
Student created text features assessment!

We are on our second week of text features and I really think the kids are getting it! With my hand gestures to remember each one added with Whole Brain Teaching techniques, I think they are going to be masters at text features.  

I used Beth Newingham's posters and created a Text Features workbook for the kids! 

I really wish I could share it. I tried to email Beth to ask her permission and didn't get a response:(

But I did purchase some nonfiction text feature posters from Common Core and So Much More and I REALLY like these! I have them printed, laminated and up in my room! 
I wish I would have bought this BEFORE I made my own using Beth's posters. This unit has a book the kids make. Oh well, next year:) The posters in itself are awesome!

Every day we are going over 2-4 text features. Students help me make the definition! I have been taking their definitions and placing them into an assessment.

This is what I got so far

Their definitions are pretty good...huh? I think this is a great teaching tool to use with other lessons as well. 

Is this something you all would like? Maybe the template? Let me know and I can make it happen!

I am off to eat some dinner and grade some papers...blah!

Have a great night!


  1. I would LOVE a copy of this!


  2. I would definitely like a copy of the text feature assessment.

