know what I did before blogs! :o)


  11. Blogging has made me be more creative and think outside of the box.

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  12. Congrats on 200 followers! Blogging's given me back my creativity and energy. I'm super excited to make and do for my classroom.

    Success in Second Grade

  13. Congrats. I am definitely addicted to blogging and to Pinterest. Thanks for sharing! :)


  14. Congrats Tonya! I've been following your creative self since you started your first teacher website a couple of years ago. I enjoy blogging because it helps me to connect with other creative, funny, wonderful teachers that I would never get a chance to do. I've learned so much from our studies, benefited so much from everyone's creative force and liked looking at how others do things. Look forward to learning more from you!

    A Passion For Primary

    1. PS. I just updated my post for today and included your 200th follower give away. Stop by to see it!

      A Passion For Primary

  15. Congrats on 200 followers!
    I love blogging because I have found so many great ideas- and it's great that other teachers have actually tried it out so that I know that it works.

  16. I have found all kinds of cool things and lessons to do with my kiddos!


  17. Congrats! Blogging keeps me excited about teaching!!!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  18. Congratulations to you! Blogging helps motivate me to be the best teacher I can be.

    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  19. I love reading teaching blogs because it's inspiring and motivating! Sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by such negativity in the world of education- until I sign into blogger! It's so refreshing!

  20. Congrats on 200 followers! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!! I love reading others' blogs and finding new, creative ideas, and I love blogging because it's very motivating for me! I want to get things done so I can blog about them!


    Third Grade's A Charm

  21. Blogging has helped me be inspired and motivated and have new activities to do, even as a sub!
    Journey of a Substitute Teacher
    Endless Pinabilitites!

  22. For me, the blogging world has been like a professional development that never stops!


  23. I get so many awesome ideas from others and blogging has made ME be more creative, too!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  24. Blogging makes me a better teacher because I want to do awesome things to show off in my blog :)

  25. I just turned my stamping blog into a teaching blog this month! I've been so inspired by all blogs I've been reading. Reading about others' ideas gets me in the groove to learn more and be more creative!

  26. I love getting wonderful teaching ideas and great lessons to freshen up our academic content. Plus, I get to share all the wonderful work my kiddos do with the rest of the blogging world :) Congrats to you!!

    Treasures for Teaching

  27. I have found so many great ideas through blogging! It really helps keep me fresh!


  28. Blogging keeps me motivated and makes me want to try new things!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  29. Just found your blog. It's great; I'm enjoying reading through all I have missed!

  30. I am very new to blogging, but reading teacher blogs has definitely changed my teaching. I no longer settle for an activity just because I did it last year. Now I search for ideas and the kids are much more engaged. I also spend a lot more money. HA. Congratulations on being at 200 followers...
    Kickin' it in Kinder

  31. One thing that has made me a better teacher is getting so many great resources from other teachers who blog! I love getting the ideas and sharing my own. It's my own hearing board!
    The Gypsy Teacher

  32. It inspires and motivates me to change things up and get new ideas!

    p.s Just found your blog! I'm new follower!
    Adventures in Room 5

  33. I have found so many amazing ideas and activities to further my lessons and children's thinking, things that I would not have thought of myself.

    Heather (heathernnance@yahoo.com)

  34. I love to blog because I have found great ideas that have really inspired me, and have helped me develop better activities that make my kids learn and have fun at the same time

  35. I haven't actually started my own blog, but being able to look at how all of you wonderful bloggers do everything and having the opportunity to use all the wonderful products you have, has given me so many ideas on how I want to get my first classroom started. Not sure if I will be starting my own soon, but I feel like I have learned so much from all of your experiences. Thank you all!!!



  36. I'm not teaching yet as I just graduated from college... but blogging is leading to me being an informed, crafty teacher. There are SO many ideas out there that I'm collecting for my future classroom. I cannot wait to start teaching and implement all the ideas I've got.

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  37. This is so exciting!! Well... this summer blogging has made me a better teacher by inspiring me with so many ideas!!

