
Just pictures...and a few words! Plus SUPER SALES

I am BUSY working on this Math Journal Unit! I am loving how it is turning out! Here is a sneak peak!

With the math jounrals...I have also changed up my Math Focus Wall! Once the math journal is done, I plan on making a great blog post talking about my math block!

Some people asked to see the pictures of that division project I had my kids do! I think they turned out great!

I can't forget...to show these two pictures! 
I will be participating in both the TPT and TN sales this weekend!
You can link up with Cindy from Primary Reading Party to see who is participating in the TPT sale!

I will mark my store 25% off for Saturday and Sunday!
OK...back to work for me! Have a great night!!!

Math Journal Requirements???

So I am working on this math journal unit and I feel stuck. Maybe I am just tired...it has been a LONG day! 

This is what I have so far:
I honestly feel like I am missing something. My GOAL is to create multistep problems and I want them to REALLY work through it and explain their thinking!

What am I missing? HELP! And I promise, when this is done...to give a few away;) You guys are always SO helpful!

I'm back...with a fraction freebie:)

Ok, double post...don't get mad! I just have to...well want to....share this freebie I plan on using tomorrow! We are starting fractions but I want to see what they know already. I quickly made this pretest for them to take tomorrow. 

If you want this pretest, just click here. Please let me know what you think! 

 Some of the items you see above come from my Mega Fractions Unit. I have a few other fraction items available in my stores too! They will all be on sale through Thursday night!

I also plan on adding parts to from my Mega pack tonight or tomorrow!

Also, on my post this morning...I said I was in the process of creating a math journal packet. What are some things you would like to see in a math journal packet?

I am thinking of a multistep word problem where they need to do a few things. One huge step would be to write out their explanation of how they solved it. I would also want pictures, key words, and other problem solving strategies. 

I will be back with this unit very very soon! I also plan on taking new pictures of my math focus wall and a post about my new and improved math block. I can't wait to try it out then come tell you all about it!

3 hour Delay and a Sale

It was SOOOOO nice to have a 3 hour delay! I sure loved sleeping in! It makes my day go so much faster! I mean, I only have to be here for 3 hours:) 

Ok...so two things! I am having an End of January Sale in my TPT and TN stores! You can take advantage if 20% off everything in the store! Great time to get those things you might have in your wish list! 

I am also working on changing up my math block! I will have pictures to come soon! One thing I am working on adding is math journaling. This would be where students are expected to solve a word problem, but also write about how they solved it....something that they struggle with so much! Be on the lookout for this VERY soon

Well, the kids are here....off to teach! Have a great day!

OH and no one has guessed my favorite TWO flavors for smoothies! I will give a hint...Strawberry is ONE of the two:) What's the other one???


Love is...Freebie, Valentine's Day Giveaway, Fonts:)

Happy Sunday! It was nice to sleep in today, do a bit of work, go to the gym, and then back home to eat/shower and now get to work! Thank goodness hubby is taking care of dinner tonight! 

So, I was busy last night and this morning making two more fonts. I must say, I am getting better at this! It does take a bit of time though! 

I am going with a Big Bang Theory Theme right now...so today, I bring you Bernadette and Penny!

If you want them, just click the pictures to get the link! Don't forget just to give credit back to me wherever you use it:)

I did a little shopping yesterday at Target...twice...and saw their dollar spot was filled with all sorts of new goodies! 

I found heart sticky notes and knew exactly what I wanted to do with them! Last year my coworker made this awesome...and I mean awesome video with her 4th graders about Love. Check it out here! She had many of my kids from 3rd grade and I just can't help but smile when I see this video!

So, I am not as cool as she is to make a video, but I am going to have the kids tell me what they think LOVE is and place it on these sticky notes. I made a poster to place on the door! 

You can get this poster for FREE here:)

I also found Valentine pencils. So...I made these pencil toppers!

I made a colored set and a black and white set

You can get them at my either of my stores!

BUT...if you would like to win them for free all you have to do is guess the answer to a question. You can guess TWO times. The winner can also pick TWO other people who left comments to win it for free! 

So, I have been obsessed with Planet Smoothie
What is my current favorite smoothie? Here is a hint..it has only TWO flavors! 
I am off to get some more work done! Have a great night!

Out 3 hours early=3 new fonts!

Ok...so we got out of school at 12:30 instead of 3:30 due to the ice and rain. I am not going to lie, it was SO nice. I was able to get home...an hour later...normally a 20 minute drive...pick up Chinese, have lunch with my husband, catch up on DVR, watch an SVU marathon and make 3 new fonts. I am SO SLOW it at. And still really unsure of myself. I hope you like them. You can click on the picture to get them for FREE! Just make sure you give me credit if you decide to use them for freebies or commercially.  

Practice makes perfect...right???

The first person to guess the theme of the font names will win ANYTHING from my store for free:)

Enjoy the rest of your Friday night! I will be spending time tomorrow on my computer updating and making new products. The ice is supposed to stick around...yuck!

So glad I am moving AWAY from this stuff! 

Fractions Winner and my FIRST font...

Seriously...don't laugh! I have been scared all day to post this because I am sooooo unsure about it. I have noticed a few mistakes and will more than likely redo it. It is addicting though, but takes some time. I am sure once I get better at it, it will be easier.

I have an idea how to name my fonts...but this first one was a trial and error...so I just named it TR first.

So...............yes, I am putting it off.....................ugh! ok, for real...here it is!

So, what do you think??? You can click on the picture to download it for free. Just make sure you give credit to me if you decide to use this...well, first try font

If you have ANY tricks or tips about creating fonts...please help a girl out:)

So, the Camping Fireside with Fractions and been a hit. I am so happy with how it turned out! I am working in breaking it apart and offering parts for sale! Onto the winner...drum roll please..............................................................
Miss Foot! Please contact me with your email so I can get you your unit!

Well, that's all I got for today! I have a few things to work on and then it is bed time for me! 

Have a great nighT! 

Fireside Fractions is DONE...winner/giveaway:)

124 pages later and this MEGA fractions unit is done. Now, it is not posted to TPT yet...I am too tired right now. But I will tomorrow. I am breaking many of the activities up into smaller units just in case someone doesn't want the mega pack! Well...here is a sneak peak! I could not get everything on this cover page! 

Here is a look at some of my favorite parts:)

Would you like to win this unit??? All you need to do is leave a comment and I will use the number generator on Wednesday! I think that number generator is SO much easier than rafflecopter:)

Speaking of number generator...the winner of my buttons is...
There was no contact information, so please email me so I can get your info

Ok, I am off to play with my ipad! I got to get started on those fonts:)

Help wanted:)

Anyone want to help me??? I am ALMOST done with my fractions unit...and I can tell you, right now it is 85 pages long! And I am NOT done!  Do you think I should break it up into two smaller units??? Yikes! I might not get to all of your suggestions but I am working on it. I am really trying:) 

Tania, from My Second Sense has been a great help! It just so happens she is a former coworker and lives right up the street! It's so nice to have her set of eyes when I need her to look at something! But, I would love TWO more people who are free tonight, that would be willing to look at this unit for me. Just as soon as I am done:) In return, you will get the final copy for free! I also ask that you review it and leave feedback for other bloggers! I can be pretty bias on my units, so any feedback is great! 

If you are at all interested...just leave a comment below with your email. I think I need another hour on it and I should be done! 

I will hopefully be back tonight to post my new unit! AND reveal the winner of the buttons