
My BFG Notebook updated~wanna copy???

Happy Saturday friends! I am lovvvviiiinnnnggg this 4 day weekend! Today my hubby and I are hitting the gym, running some errands and then heading out for dinner! I am pretty excited to spend the day with him! 
What are you up to today???

I have been taking some time to look through old products of mine. I have caught myself more than once saying, "Ugh, did I really make that? Did I really use THAT FONT???" 

Well, it's time for some winter cleaning of my products! And today I am bringing you one of my best sellers!

Have you ever read The BFG by Roald Dahl??? I am SURE you have!
It is one of my FAVORITE read aloud novels! If you like this book and want to use it in your classroom...I have the perfect notebook to go along with it!

I have cleaned up the fonts, frames, and lines on this unit!

I have added some clip art 

I added 4 activity sheets to go with the YOU PICK activities

When I have used unit in the past, I read it as a whole class. Each student got a copy of The BFG from our book room. After each chapter, students would work with a partner or alone on the reading response activity. At the end, they would do a project of some sort.

My very first year of doing this activity I had my students create commercials to sell the BFG a new know, since the BFG always drinks frobscottle;) The commercials were SO funny and creative. I wish I could share it with you!

I would like to give away one copy of my notebook...AND a brand new copy of The BFG...sent right to your house! 

All you have to do is leave a comment telling me how you would use this product in your classroom! Don't forget to leave your email! 

I will pick a winner Sunday night!

I hope you have a fantastic Saturday!

Happy Thanksving-a day late and Cyber Monday!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope your day was full of love, laughter, friendship and family! I had a wonderful first Thanksgiving in Hawaii and I'm looking forward to many more! 

Did any of you go out for Black Friday? Find anything good? I didn't make it out and that's OK with me. My husband and I did go out to the mall this morning for a little while. He picked up a new golf club and I got...a NEW PHONE!!! I have been wanting a new phone for a very long time. I got the new iPhone5s and I couldn't be happier! Now...I just need to get a case! I have found a few websites that make specialty cases! The hard part is to choose!!! 

I found a few so far I like!

I still have a lot more to look at! hard!

On another note...I have a lot of Cyber Monday clip art and units I want to buy on TpT! My wishlist and shopping cart is SO full!

I am excited to have my store on sale!!!

I am in the middle of updating my winter units! 

Have a great Saturday tomorrow!

T'was the Night Before Thanksgiving Play using Shadow Puppet app

We have been rehearsing our Thanksgiving play all week...and I must say, the kids are really good at their lines! They are so excited to do the play in front of their parents tomorrow at our Thanksgiving breakfast! But today, we did something different with our lines!

Each student drew a picture to match their line! Look at the attention to detail in their picture! They really matched their picture to their line!

The timer then sounded! The turkey was cooked! Mom opened the oven, she sniffed and she looked. 
do you see the timer??? 

 We all took our places, the food smelled so great, we started to dig in, but dad said to wait. 

That night we were nestled all snug in our beds, while visions of turkey legs danced in our heads. 

Then I took a picture of each picture and uploaded it into an app called Shadow Puppet

This app is SO easy to use!

Once I had all their pictures in order, the kids recorded their line to their picture!

Please click the picture or HERE to check out their play! It is sooo cute!

I would love to hear what you think! I couldn't be more proud of them!

One more day for me and then it's break time!


My Thanksgiving Week: freebies, ideas, and more!

I can't believe how close Thanksgiving is! I wish I had the whole week off, but I have to go Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday! I do have 3 days full of fun things for my kiddos! 
It should be a great week!

I plan on:

Making butter and watching the virtual field trips on Scholastic
For the past 6 years my class has made butter for a Thanksgiving activity! It is SO easy to do!
I get the Glad Mini Rounds, one for each student.
I pour just a little heavy whipping cream in each container. 
 Put the container in a ziplock...just so it doesn't leak and spill!

The the kids SHAKE and SHAKE...for a VERY long time. The heavy whipping cream will turn thick and hard...into butter. When done, the kids are really surprised and actually LOVE the butter better than store bought! I have never had a kid hate this butter. I buy sweet rolls and we enjoy this yummy treat!

I also have them do a writing activity about it!
Download the butter writing activity HERE:)

Thanksgiving BINGO game by Aimee Salazar
You can get it for FREE here:)

How to cook a Turkey writing activity from Aimee Salazar's Write on Fall Edition.

The ABC's of Thanksgiving using the P is for Pilgrim book

As a class, we will brainstorm Thanksgiving words. Then students will pick a letter from a bucket. They are to write about something for Thanksgiving that starts with that letter and draw a picture. We will make a class book!
 Click HERE to get it:)

We are also going to read a poem about The First Thanksgiving. Now, I am not sure where I got this poem from or who made it. I think I might have found it on PT years ago! If it is yours, please let me know! This poem is designed to use pony beads and make a bracelet! I really didn't want to spend the money on beads this year so I made something else! 

This packet has the poem, plus printable bracelets students can make to retell the first Thanksgiving!
SO CUTE! I hope the kids love it!
Download it HERE for free:)

The last thing I am doing, and I CAN'T wait for it, is having a Ohana Breakfast! Ohana means family and I am inviting my families to come to the classroom and have breakfast with us Wednesday morning!

I have done this the past 3 years at my last school as a whole grade level. This year I am just doing it with my class! The kids are super excited and the parents are too!

I used Signup Genius for parents to sign up and also to say what they want to bring! 

So far we have:
bagels and cream cheese
scrambled eggs
pumpkin bread
fried rice
fruit trays
juice, water, and milk!

I am just hungry thinking about it!
The kids are putting on a little reader's theater for the parents.

I also found this in my old files from years ago! If it is yours, please let me know! probably another PT thing! Just click the picture to get it for free!

While the parents are there, we are going to have a photo booth! Thanks to Tania from My Second Sense, I bought the adorable photo booth props from ETSY!

A parent brought in a big box, and this is what we have so far for our photo booth!
I am going to get a sheet to cover the ugly blue chairs and hang a Happy Thanksgiving banner from the top! The kids are loving creating this box!

WOW, that was alot! It sure sounds like a fun week! I can't wait! 

There are lots of freebies in this post! I hope you find they are helpful for you in planning your Thanksgiving week! I would love to hear what you think! 

Before I go, I am having a little giveaway over at my Facebook page! It ends today at 5pm Hawaii time!

Have a GREAT week!