
500 follower MEGA Giveaway!

I know, I have 2 more followers until I reach 500...but I just can't wait any longer! I am beyond excited for this giveaway and so very thankful for the bloggers who have donated something for this fabulous giveaway! There are some great prizes so get ready to learn about them all!!!

Since it is a 500 follower giveaway I am doing things in 5:) First, my TN store will be 50% off starting tonight! This will last until September 7th! Yea! I hope to add some new items too!

Here are the 5 prizes! One winner for each prize

First Prize
a $50 gift card to your choice of...

Second Prize
10 FREE items from my Store
and a $10 TPT gift card

3rd Prize
Mega giveaway pack 1
one person will win all of........
2 items from Lisa's Store

Brain Breaks from Stephanie's Store

Mega Themed awards pack from Christinia

School Days Scrapbook, Transportation Display and 1 pick from Michele's tpt store!
1 item of your choice from Tara's TPT store
$10.00 from Tracey's TPT store AND a $10.00 Starbucks gift card!

4th Prize
mega giveaway pack 2
One person will win all of.....
Common Core aligned Math Word Wall Pennant Headers from Elizabeth
A 2013 Hawaii calendar, $5 Hawaii Starbucks card, a few postcards, a couple keychains, a Hawaii rubber stamp, Hawaii post it noted all inside an Hawaii book bag.

 classroom labels and word wall letters both with an owl theme from Sara
Any 2 items from Sarah 

An Alphabet line of choice and a genre poster set of choice from Kristen

1 item  from Heidi's TPT store

1 item from Ginger's TPT store

1 item from Nicole's TPT store 

5th Prize
Mega giveaway pack 3
One person will win all of....
 2 items from Tania's TPT store

Buddy Reading paper from Danielle

1 item from Corinna's TPT store

A math pack. It consists of Camping Math (focusing on making 10) , Alligreater the Alligator, the math fact fluency kit and my two sets of number sandwiches.

1 item from Sarah's TPT Store

WOW!!!! I can't thank everyone enough for helping! And thank you to my followers! Blogging has helped me in many ways and I can't thank everyone enough!

Good Luck to you all! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Day 1 and 2...and......

I can't express how tired I am! Day 1 was yesterday and I can tell you out of my 7 years of was a very different day than the others! This is going to be one of my most challenging school years yet! I have a very darling class and kids that are excited to learn...but at the same time, I have some challenges awaiting me! It's ok! I can do it:)

I do have to say...that Whole Brain Teaching is pure genius! I have not seen kids have such smooth transitions, be eager to teach each other, and even on the second day get it right away without really going over it again! I am so happy to have found this teaching strategy! One teacher was watching me teach today while she was observing my new friend, and she was like, "What are you doing? This is awesome!" She told me she is going to come back in a few weeks to see it again! I LOVE WBT! 

So on the first day we had to sort through this mess...this was just HALF of the supplies they brought in! 

I started putting some away in here...

Do you remember my post about the classroom door contest? Well, I had this great idea and when I saw another teachers was taken! I didn't want to do the same thing. So I took my "When you enter this classroom" door poem and turned it into this...

It now says, " By being here, you are on the road to success!" The road leads from my door, 3rd grade, to next door which is 4th grade! The kids colored a car and wrote how they will be successful this school year to pass and make it to 4th grade! I hope I win! First prize for this contest is an I-Touch!!!

Today went SO well, compared to yesterday! I know my days are going to be up and down for this whole school year. I am just taking the good while I can:) Here is to a great day tomorrow! I still have planning to do...yikes!

What about the AND?????

I am about to work on my 500 follower post! Give me a few minutes and it will be up...You won't want to miss out on this one:) PROMISE! 

TOMORROW....can someone make the time STOP? (freebie)

Please, someone hit the STOP button just for awhile so I can finish what I need to before tomorrow! I have been working nonstop this whole weekend, even going into school today and I have yet to plan! I have it all down on paper just need to take my thoughts and scribbles notes and turn them into real life plans!

