
What's the BIG idea???

Happy Friday! I am SO glad today is Friday and I can have the weekend to relax! I am especially excited that my husband has the weekend off too! Not sure what we are going to do, but it will be nice to spend the time with him! 

So, I am done with my main idea packet!

This is what you can find inside:)
10 Different main idea wheels with pictures

5 Graphic Organizers

8 statement/list matching cards

Multiple posters to help understand main idea

And last, a raindrop/cloud craft

I did not make any task cards or passages because I have found many of these items for free from my very first teacher website...ProTeacher! Unseen001 is a FANTASTIC task card QUEEN! she has pages and pages of FREE task cards. She actually has some really great main idea ones I use during this unit. 

Click HERE and HERE to get to her main idea task cards. 
You can get a list of all the task cards she created HERE.  All 23 pages of free task cards!

You can pick up my unit in either of my stores! But, I will give TWO people this main idea packet for FREE! All you have to do is leave a comment telling me how you like to teach main idea. I will use the number generator on Sunday afternoon and pick 2 winners! Good Luck!

I am off to go make this for some friends tomorrow! It looks delish!
Have a great night!!!


fortunately it's almost Friday, unfortunately tomorrow is only Thursday!

How many of you have heard of this book before???
I did not until today! It is called Fortunately by Remy Charlip and it is WAY TOO CUTE! The kids and I were both laughing so hard while I was reading it. I read it today because it was the selected book in my writing program. After I read it, the kids had to come up with their own fortunately, unfortunately stories! As they were writing a light blub went off in my head!

What if we made our own class fortunately, unfortunately story? Where I start, and then the next student has to continue with it. Then that student passes it to another student until all the students have had a chance to make a page! I brought this idea up to the class and they want to do it!, I came up with this:)

A fun writing unit just for this idea! 

Here are the ideas from the unit!

I think the kids are going to have a blast doing this! What do you think? You can get this in both of my stores!

One more thing before I go...I was going through some files and found these old task cards I made for multiplication! Nothing fancy, but great questions with pictures. Thought you may want them:) Click on the picture to get them for free!

Have a fantastic night! 

OH...look what just came at my door! I had to hurry up and take a picture! Boy was that quick! and I adore the colors! SO SO pretty!


Multiplication Review Winners and some updates!

I am SO tired today! I worked out with my personal trainer tonight and she changed things up! She was like," Oh, the past few times were for me to see what you can do and where you are at, now it's push time." I was nonstop.moving.the.whole.hour! I LOVE her and we are good friends. I have known her for 3 years now and I wouldn't ask for anyone else to help me train. She is an amazing woman! But man, I am SORE. I was dripping sweat in the first 5 minutes! I LOVE it though!


So today we did the multiplication game I created, and the kids just thought it was 

As we were playing, I noticed some errors and also made some improvements! So I fixed the errors and made the improvements!

First change is when they land on 0, they lose ALL their points and start over! Also, they went around the game board more than once, since there was 23 questions. I added 1,000 point values to START and FINISH. So if they LAND on start or finish they get a point value. I think some kids went around 2 times, some 3. 

I also changed the recording sheet for better understanding! My kids were kinda confused!
I hope they do well on the test tomorrow.
After we finished the game we worked on our multiplication lapbooks!

I LOVE this free activity from homeschoolshare
The kids are begging for a division one. I think I may take a stab at making one:) 

So a few things to be on the lookout soon for that I am working on

-a division lap book
-main idea packet
-Edward Tulane Book Study
-Division Interactive notebook
-The Magician's Elephant book study
-Daily 5 activities
-new task cards

I am going to be a busy girl but I have a list very long I want to complete soon

OH YES, I can't forget who won my Multiplication Review Game now can I...well, I am going to do something different! Since I value and appreciate each and every one of your comments I am going to give all 11 people who commented it for FREE:) Yup, just  leave a comment below and I will get you your copy! 

Thank you very much!

Have a great night everyone! 

Rolling to Win-a multiplication review game

Yes, yes,'s a double post! Please don't be mad! I really wanted to share with you what I have been working on and off since I last wrote! I finished my multiplication review game to use on Tuesday since they have a test on Wednesday!

This game pack is filled with...
two sets of directions


23 game cards to answer

a game board

And 2 recording sheets...just in case someone likes one over the other;)

What do you think? I think the kids are going to love practicing with this game

I am posting this to my stores tonight! But, I love to give away things...SO leave a comment and I will use a number generator tomorrow night and pick a winner! 

Also while I was away, I got an email from Vera Bradley saying they had a flash Cyber sale that was for tonight only! I also had a $10 off coupon since they messed my last order up. It has been awhile since I carried a Vera purse, but I really liked this one and well, for $29 total with shipping I couldn't pass it up. It's too cute too!
I guess the one thing that is good about going back to work tomorrow is I can!!!

Good night ya'll!   

Winners, Summarizing Freebies, and a few more things:)

Is it really the LAST day of break??? I am so not ready to go back tomorrow! I mean, I have really enjoyed my time off and loved catching up with LIFE! Especially having time to finish and create products for my stores:)
With that being said, I have a few things for you:)

First, TWO people won my complete year set of writing prompts from Thursday's giveaway! 
Congrats to...

Rachel and Lisa R. 
I will email to you today!

You can still win a free set! Just head HERE to enter!

I have completed my winter writing activity! I am pretty excited about it! 

In this unit, students will design a new party suit for Frosty! Then, they will have to write a letter to Frosty persuading him to pick their suit! I did this last year with my kids as a homework project. The suits that they came up with were so funny! I am sure your kiddos would love this activity. You can pick this up at my TPT and TN stores! But, the first 3 people to leave a comment with their email will get it for free!

Summarizing is a skill many kids struggle with. I am reteaching summarizing this week and have some graphic organizers I wanted to share with you! Just click on the pictures and you can get them for FREE:)

Last, but not least, I started working today on a review multiplication game! I need to get this done today as I plan on using it Tuesday!

Enjoy your last day of break! Have a great Sunday!

Get your pencils ready because monthly writing prompts are FINISHED!

They're here!

Thank you to Tania from My Second Sense and Janine from Faithful in First for helping me edit this packet last night! I am so grateful for you both!

I am putting them in my TPT and TN stores as I speak! You can still buy them month to month! You can also buy them as a 3 month pack, or as a whole year set. 

I made December for 2012 and 2013. I also updated October and November to reflect 2013 dates. 

Each calendar comes with a 2013 date and also a calendar without dates so you can use it over and over again!

You have TWO chances to win this set for FREE! One giveaway ends tonight! Click here to enter. You can also enter to win a whole year set for free by using the Rafflecopter below! The giveaway ends Tuesday Night! Good luck! And thank you for all the kind words and comments! I really appreciate each and every one of them!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Can you help me...tonight?

I am DONE with my monthly writing prompts but I don't have time to proof it tonight. I have been very busy today and I need sleep! I got home at 2:30am from shopping, at the gym at 10am, and back out again today for returns by noon. I can't keep my eyes open any more! haha!

I am hoping I can get TWO bloggy friends to look over it and look for grammatical errors, date errors, and anything else! I really want to get this in my shops by tomorrow morning! So if you can help me asap, please comment below with your email. When I fix everything, you will get the final edited copy for FREE:)
Thanks so so much!