
Classroom day 4 and more homework passes:)

So back during my monday made it I created some homework punch cards with a sweet theme. While I really liked them, I wanted something with my frog theme! So last night, I made these. I really like them:)

How does this work? Each day a student turns in homework they can enter a drawing. They take a ticket and place their name on the back. On Fridays I roll a dice to see how many tickets I will pull out. When their name is called, they get a punch on their ticket. When their card is all punched out (the lily pads) they get a no homework pass. I was thinking about giving them a no homework pass each week, but I think that would actually not be a good thing! So, the punch cards it is. I think they will like these. And, if you like these, you can pick them up at my TPT and TN stores!

As for my classroom, I am done for now:) I don't plan on going back in probably until the week of the 13th. I want to make sure binders are put together, things are sorted, office is cleaned, copies are made, things are laminated...you know, all that other stuff:) 

So here are my pictures...beware, I have a ton of them! If you have any questions about my set up, organization, or ideas, please ask!
Word wall with the header on top:)

My Daily 5 board up! I do a modified D5 called the Weekly 4:) The index cards under the center signs is where I will write what they are doing in each center.

This will be our vocabulary wall, with each of the strands of the Common Core! Thanks Ginger from Ginger Snaps for the great vocab cards:)

 My writing area with labels:) Also, another vocabulary header. I will place the writing vocab on this wall:)

Up close, better shot, of my writing topic cards:)

My I CAN board with math homework sign on the bottom
 Math vocab wall
 the pink board is my second math vocab wall
This is my math focus wall..not done! It will have centers, calendar for centers, current topics and stills, plus the add it up morning work:) Thanks to Lisa over at Live, Laugh, and Love to Learn for this great idea:) I am playing around with how to work my centers and calendar this year. I better get to it since school is a MONTH from today! YIKES!

In the math corner you can see this! This is my Scooping sweet multiplication facts unit I will be doing with my kids this year:) I can't wait!

 My Whole Brain Teaching scoreboards. I have two since I have two separate classes. My homeroom class and a literacy class! I co-teach with the ESL teacher and have a whole class of ESL 3rd graders for literacy! I LOVE it:)

My frogtastic spellers club board:)

A better picture of my front board. On the left side I place our class calendar and newsletters

 This is a view of my office from my classroom door into my office
This is a view of my office from the inside! We share an office with the neighboring classroom teacher. My side is the left...I usually have it all organized so I can use it, but during the summer it becomes a storage area. I need to go through it asap!

 My books-I dont have a ton and they are not organized...yet!

 My reading is sweet beads. They earn each bead for something different.

My thinking maps board I plan in creating still...with the pink fabric!

My end of a lesson idea. Use sticky notes and give students a question. They place the sticky note on which circle symbolizes how they feel about the lesson. Thanks to Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls for the idea! Not sure yet if I am going to keep it...thinking about it!

Last but not least some whole class pictures! Views from all over the room!

OH My...I hope you made it through ALL if that and got to enjoy a trip through my teaching world.

If you have not done so yet, don't forget to enter my SWEET giveaway! You can get to it HERE!

Since this post was SO long I am not doing any linky parties, but I will tomorrow! I have a few other requests to explain somethings I do in my classroom! So look for those soon too! I hope you have a great Friday! Enjoy the Olympics tonight if you are watching!


  1. Oh my gosh, you have been working hard. It looks great


  2. Your room is adorable! I love how coordinated everything is! I hope my room can look like that!
    Adventures in Room 5

  3. I love your end-of-lesson formative assessment! You will really love it so I think you should keep it! You don't have to use it all the time, but it is a fun way to assess learning. Thanks for the shout out!

    Don't forget to head over and enter my giveaway!

    Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls

    1. Thanks for the advice! I hope it works for me! I was running out of room to put it somewhere and it's under my whiteboard right now. I hope it works there!

    2. I think that it a great place, my stoplight version is on the back of the door. I understand the lack of space!

      Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls

  4. Wow, fabulous Tonya!!! I think I need to catch up a bit and you probably already explained this, but the Word Wall words--are they on index cards? Are multiple words on one card or a card per word? Have you used this system before...what a smart space-saver!

    1. I have not used this system before! Actually, I have been horrible about word walls! So this year I really wanted to make it portable for kids. They can actually take it to their seat and then put it back up! Yeah, they are on index cards and the cards are blank. I am thinking about having the kids add the words? I glued the letters on the top index card and then added 10 more to the ring. This way I can still add more cards if I need to! I hope it works!

    2. lol, that's why I asked because I'M horrible about them too! I love the idea, definitely something to put on my list. Thanks!

  5. Oh my heck, your room looks fabulous!
    I hope mine turns out as cute. I have 3 more weeks until I can get in (UHG!).
    Where Seconds Count

  6. All I can say (besides WOW!) is ... you have an office???? JEALOUS!! :)

    Classroom Capers

  7. I am so jealous of your office space! It looks great!

  8. WOW!! I LOVE your classroom! So many cute ideas..especially the reading beads! Love that! Question-Where did you get your classroom rug? I can't find one that size that's not extremely expensive! Thanks! :)

    Elementary Adventure

    1. Thanks! I bought my rug off of craigslist. It was extra carpet the person was not using from when they recarpeted their house! It was 25 bucks! I just painted the lily pads on it myself! Its very dirty though...need to get it cleaned before the kids come back.

  9. WOW! Everything looks fabulous!! I wish that I had an office space like yours. You did a great job decorating everything. Your students are lucky to have such a dedicated teacher! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  10. Your room looks great! If you don't mind, I borrowed your word wall picture and linked it to you in my latest blog post. I'm trying to figure out what to do about my own word wall and looking for advice. Please stop by!

    The Dalton Gang

  11. It's absolutely beautiful. Come link up to my before and after linky party. You can win an awesome set of name tags.

    ✣ Miss Nelson✣
    Miss Nelson’s Blog

  12. I LOVE looking at teacher classrooms when getting ready for a new year! Thanks for sharing yours!!! I am jealous of your office, but then again, mine would probably be a mess more often than not- okay, maybe my classroom would be more organized, since I could hide everything else behind a closed curtained door.

    Shar W.

  13. Thank you all for the comments! I am so glad it is done and I don't have to really think about it any more this summer:)

  14. Your room looks fabulous! Where did you get the subject circles for your I can statement board?

    1. Thanks:) I actually made them. I plan on putting them in my tpt and tn store store today!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love your blog! I'm your newest follower! I hope you can come visit my blog as well, I'm new at this but I absolutely love it. I love your pictures from Ireland, I've always wanted to go.

    Teaching Is Love
