
Looky what I got:)

So...my internet finally went out! Ugh! It happened last night:( I knew it was just a matter of time, but man, it stinks not having it! Another reason for a few days of my absence is I have been super busy at work all week doing common core planning!  Me and 2 other teachers in 3rd have been working hard on putting together plans for the first 9 weeks in ELA and also an outline for the whole school year! We have our yearly themes all planned out, trade books and anchor books picked for the year and have started on more detailed lesson ideas for the first 9 weeks! Yeah! Tomorrow is our last day and have high hopes to get the whole first 9 weeks done! 

So yesterday my new Vera Bradley bags came in the mail! I love them and can't decide on which one to keep!

Here is the regular tote

Here is the perfect pocket tote
I love them both. My lesson plan/common core binder fits very well in both...just waiting to get my Erin Condren Life Planner and see how that fits to make a decision. 

Speaking of Erin Condren life planner...I know it is at home waiting for me:) I tried to get my hubby to swing by the house after dinner before the coffee shop but we didn't:( I have 30 more minutes until I can get my hands on it...I CAN'T WAIT! I will be taking pictures of it tomorrow and showing you all! YEAH!

So I am back to working on some units tomorrow! I will be finishing my spelling tic tac toe this week.

Have a great evening:)


  1. Very cute bags! If I had to choose, I would choose the regular tote! Or I would just keep both! ;)

  2. love the totes! keep both ;) you can never have too many bags!


    Miss Elementary

  3. Have a great evening Tonya. Your bags are very cute. I like the first one the best. That is a bummer about your internet. I was hoping it would hold out for you and never go off :(.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  4. I say...keep both! They are both adorable! :-)

    Craft of Teaching

  5. Oh wow...I'd have a hard time deciding! I love them both..:) The colors are so pretty...:) Can't wait to see the post tomorrow about you planner too...:)

  6. Uggg about the internet! I like the first tote. The colors are so bright!
    Third Grade All Stars

  7. I love your new bags! I think you should keep both. I can't wait to see your Erin Condren planner!! You will LOVE it!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  8. You have a hard decision to make on those bags- I like the first bag, but they are both really cute- love the colors!

    Shar W