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  38. Congrats on 200! I've only had my blog for about two weeks and already I find myself so inspired by others and even more excited about my profession. It's like having a really strong team at school...but virtually! :)

    Teachin' Little Texans

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Congratulations! I don't blog but I have gotten so many wonderful ideas to use in my classroom from the blogs that I follow! :)


  41. Congrats! Blogging has allowed me to enhance my classroom lessons with more creativity.


  42. Congrats to you! I think the blog world has made me put more effort into thinking outside the box and getting creative in the classroom. There are just so many good resources and ideas out there! Blogging has also been great motivation and I feel like I am much more reflective on my teaching and daily life.

    Live, Laugh, Love, Teach

  43. Congrats on 200! Blogging has made me become a more organized teacher!

    P.S. Have you entered my giveaway yet?

  44. Congrats on 200 followers!!! I think the blogworld has made me more creative, organized, and motivated as a teacher.

  45. Blogging keeps me inspired! There are so many ideas and concepts that I knew nothing about until I started blogging. It keeps me motivated when times get tough. I know that I'm not the only one going through these things. =) Congrats on 200!

    Third Grade in the First State

  46. Wow...200 followers! Congratulations! :) Blogging has made me a more creative teacher. I have found so many unique activities to use in my classroom not to mention all the ideas to make my classroom organized and beautiful!

  47. Congrats on over 200! I am a blog stalker and y'all have inspired and energized me all over again!!

  48. Way to go on reaching 200! I just found your blog recently and L.O.V.E It! :) Thanks for your inspiration!

    Building a House of Love

  49. Thanks everyone! I am overwhelmed by all the nice comments! I am also loving reading about how blogging has changed sooooo many of us! For the better too!

  50. I just started my own blog, but following teacher blogs has inspired and recharged my teaching!

  51. Congrats on reaching 200! What an awesome accomplishment! I hope I can reach 200 someday! I love the blog world b/c I have learned so many things from different people all over the country! I love reaching out and telling about things I can share with others too!

    :D Angie

  52. Congratulations! Blog stalking has made me a better teacher. Blob writing is making me nervous - too new at it still (just started mine this weekend)!

  53. Congratulations! I love reading blogs from different teachers across the country. They have inspired me and given me so many great ideas for my classroom and students!

  54. Blogging as impacted my teaching because I have been able to collaborate and network with so many teachers around the world. Through this collaboration and networking, I have become privy to some awesome teaching techniques, wonderful lessons plans, and the best crafty ideas. I think blogging is collaboration at its best!

    3rd Grade Sprinkles

  55. Blogging challenges me to think of new and creative ideas to share!
    Teachin' First


  56. Blogging has helped me be a better teacher due to all of the great ideas out there that I wouldn't think of on my own!

  57. Can't wait to see what you,make with all the awesome clip art

  58. Congratulations on 200 followers! Blogging has helped me get some fantastic ideas for my classroom and that makes me become an even better teacher. I love all of the current craft ideas, daily reading and math ideas, book suggestions, and back to school themes going on right now!

  59. Being a follower of blogs has given me the opportunity to use many wonderful and creative resources for my 1st grade classroom. I would love to create my own blog someday. I am the mother of 5. My children are 11, 6, 4, 2, and 6 months, so I don't have ANY free time! My 6 year old is also autistic. I am so thankful for all of the talented and generous teachers for allowing me to use their products, so that I have more time to spend with my family!

  60. Blogging gives me optimism about teaching, even when politics are so negative.

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  61. Milestones are great! Congrats to you on yours! I don't have a blog, but I do follow lots and lots! Being able to hear about other people's lives at school, helps me realize that I am doing just as well as other teachers- I have the same problems, and the ways that I try to solve them are just like other teachers- glad to know I am not alone.

  62. Congrats on 200! Blogging has provided TONS of new ideas...and inspiration! I just started following blogs in the last few months, and my husband commented that this is the first summer he has watched me do "school stuff" in June...and I've been teaching over 20 years! It's not that I didn't work on/buy school stuff before, I just wasn't as passionate. Blogging has rekindled the fun!

