
Place Value Poster Project...TWO freebies:)

Happy Sunday Friends! Hope everyone has had a great weekend! During math, we have been working very hard on 2.NBT.3 which is standard, expanded and word form! I am pretty proud of my kiddos and how much they have learned! 

I wanted to give them an informal assessment on Friday so I made a fun poster project that they just absolutely had a blast with!

There are 12 numbers in this unit. Each number has matching cards for base ten blocks, word form and expanded form. 


They had a great time making their poster! One student even wanted music to listen to so they could have fun and work at the same time:)

Do you have to use this as a poster project??? Nope! You can make a few sets and place them in a center!

Right now, you can get this game for FREE over at my Facebook page! From now until Monday night it is a fan freebie! 

Also, last week the kids were really struggling with this concept! I gave each student a dice and I made up a game real quick!

The rolled the dice 3 times
once for the hundreds, then for tens, and then for the ones place.

I had them write the number down. Below that they drew out base ten blocks using the place value short hand as I taught them. Then they wrote the number in expanded form and finally word form!

So I made a graphic organizer to use for this activity!
Click HERE and get it for free:)

I hope you all have a great week!


  1. loved both of these so much! I left a comment on FB but wanted to do the same here. thanks so much for the freebies and great ideas!


  2. Thanks for sharing these great ideas and printables, Tonya! We are working on place value right now! Perfect timing!

    Creative Lesson Cafe
