TR Doodle Frames Set 1 and some capacity task cards!

You know how we always beg for downtime??? And when we get it we don't know what to do with ourselves??? Well, that is me right now!

I don't have much I can do in Hawaii as my in-laws work and I don't have a car! I so want to go to the beach and a few other things but can't:( I just have to keep in mind that I will get to do all those wonderful things VERY soon! I am excited for the weekend when they don't have to work! I get to go out with my brother in-laws and sister in-laws! 

So for now, I am sitting alone in this quiet house. Listening to the wind chimes and the roosters. I guess they don't  realize it is almost noon! haha! Speaking of roosters...did you know some people carry them around as pets??? In their arms??? I saw that yesterday and I about died laughing! I also learned that there are no snakes, squirrels or chipmunks in Hawaii!

Ok, I could ramble on forever but I don't want to bore you! 

I finished a set of frames last night! Mind you, these are my very first try! 

You can pick them up at both of my stores!
But for the first 3 people who comment I will give you them for free:)

I am also working right now on some capacity task cards! 

Is anyone willing to look over this and help me fix any mistakes?  I would like 2 people to do so! In return you can have it for free when it is all done:)

Enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. Looks great girl! Are you working instead of enjoying beautiful Hawaii?
    My Second Sense

    1. Don't hate me when I say yes:( I really would rather not but I don't have a thing to do! It stinks not having a car and everyone is at work...the weekend will be better!

  2. Adorable frames!

  3. I bet they're all gone, but they look SO cute!


    1. Oh, and I'm totally willing to proofread for you! :)

  4. They look great Tonya! So jealous you found a program to make them! Now stop working and enjoy your down time!
    Third Grade All Stars

  5. If you don't have enough volunteers, I'll gladly proofread for you! :)

  6. Frames look great! What program did you use to make them? Congrats on getting your license! Hawaii?!? Ooooh, I am totally jealous. Snow just keeps coming here in Ohio, I can only imagine how beautiful Hawaii is right now! Send some sunshine our way, pleaseeee :)


  7. If you need another person to proofread for you I'm available. Capacity, measurement, actually, is something that my class is having trouble with.
