
Tic Tac Toe Winner and Linky Party Galore!

I am amazed in how many people were close to my birthday and shocked in the amount of people who guessed my birthday correct! November 5th is my birthday! So congrats to you for guessing correct! If you can, email me at tonyastreatsforteachers@gmail.com and I will get it right to you! Well, the next time I am able to connect to the internet! 

On to some linky parties:)

Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera is having a favorite fonts linky! What I love about these linky parties is the fact I get so many new ideas for fonts to use!

Another linky party is by Ashley over at The Resource Room Teacher. She is having a guilty pleasure linky! How fun!

Ok, some of my guilty pleasures are...
 1. I usually do these two together...especially when I am having a bad day or mad at my hubby...HAHA!
I LOVE this ice cream. I don't eat it often because...well it's like 50 grams of FAT!

I love People Magazine!

2. Greys Anatomy! I just love all the characters! I wish George would come back! He was my favorite! And my cat...is named after him:)

3. 50 Shades of Grey

Now, I am almost done with the first book. While I find myself having a hard time putting it down, I am not sure how I really feel about it. I kinda feel a bit strange reading it! Am I the only one?

4. The Big Bang Theory

My hubby got me into this show and I am HOOKED! I have kinda developed a huge crush on Sheldon! I just love his character!

What are some of your guilty pleasures?

Last but not least, it is Friday so that means it is time for Fabulous Find Friday with Fun in Room 4B! I didn't do a ton of shopping this week due to being at school all week for common core planning! But, I did get a bunch of goodies in the mail! Yesterday I got my final package in the mail out of the 3 things I ordered. I found on etsy these colored ball and chain necklaces I plan on using with my reading is sweet board! I got 30 in 4 different colors! This is what they will look like with the pendant I made:) Before the pony beads of course!
Well, that's it for today! Have a fabulous weekend:)


  1. Thanks for linking up. Love your font selections.

  2. I also love Grey's Anatomy & People Magazine! And I am super obsessed with the 50 Shades books. I think you may enjoy the 2nd & 3rd book more (the first book is definitely the most.. um, how should I say.. "dirty"? For lack of a better word haha). Keep reading! =)

    Thanks for linking up!

    The Resource Room Teacher

    1. That's exactly how I feel...dirty! I have heard the second and third books are better! :)

  3. I just discovered the Big Bang Theory and I love it!

    I have nominated you for an award! Swing by my blog to pick it up!

    Craft of Teaching

  4. Thanks so much for linking up. I love your idea for your reading initiative :)

  5. I felt the same way about 50 Shades... It's weird and way out there, but I like to equate it to a car accident that you can't pull your eyes away from... You can't help but continue reading.

    Miss R's Room

  6. ummm SO feel the same way about 50 shades! lol! I've read the first 2 and I'm taking a little break before reading the 3rd! Question - that book nook poster on pinterest; is it yours? and where is it on your blog? The link is broken and I'm making one for my Monday Made it - I want to be sure and credit the right person! :))
    Rowdy in Room 300

    1. I am buying the second book tomorrow! I finished the first one last night and hates that it left me hanging! Ugh! YES! That is my book nook poster on Pinterest:) That was an old website I had it on. I got rid of that website and started this blog. Thanks for reminding me about it...maybe I should blog about it again!

    2. oh great!! Yes you should! I'm going to be featuring it in my Monday Made it tomorrow :) I *love* the idea - and then there's no reason for arguing over where to sit!! SMART!

  7. Okay so I STILL Have not read the 50 shades of grey... I am doing a horrible job of keeping up with all these new must reads.. I mean I still haven't begun the Hunger Games... and I LOVE reading... I feel like such a slacker. :)

    Reaching for the TOP!

  8. I love your fonts! I have to link up to BOTH of these parties!
    New follower :)
    Buzzing with MS. B