I am a nervous wreck about starting Whole Brain Teaching tomorrow. I am excited but had no idea where to start! I found this blog, that I am now following:), and she had some great videos in how to start teaching Whole Brain Teaching!
So I watched the videos and make a PowerPoint presentation I can use on my active board! This way I don't miss a thing and I can go over it for the first week of school! Now, it is not the most creative Powerpoint with graphics or anything...just simple! I'm in a time crunch...HAHA!

If you are interested in the PowerPoint, click HERE. Just make sure to leave me a comment! I use the teacherish posters created my Stephanie from 3rd Grade Thoughts for my rules. But I changed rule 5 to make smart choices. You can change what you need to in the PowerPoint:) 

So I said I went into school today. I worked on copies, sharpened pencils, binders ready, book boxes ready, math center stuff ready, and worked on my door! I need to finally get the planning part done!

I said I would have my 500 follower giveaway today...and I am still hoping to do so. I just need to get some other stuff done! So be on the lookout for it hopefully later today! 

Wish me luck tomorrow!


Happy Birthday!!! Oh wait, we can't have a cupcake:(

Having a cupcake at school has always been the way to celebrate a student's birthday! But not any more, not at my school! Our district has a NO food policy starting this year! So I need some fantastic bloggers to help me come up with fun ways to celebrate student birthdays without having food! 

I have my birthday pencils with balloon toppers!

I also have the birthday cheer poster we will sing!

I just feel like I need something else! Maybe the birthday student can pick a game to play. I am lost! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! 

Have a SUPER Saturday and see you tomorrow for my grand giveaway!


Teacher Week Catch up...long:)

This week got the best of me and I am dog tired! We had our first week back full of meetings, working in our rooms, and meet the teacher! Meet the teacher was a HUGE success! I am really thinking I lucked out and got a great group of kiddos! They all were so sweet, happy, were excited they had me as a teacher! The parents were happy, brought some supplies in and jumped right in and asked when they can help out! How awesome is that!!! I am excited!

So here I am playing catch home...back on the internet...FINALLY:) I am not at the coffee shop, but home in pj's, in a silent house, with my cat right next to me and pancakes for dinner;) Way better than a noisy coffee shop!

Since I only completed MONDAY of teacher week with Blog Hoppin, I have a lot to talk about and show you! So I am apologizing in advance, but I promise it will be worth it:)
Tuesday-Technology tip
I am SURE someone has talked about this...but my tip is to use...
I always, always, always use PowerPoint to make my creations! It is sooooo user friendly! Word is not! So ditch word and get with using PowerPoint, you will be very happy you did! 

Wednesday-Where I Teach 
I teach 3rd grade in a school of about 900 kids! We have a HUGE staff and a HUGE school! I just finished my room but have to go in this weekend to copy, sharpen pencils, and all that stuff before the kiddos come Monday! So here are my pictures of my final room! Enjoy!
 This is when you first walk in

These are my book bins with their literacy/writing notebooks and my library
My math workshop board
objective board with homework on the bottom

 Back sink area with crayon/marker/colored pencil bins
Writing and Word Work area

My area! Daily 5 stuff will be on the closet doors
Welcome area with...
cubbies, mystery person, homework tickets, notes, hopping helpers, soaring eagle of the week, question of the week, schedule, all about me, calendar, newsletter

 Level Up area, frogtastic spellers club, literacy focus board, my smaller desk 

 Math area
Their math notebooks are in the fabric bins
math manipulatives, games, resources, center materials

Daily 5 papers and stuff they need

When you walk out

When you walk in

 My classroom bulletin board outside of my room!

A nice welcome to my new 3rd grades from last years class:)

When I do relax...and that is a goal of mine this year, these are some things I like to do:) 

Being in Hawaii with my hubby and playing with my cat are very relaxing to me! I do love baking, shopping at Target, enjoying a cold coffee from Starbucks, getting a long pedicure, going to the movies, and yes...taking Step Aerobics relaxes me since I love it so much! 
Freebies are always great! So today I am going to give my Dunking Division Poke game to you for free! I hope you like it!

Well, that is it for today! I will be back this weekend with my 500 follower giveaway! 
Have a great Friday everyone:)