Reading is SWEET and I have a winner!

I love teaching reading, it is one of my favorite subject! But for some reason, coming up with reading homework that kids will actually do has always been a challenge! I have tried weekly packets, reading questions, task cards, reading logs, and all sorts of activities. And let me be honest for a often do I look at their reading homework? And how many nights a week do kids have something going on. From football, to dance, to swimming...anything! So it is my plan that this year I make LESS work on me, and more meaningful reading homework for the kids:) Sounds good huh?

I stumbled upon Lindsey over at The Teacher Wife's reading is sweet board. I really like her idea! This is her board!
For every 100 minutes the kids read, they earn a pony bead that goes on their dog chain necklace! Sometimes she puts a piece of candy on the dog tag so when they get their 100 minutes they can take the candy and get a pony bead! If you want to know more about how Lindsey does this, she has a ton of information on her blog!

I will have my kids will do the same thing, but each week I want them to pick ONE story they read, or a part of a chapter book and write a well-written summary. This way, it's not writing every night but they are actually reading every night. This is my reading log I created. There are two logs on one page.  I plan on making double sided copies so I can have one sheet for the whole month. 
If you are interested in this log with the Reading is sweet poster click HERE!

I have a winner...well 3! 3 lucky people have won my Level Up positive behavior management unit for free! These people are.....

I picked 3 instead of 2:) I will be sending you an email here shortly:)

If you are still interested in this unit, I have cut the price back on this unit! You can get it today at my TPT or TN stores! 

Enjoy your Saturday!


  1. I love the poster and The Teacher Wife's board! :)
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  2. Thank you for these! I was thinking about trying her idea and you've just made it easier :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