  63. Blogging has opened me up to the creativity out there from so many teachers. It's inpsiring.


  64. Congratulations on 200! Blogging has made me a better teacher by inspiring me to get creative and as a means for reflection. I think it's so important that as teachers we share our successful and not-so-successful classroom experiences.
    - Amanda {avphilli@gmail.com}
    Inspired in Second

  65. 200! Congrats! Blog stalking in my case has helped me to try new activities that have helped my students last year. Having access to different methods and lessons to teach concepts especially ELA and math has improved my ability to reach my students.

  66. Congratulations on 200 followers! I guess you could say I am a blog hopper. I love going from blog to blog looking for new ideas for my classroom. I have been inspired to try several new centers in my classroom.


  67. Blogging has helped me open up creatively, I didn't know I had it in me! Congrats on 200!

    Faithful in First

  68. I blogged about the giveaway here:


  69. Blogging has allowed me to become a better teacher, because I am able to gain great ideas from some awesome teachers!

  70. I learn something new EVERY TIME I read a blog entry. I have become more organized, read more books, created more lessons and made more teacher-blogger friends than I ever thought possible.

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  71. The never ending supply of AMAZING ideas is priceless. Congrats on passing the 200 mark :) Great giveaway . . . I hope I WIN!!!!!!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  72. Thank you to each and every one of you! I love reading all the comments! It means so much to me! Thanks for spreading the word and blogging about this giveaway too! I can't wait to see who wins on Monday:)

  73. I think blogging has made me a better teacher because of all the wonderful ideas I have found for math - especially since last year I was implementing the new common core. It made it easier to share with others who were also in the same boat.

  74. I don't have a blog of my own but reading other people's blogs helped me a lot as I transitioned to a new grade level.

  75. Blogging has made me more reflective. I've started thinking about how to tweak each activity to make it even better.

    Hooty's Homeroom

  76. Blogging has allowed me to see how teaching and PD are handled at other schools all over the states. I have gotten so many ideas for topics that I teach regularly that my students, parents, and colleagues love! Blogging has been a great source of collaboration and PD.

    Danielle Brown

  77. Blogging has helped me to connect with and learn from other teachers...it also makes me work harder and be more creative when making materials for my classroom.
    First Grade Blue SKies

  78. Blogging has made me a better teacher in so many ways! I've found so many great ideas on blogs, which in turn have inspired me to be more creative.


    Live Laugh and Love to Learn

  79. I have found so many great resources through blogging, and it motivates me to be creative and try new things!

  80. Blogging has made me a better teacher simply because I can read others crazy stories and know I'm not the ONLY one feeling or experiencing some of the same things. On the same note, I find it inspiring and motivating to know others are creating and LOVING teaching as much as I do!

  81. Blogging has made collaboration unbelievable. It's not just within your district now.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Congratulations on 200, Tonya! Blogging has forced me to plan further ahead than I normally would. This has made my teaching job much less stressful.


  84. I cannot begin to count the number of amazing resources I have discovered since I began blogging.....like five days ago :) :)

  85. I agree with everyone else. It has given me more ideas, collaboration, and inspired me to be much more creative. It is so fulfilling. I also feel like that blogging helps you feel like you are really making a contribution to the wolrd of education.

    The Idea Backpack

  86. Blogs have introduced me to so many new ideas that I have brought my teaching upto a new level- Thank you to you and others I follow~~

  87. I have added your giveaway to my list on my blog of current giveaways.



    PS: I've started a linky party where you can share 5 items from your TPT wish list, so check it out if you get a chance.

  88. I'm your newest follower! Please come check out my blog!

    Blogging has re-energized my teaching! I have found so many great ideas that I implemented into my classroom this year, and it made a WORLD of difference! I am hoping this summer to create my own items, and share them on bloggy world! Also, I have discovered Guided Math on here, and am IN LOVE! I can't wait to get back into my math class this year!


  89. I am so excited about teacher blogging! I have just discovered all the amazing things that people make and create through their blogs. I feel like being a part of the blogs has truly energized me for the coming school year and I can't wait to see how all these amazing ideas play out in the classroom.


  90. Congratulation! Following blogs has given me many, many great ideas to us in my classroom!
