
My BFG Notebook updated~wanna copy???

Happy Saturday friends! I am lovvvviiiinnnnggg this 4 day weekend! Today my hubby and I are hitting the gym, running some errands and then heading out for dinner! I am pretty excited to spend the day with him! 
What are you up to today???

I have been taking some time to look through old products of mine. I have caught myself more than once saying, "Ugh, did I really make that? Did I really use THAT FONT???" 

Well, it's time for some winter cleaning of my products! And today I am bringing you one of my best sellers!

Have you ever read The BFG by Roald Dahl??? I am SURE you have!
It is one of my FAVORITE read aloud novels! If you like this book and want to use it in your classroom...I have the perfect notebook to go along with it!

I have cleaned up the fonts, frames, and lines on this unit!

I have added some clip art 

I added 4 activity sheets to go with the YOU PICK activities

When I have used unit in the past, I read it as a whole class. Each student got a copy of The BFG from our book room. After each chapter, students would work with a partner or alone on the reading response activity. At the end, they would do a project of some sort.

My very first year of doing this activity I had my students create commercials to sell the BFG a new know, since the BFG always drinks frobscottle;) The commercials were SO funny and creative. I wish I could share it with you!

I would like to give away one copy of my notebook...AND a brand new copy of The BFG...sent right to your house! 

All you have to do is leave a comment telling me how you would use this product in your classroom! Don't forget to leave your email! 

I will pick a winner Sunday night!

I hope you have a fantastic Saturday!


  1. I would use this with my advanced readers (I teach 2nd).

  2. I would use this in my small group reading groups just like you do (end of chapter responses) or I'd do it whole group. I read this when I long term subbed and the kids loved it! I've been wanting to read it to/with my class now, but wanted more to do with it. This would be perfect!

    andrea . m . lee84 @ gmail . com

  3. I read a chapter book while my 3rd graders eat snack, and I would use this to extend the experience - plus that way, I could make sure they're really listening.
    How is Hawaii life? New episodes are going to be on TV soon - I love seeing how real people live there.

  4. Here's another comment - just realized this after I posted my comment. You can make it so that others don't have to "prove you're not a robot." The directions were on another blog, but you can look it up on google - I'm sure. That's how I changed from a "no-reply blogger."

    1. I have been getting a lot of spam comments, that's why the code thing is up. I hate it!

  5. I'd probably use it as a read aloud since I teach first grade!

  6. I would probably use it as a book study with small groups.

  7. I would use this as a book study. I LOVE Roald Dahl. My third graders and I have already read: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach." The BFG was next on our list!

  8. I have read this book every year for the 28 years I am teaching. Roald Dahl was a genius in his use of vocabulary and story telling. We have a BFG day and eat snozzcumbers (sweet mini gherkins) and drink Frobscottle (Sprite with green food coloring). Kids come back years later and always remember these activities. I would LOVE to win this to make their experience even more memorable! Debbie

  9. I read this book every year with my students. This year I am going to use it with Readers Workshop. I would love to have a copy!


  10. I would use this as a read aloud!!!


  11. I would use this with my whole group as a read aloud.

  12. I would love this to use with my guided reading group!

  13. I would use this to engage all students in fun language, art activities and writing with great detail and vocabulary.

  14. I would use this to engage all students in fun language, art activities and writing with great detail and vocabulary.

  15. I would use this to engage my students to a fun way of teaching vocabulary, language, and writing activities.
